SKU: B9.1323-PV
9 x 12 inches.
Libretto by Marc Bamuthi Joseph.
ISBN 9780825889486. UPC: 798408089481. 8.5 x 11 inches.
Yosemite Falls depicts the wide open spaces of this magnificent western treasure, exploring new sounds and harmonies in a fresh approach from Sean O'Loughlin. However, this work retains his signature flourishes, such as angular rhythm, drive, and punctuated harmonies. A very strong choice for your more advanced ensembles in contest or festival performance.The grandeur and spectacle of Yosemite National Park is the inspiration for the music of Yosemite Falls. Located in the northwest corner of California, this park continues to be a natural wonder to all who visit it each year. The falls are particularly beautiful in the spring when all the snow from winter is melting away.The piece begins with a pulsing rhythmic figure that will return periodically throughout the piece. Bring out the dynamic contrast in the section that follows at m. 9. The main melody appears at m. 17 and should have a light and airy feel to it. The secondary melody comes in at m. 30 and has a much more legato and lyrical quality. This melody continues to grow and expand until m. 44 when the opening rhythmic idea returns. This rhythm gets developed further throughout the nextfew sections until the main and secondary melodies collide at m. 67. Bring out the inner lines to create a lush accompaniment. This culminates in a unison statement of the melody at m. 83. The silence on the downbeat of m. 84 creates space and anticipation for the pulsing rhythms that gain momentum to the exciting conclusion.
About Carl Fischer Concert String Orchestra Series
This series of pieces (Grade 3 and higher) is designed for advancing ensembles. The pieces in this series are characterized by:
SKU: FJ.B1766S
With flowing melodic lines and rich harmonic textures throughout, this work depicts a beautiful journey down the Niagara River. As the river gains strength, the music gradually builds in intensity until it gives way to the awe-inspiring view of Niagara Falls. Exceptional writing by a young composer, and a great way to expose your students to music by one of their peers.
About FJH Concert Band
Designed for high school groups and upper-level middle school groups. Independence is encouraged, but many lines are cross-cued. Usually includes an expanded percussion section. Grades 3 - 3.5
SKU: FJ.B1766
UPC: 241444399088. English.
SKU: HL.14002290
ISBN 9788759859087. Danish.
Anders Brodsgaard JOKER, ATTACCA and REQUIEM'Joker' was inspired by Keith Jarret's piano style, parti-cularly as it unfolds in his famous concerts of solo improvisation. The title comes from the fact that a kind of 'joker effect' is built-in in the rhythmic play which disturbs the 'arithmetical problem' and forces the music to continue everytime a four-layered polyrhythm is about to come out.'Attacca' is a wild(ly) uncontrolled outburst, which startsin the highest layers of cloud of four rows of overtones and gradually falls down in a more differentiated diatonic domain.'Requiem' was composed in the memory of my father and the piece is about 'hearing voices'.
ISBN 9781619281110. UPC: 674398233038. English.
The beautiful, hazy-blue mountains, flowing rivers, waterfalls, and magnificent vistas of the Smokies are highlighted in this collection. Some titles are: Deer in the Cove, A Peaceful Mountain Trail, The Newfound Gap, and Smokey Mountain Laurel. Other pieces bring to mind traditional Appalachian music: The Happy Fiddler, Autumn Hoedown, and Old Settlers' Waltz. Most of the nine pieces are three pages.
About FJH Composers in Focus
Composers in Focus is a series of original piano collections celebrating the creative artistry of contemporary composers. It is through the work of these composers that the piano teaching repertoire is enlarged and enhanced.
SKU: HL.44005955
UPC: 884088044251. 9x12 inches. International (more than one language).
The nine easy, fun-to-play fragments in this book can be played in the first position with occasional fourth finger use. These lovely pieces enable the beginner musician to perform comfortably at an early stage in their development - and performing experience is vital for any musician! Violin and Piano. Book and CD. The nine easy, fun-to-play fragments in this book can be played in the first position with occasional fourth finger use. These lovely pieces enable the beginner musician to perform comfortably at an early stage in their development - and performing experience is vital for any musician! Die einfachen, melodischen Stucke in Easy Melodic Fragments sind fur Violinschuler mit geringen technischen Fertigkeiten geeignet. Sie sind in der ersten Lage zu spielen mit gelegentlicher Verwendung des vierten Fingers. Mit diesen Stucken will der Komponist Colin Cowles die Spieler zum Vorspielen motivieren - ein wichtiger Aspekt des Musizierens in jedem Lernstadium! Auf der beiliegenden CD werden die Stucke abwechselnd von Violine und Viola vorgespielt, dann folgt die Begleitung zum Mitspielen. Die Klavierbegleitungen sind ebenfalls im Buch notiert.The Easy Sound of Pop, Rock & Blues e una raccolta di pezzi divertenti pensati per tutti i musicisti che desiderano diventare delle vere star in tutti i generi musicali. L'accompagnamento sul CD e tonico e movimentato. Nei brani potrete dare spazio alla vostra creativita inventando i vostri soli.
SKU: HL.44005956
UPC: 884088044268. 9x12 inches. International (more than one language).
The nine easy, fun-to-play fragments in this book can be played in the first position with occasional fourth finger use. These lovely pieces enable the beginner musician to perform comfortably at an early stage in their development - and performing experience is vital for any musician! Die einfachen, melodischen Stucke in Easy Melodic Fragments sind fur Violaschuler mit geringen technischen Fertigkeiten geeignet. Sie sind in der ersten Lage zu spielen mit gelegentlicher Verwendung des vierten Fingers. Mit diesen Stucken will der Komponist Colin Cowles die Spieler zum Vorspielen motivieren - ein wichtiger Aspekt des Musizierens in jedem Lernstadium! Auf der beiliegenden CD werden die Stucke abwechselnd von Violine und Viola vorgespielt, dann folgt die Begleitung zum Mitspielen. Die Klavierbegleitungen sind ebenfalls im Buch notiert.Nove brani da concerto divertenti da eseguire in prima posizione (utilizzo del quarto dito). L'accompagnamento del piano (su CD e versione cartacea inclusi) rivaleggiano di interesse e di immaginazione. Affiancando questa pubblicazione ai vostri libri di studi, alternerete l'apprendimento della tecnica con l'altrettanto importante momento pedagogico: ascoltare e suonare assieme agli altri. Esibitevi da soli utilizzando le basi registrate da una vera live band, oppure insieme ad un amico pianista che vi accompagnera nelle prime esecuzioni in pubblico.
SKU: PR.114423770
UPC: 680160688579.
When RoseWind Duo’s Clifford Leaman and Scott Herring commissioned me for Silver Linings, we could not have anticipated that we would be in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic when I composed the piece. In the early summer of 2020, when the three of us met virtually to discuss possible topics, we had all been in lockdown for several months; the causes and effects of the lockdown were at the forefront of our discussion. In themidst of daily tragedies, I had been seeing news stories using the words “silver lining†to describe unexpectedly positive situations arising from our global situation, ranging from small effects (i.e. people having time to work on projects they never could get around to doing) to global ramifications (resurging animal populations in areas where they’re no longer challenged for space with humanity).Silver Linings consists of two movements. Groundhog Day, the first movement, is slow and brooding. It embodies the strong feeling of déjà vu that so many of us experienced early on into lockdown, as we seemed to live the same day repeatedly with minor variances to our schedules. There are two main musical gestures: the first opens the piece as a slow, ascending minor chord which is a representation of uncertainty, and the secondis a falling minor scale. These gestures depict how our lives were reduced to the basic building blocks of life – wake up, eat, work, eat, sleep – as our daily activities and livelihoods were suddenly knocked down. These same two gestures are utilized in the energetic second movement, Making Lemonade, except that they are spun around to reveal their silver linings: the minor chord falls to sound centered and decisive, and the minor scale rises as it bubbles with activity. Among the seeds of despair are also foundseeds of hope, and the saxophone and marimba explore this hopefulness with great vigor and excitement.
SKU: PE.EP14445
ISBN 9790014135041. 297 x 420 mm inches. German.
ARKA stammt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet so viel wie Strahl, Blitz, Sonne, Licht, aber auch Lied, Feuer und Hymnus, und entwickelt in meiner Vorstellung sehr viele unterschiedliche Assoziationsfelder. In ARKA stecken auch die Worter arc (beten) und ka (Wasser), und es kann auch ubersetzt werden mit: ,,Das Wasser stromt aus dem heraus, der mehr weiss.
Mein neues Werk fur Pipa, Oboe, Pauke, Schlagzeug und Orchester entstand im Auftrag der Kammerakademie Neuss und auf Anregung des Oboisten Christian Wetzel. Es entstanden drei Rituale mit zum Teil szenischen Elementen fur die Solisten und das Orchester.
Inspirationsquelle in der Vorbeschaftigung waren zwei Quellen und Bucher. Das Daodejing von Laozi in der hervorragenden Neuubersetzung von Viktor Kalinke, eine der wichtigsten Quellen chinesischen Denkens und der Philosophie dieser grossen Kulturtradition und die chinesische Tradition der 5-Elementelehre und der Wandlungsphasen. Als zweites Buch hat mich ,,Die Glut von Roberto Calasso inspiriert, ein Buch uber die indischen Veden in Verbindung mit den Ursprungen des Buddhismus und den damit verbunden Ritualen.
In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich mich intensiv mit ostasiatischer Musik, Kunst und Philosophie beschaftigt und habe das auch durch langere Studienreisen und kompositorische Projekte vertiefen konnen. U.a. wurde 2012 mein Chorwerk PRAN in Kolkata in Indien uraufgefuhrt (Goethe-Institut), ebenfalls 2012 ,,in between VI fur Sho und Sheng in Tokyo und 2013 ,,Mirror and Circle fur Pipa, Cello und chinesisches Orchester in Taipeh/Taiwan (Auftragswerk der taiwanesischen Regierung). Mit der chinesischen Pipa-Virtuosin Ya Dong arbeite ich seit 2000 zusammen und habe fur sie mehrfach komponiert (Urauffuhrungen u.a. in Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Taipeh 2013, Magdeburg 2016). Auch mit Christian Wetzel arbeite ich seit uber 20 Jahren zusammen und habe ebenfalls haufig fur ihn komponiert (UA u.a. in Bonn 1999, Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Darmstadt 2004 und etliche weitere Projekte).
Jedes dieser drei Rituale hat eine Lange von ca. 6-7 Minuten und stellt unterschiedliche Qualitaten und Besonderheiten der beiden Soloinstrumente heraus, immer in Verbindung mit der Interaktion zwischen Soli und Orchester. Die Besetzung war fur mich ausserst reizvoll, da beide Instrumente in dieser Kombination noch nie so erklungen sind. Die Pipa ist ein ungemein modernes und ungewohnliches Instrument, reich an Farben und vor allem an perkussiven Effekten. Das Tonmaterial wurde zum grossten Teil aus den Namen der beiden Solisten gewonnen und ergibt interessanter zwei gespiegelte Viertonmotive. In der asiatischen Kultur spielen der Spiegel und der Kreis eine wichtige Rolle, und so werden die Tone, Rhythmen und Formen eingewoben in diese drei Rituale, welche am Ende des dritten Satzes wieder kreisformig an den Anfang des ersten Rituals anknupfen. Ein von den Streichern und der Pauke erzeugtes Gerausch, verbunden mit dem Rhythmus der grossen Trommel, welcher einen Herzschlag symbolisieren soll. Die drei Untertitel der Rituale Himmel, Erde und (atmospharischer) Raum spielen im vedischen und chinesischen Denken eine grosse Rolle und war fur mich beim Komponieren ebenfalls eine sehr starke Inspirationsquelle. In vielen meiner Kompositionen gibt es Raumeffekte, Annaherungen an das Publikum, das Verschieben von Perspektiven, die Dekonstruktion und das Hinterfragen der ublichen Konzertsituation, so u.a in meinem Beuys-Zyklus oder in den Zyklen ,,CUT und ,,in between.
In ARKA geht es mir besonders um die Interaktion zwischen westlichem und ostlichem Denken, um das gegenseitige Durchdringen dieser auf den ersten Blick so unterschiedlichen Denk- und Lebensweisen, um eine Verschmelzung scheinbarer Gegensatze - um Annaherung!
Bernd Franke. Leipzig, 11.10.2019
for low voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for low voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for high voice and piano.
AGNI is the Hindu god of fire; the elemental and transformative force inherent in everything:
Every flame, every fire, every light, every warmth is AGNI.
AGNI is omnipresent, establishing everything and ending everything.
AGNI is often depicted with seven tongues which represent different aspects of his being.
These include: creating, sustaining, cleansing, purifying, priestly, martial, devastating, destructive, and consuming.
Derived from Franke's concerto of the same name, this solo work for bass clarinet compositionally traces the transformative processes initiated by the divine fire. The solo takes seven pieces from the concerto, presenting vivid character pieces exploring the creative possibilities and wide tonal range offered by the bass clarinet.
This version of AGNI for bass clarinet solo was premiered on 4 December 2020 in Leipzig by Volker Hemken, the principal bass clarinetist of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. EP14437a convinces with its excellent and clear notation, making the piece a new standard for bass clarinet.
Ikons, commissioned by the Vancouver Cultural Olympiad 2010, exists in two forms. This 14-minute acoustic version, premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble, calls for an octet of live musicians to execute complex rhythms and quarter-tone harmonies.
The interactive, electronic version, created with visual artist Eric Metcalfe and designed to be presented separately, incorporates samples from this acoustic version into a sculptural environment of seven pyramidal structures that respond sonically to the viewer.
Roxanna Panufnik's Sonnets without Words is a contemporary piece for Horn in F and piano. Written for horn player Ben Goldscheider, Panufnik has reimagined the lyrical vocal lines from three of her previous settings of Shakespeare's sonnets (Mine eye, Music to hear and Sweet Love Remember'd for voice and piano) into a purely instrumental work.
Score and horn part.
Stephen McNeff's Trig is a short 7-minute contemporary work for solo cello, written to celebrate the bicentennial of the Royal Academy of Music in 2022 and in memorium cellist Mike Edwards 1948-2010.
Trig was premiered by Henry Hargreaves on 19 March 2021, livestreamed from the Royal Academy of Music.
to an utterance - study was commissioned by Klangforum Wien for the premiere commercial audio recording on a portrait CD in 2020 and first performed by Joonas Ahonen at the Berlin Philharmonie on 4th September 2020 at the Musikfest Berlin.
Roxanna Panufnik's Spirit Moves, for brass quintet, was commissioned by the Fine Arts Brass Ensemble. This 15-minute piece is scored for two trumpets in Bb (one doubling piccolo trumpet and the other doubling flugel horn), horn in F, trombone and tuba. This brass quintet is so called because the outer movements are highly spirited and the central one is spiritual.
This product consists of score and parts.
A gently flowing 3-minute arrangement by Roderick Williams for SATB (with divisi) with piano accompaniment that captures the beauty of this famous traditional Hebridean love song. The song text uses both old dialect and English, each verse ending with the words, 'Sad am I without thee'.
for high voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for high voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for low voice and piano.
for SATB and organ This energetic setting of words by St Ambrose of Milan is a real showstopper. With pop-influences and a sparkling organ part, Young effortlessly fuses modern and traditional sound worlds, while changes in key and metre build up to an invigorating finish. Perfect for accomplished choirs looking for something different.
for SA unaccompanied This simple, charming two-part motet features long melismatic phrases that reflect the text (1 Corinthians 2: 9), such as the rising melodic line over three bars on the word 'ascended' (ascendit).
for SAATB unaccompanied. This glorious musical depiction of the honour, strength, power and authority of the Holy Trinity by Thomas Tallis is the third issue in the CMS's series of great English Responds from the 16th century, edited by Sally Dunkley. Scored for SAATB, it can be performed either as a motet or as a full Responsory with plainsong alternating with polyphony.
Based on a traditional Scottish/Irish 'farewell' song, this short piece is one of six works written to express my love of Scotland. After living there for nearly half my life, and raising a family, I moved back to England in 2018, and remarried in 2019.
Of course, there were many different emotions attached to the move south: especially the joy and excitement of new beginnings, and reconnection with friends from my youth.
But this piece expresses the wrench I experienced after a last family meal in Glasgow, and the realisation of all I was about to leave behind.
I have taken the melody of the original song, and expanded it, exploring the detail of its patterns, so that it becomes a timeless meditation.
The six pieces in the 'farewell' series are for 6 violas, string quintet, string quartet, trio, violin and clarinet duo, and solo clarinet.
The Parting Glass was composed in 2020 during the coronavirus lockdown, which intensified the feeling of separation from my Scottish family, as well as from other musicians.
It was commissioned by Vittorio Ceccanti for the ContempoArtEnsemble.
Maple arose from a commission to write a work for solo cello, to be performed alongside readings from artist John Newling's collection of letters entitled 'Dear Nature'; a poetic manifestation of our relationship with the natural world.
The piece is in eight short sections, to be interspersed with readings of groups of the poems. It may also be performed as a single movement. It begins with a seed - the seed of a maple tree, as it hangs on the mature tree, ready to drop. The seeds are like propellers, sometimes travelling more than a mile before landing on the ground. Maple follows the growth of the tree to maturity - which in reality would take at least a hundred years. 'Roots, shoots' grows downwards and upwards from a pedal note, and the dance-like 'Flowers' is followed by the stately 'Tree', and then the warm, cascading 'Autumn'. Maple is very often the wood of choice for the back of a stringed instrument, and the last section uses open strings to explore the full resonance of the cello.
The piece starts with a 'seed' of only five notes, which grows into different configurations. It is intended to be played in an improvisatory style.
Maple was co-commissioned by Brighton Festival, Ars et Terra Festival with SACEM and Ditchling Arts and Crafts Museum, to be performed by Margarita Balanas as part of the Brighton Festival's 'Dear Nature' project.
First performed by Noriko Kawai for Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, in a broadcast from the Radio Theatre, BBC Broadcasting House, November 2020.
Full of beautifully crafted, delicate tintinnabulations - Richard Morrison, The Times
ISBN 9780825877520. UPC: 798408077525. 9.5 x 13 inches.
Nuptial Scene was commissioned by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra in cooperation with the city of Jerusalem for the celebration of the fourth Testimonium, a festival to preserve Jewish heritage. The work was written in September, 1975, and premiered in Jerusalem in February, 1976, with the Jerusalem Symphony, Juan Pablo Izquierdo conducting, and Adi Etzion as soloist. It is dedicated to Recha Freier, the originator and prime mover of the festival. Nuptial Scene is based on a simple medieval poem of prenuptial instruction. Part of it is in Catalan and part in Hebrew. The poem originated in Catalonia, where a highly developed Jewish community existed until the expulsion of 1492. A mother is instructing her daughter in the ways and strategies of marriage and rejoicing with a new song for a new bride. When I initially planned the setting for this lovely poem, I realized that the age of the daughter would be about twelve, for girls in that historical period were married at puberty. This set in motion a scheme for the composition, since my oldest daughter was thirteen at that time, and I used her psyche to give me direction. When a girl of twelve or thirteen thinks of a wedding, she is completely captivated by its frills -- the dress, the party, the dancing. In her imagination, the reality of a husband or any kind of domestic responsibility would be nonexistent. Therefore, during the mother's ardent pleas, instructions, admonitions, and even innuendos, the daughter's mind wanders and dreams of dancing. Musically, the rather straight, somber rhythm and melody of the song are interrupted by an independent, faster dance speed of the bongos and by scattered fragments of an actual medieval Spanish-Jewish dance. At the point where the mother speaks of sensuous marital problems, she herself becomes excited, and in a nostalgic, dreamlike spirit -- with the use of improvised melodic lines for which only the gestural outlines are given -- she goes into a kind of rapturous trance. The daughter, however, seems unmoved, and she falls asleep. The mother calms down, puts her head on the daughter's shoulder, and quietly muses, then also closes her eyes. --Samuel Adler  .Nuptial Scene was commissioned by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra in cooperation with the city of Jerusalem for the celebration of the fourth “Testimoniumâ€, a festival to preserve Jewish heritage. The work was written in September, 1975, and premiered in Jerusalem in February, 1976, with the Jerusalem Symphony, Juan Pablo Izquierdo conducting, and Adi Etzion as soloist.  It is dedicated to Recha Freier, the originator and prime mover of the festival.Nuptial Scene is based on a simple medieval poem of prenuptial instruction. Part of it is in Catalan and part in Hebrew. The poem originated in Catalonia, where a highly developed Jewish community existed until the expulsion of 1492. A mother is instructing her daughter in the ways and strategies of marriage and rejoicing with a “new song†for a “new brideâ€.When I initially planned the setting for this lovely poem, I realized that the age of the daughter would be about twelve, for girls in that historical period were married at puberty. This set in motion a scheme for the composition, since my oldest daughter was thirteen at that time, and I used her psyche to give me direction. When a girl of twelve or thirteen thinks of a wedding, she is completely captivated by its frills — the dress, the party, the dancing. In her imagination, the reality of a husband or any kind of domestic responsibility would be nonexistent. Therefore, during the mother’s ardent pleas, instructions, admonitions, and even innuendos, the daughter’s mind wanders and dreams of dancing. Musically, the rather straight, somber rhythm and melody of the song are interrupted by an independent, faster dance speed of the bongos and by scattered fragments of an actual medieval Spanish-Jewish dance. At the point where the mother speaks of sensuous marital problems, she herself becomes excited, and in a nostalgic, dreamlike spirit — with the use of improvised melodic lines for which only the gestural outlines are given — she goes into a kind of rapturous trance. The daughter, however, seems unmoved, and she falls asleep. The mother calms down, puts her head on the daughter’s shoulder, and quietly muses, then also closes her eyes.—Samuel Adler .
ISBN 9780825877513. UPC: 798408077518. 9.5 x 13 inches.
SKU: HL.44007324
UPC: 884088245214. 9.0x12.0x1.232 inches. English(UK)/Deutsch/Francais/Nederlands.
Colorado Springs was commissioned by the United States Air Force Academy Band, Lieutenant Steve Grimo, Commmander/Conductor. Colorado Springs, home of the USAF Academy, is set in spectacular landscape towards the southern end of the Rocky Mountains and is a popular tourist resort for skiing and hiking. The Academy plays an important part in the life of the area and serves as a base for the USAFA Band, one of the professional bands forming part of the musical life of the U.S. Air Force. The suite is in three movements: 1. The Springs (fanfare) - “The Springs†is the local residents' name for the town, and this first movement starts with a stirring fanfare for brass and percussion, opening with bold unison horns. The rest of the brass join in and woodwind add decorative figures. After a short change of style, the opening material reappears to close the movement. 2. Seven Falls - Seven Falls is a spectacular waterfall near to the town which cascades 181 feet in seven distinct steps down a solid cliff of pikes peak granite. In this movement, high woodwinds describe the sparkling water as it descends to a popular lookout post near the bottom of the falls. 3. Pikes Peak - To the north-west of the town and reaching an altitude 14,110 feet, Pikes Peak is the farthest east of the big peaks in the Rocky Mountain chain, which contributed to its early fame among explorers and pioneers, and made it the symbol of the 1859 Gold Rush to Colorado with the slogan, “Pikes Peak or Bust.†It is the second-most visited mountain in the world behind Japan's Mount Fuji. This atmospheric movement describes the majesty of the mountain and is based around the fanfare from the first movement. Opening on a solitary bassoon, it is not long before the main theme appears under bubbling woodwinds. The music reaches a passionate climax at which point the opening fanfare reappears to bring the whole work to a close.
SKU: HL.44007325
UPC: 884088245221. 9.0x12.0x0.173 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Colorado Springs was commissioned by the United States Air Force Academy Band, Lieutenant Steve Grimo, Commmander/Conductor. Colorado Springs, home of the USAF Academy, is set in spectacular landscape towards the southern end of the Rocky Mountains and is a popular tourist resort for skiing and hiking. The Academy plays an important part in the life of the area and serves as a base for the USAFA Band, one of the professional bands forming part of the musical life of the U.S. Air Force. The suite is in three movements: 1. The Springs (fanfare) - The Springs is the local residents' name for the town, and this first movement starts with a stirring fanfare for brass and percussion, opening with bold unison horns. The rest of the brass join in and woodwind add decorative figures. After a short change of style, the opening material reappears to close the movement. 2. Seven Falls - Seven Falls is a spectacular waterfall near to the town which cascades 181 feet in seven distinct steps down a solid cliff of pikes peak granite. In this movement, high woodwinds describe the sparkling water as it descends to a popular lookout post near the bottom of the falls. 3. Pikes Peak - To the north-west of the town and reaching an altitude 14,110 feet, Pikes Peak is the farthest east of the big peaks in the Rocky Mountain chain, which contributed to its early fame among explorers and pioneers, and made it the symbol of the 1859 Gold Rush to Colorado with the slogan, Pikes Peak or Bust. It is the second-most visited mountain in the world behind Japan's Mount Fuji. This atmospheric movement describes the majesty of the mountain and is based around the fanfare from the first movement. Opening on a solitary bassoon, it is not long before the main theme appears under bubbling woodwinds. The music reaches a passionate climax at which point the opening fanfare reappears to bring the whole work to a close.