SKU: HL.44010981
UPC: 884088624095. 9x12 inches. English-German.
Philip Sparke was commissioned to compose a gentle chorale, a style typical of Philip's writing, and Cantilena was the result. Enthuse your dedicated performers hunger for great music with this new masterpiece. Philip Sparke was commissioned to compose a gentle chorale, a style typical of Philip's writing, and Cantilena was the result. Enthuse your dedicated performers hunger for great music with this new masterpiece. Philip Sparke was commissioned to compose a gentle chorale, a style typical of Philip's writing, and Cantilena was the result. Enthuse your dedicated performers hunger for great music with this new masterpiece. Cantilena wurde als Pflichtstück für das Grenland International Brass Festival im norwegischen Ort Skien in Auftrag gegeben. In Anlehnung an das Stück Catilena von Henrik Ibsen, der in Skien geboren wurde, komponierte Philip Sparke Cantilena, was Wiegenlied und ausserdem, etwas weiter gefasst in einem gesanglichen Stil spielen bedeutet, und sich damit als der perfekte Titel für dieses lyrische und leidenschaftliche Stück anbot.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084356-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Geschreven in opdracht van de Tokai Village Wind Band, Ibaraki Pref. Dit werk is geschreven na de ontmoeting tussen de componist en Susumu Hara, een bevlogen dirigent en docent aan het Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. Toen SatoshiYagisawa hem ontmoette, spraken ze vol enthousiasme over muziek. De Tokai Village Wind Band - waarvan Susumu Hara de dirigent is - bestaat uit veel gedreven en toegewijde spelers. Hara liet de componist kennismaken met dit orkesten vertelde hem dat het bij uitstek geschikt was om een koraal uit te voeren dat kenmerkend is voor Yagisawa’s componeerstijl. Zo ontstond Cantilena.Dieses Stück entstand nach einer Begegnung des Komponisten mit Susumu Hara, einem ausgezeichneten japanischen Musiklehrer und Dirigenten eines begeisterten Blasorchesters. Im Laufe einer enthusiastischen Diskussion über Musik kristallisierte sich der Wunsch nach einem sanften Stück, wie es typisch für Yagisawas Kompositionsstil ist, heraus. Und ein solches lieferte der Komponist mit Cantilena - ein elegantes Werk, das bei auch bei Ihrem Publikum gut ankommen wird!Sous l’élégance de l’écriture aérienne se révèle une œuvre mélodieuse de style choral. Les couleurs sonores déambulent au gré de leur fantaisie en quête de poésie et de fraternité. Les notes s’égrènent, le charme de la cantilène opère.
SKU: HL.49045701
ISBN 9790001167468. UPC: 841886033566. 9.0x12.0x0.047 inches.
This Cantilena is based on stage music by Francisco A. Barbieri (1823-1894), from Don Quijote de la Mancha, drama in three acts by Ventura de la Vega (1807-1865), inspired by the work of Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616).
SKU: GH.CG-6989
For voice (original version).
SKU: HL.14003183
ISBN 9781844499809. UPC: 884088433666. 8.25x11.75 inches.
First published in 1969, this tranquil and slow piece with it's gently undulating melody and soft chordal accompaniment is ideal for the repertoire of any Oboe player of grade four and above. The solo line is also suitable for performance on the Oboe, Clarinet, Horn and Cello.
SKU: CA.2732203
ISBN 9790007248413. Latin.
Through works such as Verdi’s Requiem or Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, we know that the great composers of Italian bel canto opera also wrote marvelous sacred music. Yet most of these pieces are rarely performed. This is also true of Gaetano Donizetti’s Messa di Requiem, which he composed as an expression of grief at the early death of Vincenzo Bellini in 1835. Neither performed nor printed during Donizetti’s lifetime, the Requiem is ripe for rediscovery. A rich and highly intense work, it features dramatic choruses with full orchestra, fugues, and a cappella passages that alternate with lengthy cantilenas for the soloists. These solo cantilenas are often scored for three male voices accompanied by low winds to create a dark timbre. The soprano and alto soloists do not themselves sing any solo arias, instead remaining part of the solo ensemble.Carus is offering a critical edition of this editorially challenging work complete with vocal score, choral score, and all orchestral parts.. Score available separately - see item CA.2732200.
SKU: CA.2732200
ISBN 9790007248406. Latin.
Through works such as Verdi’s Requiem or Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, we know that the great composers of Italian bel canto opera also wrote marvelous sacred music. Yet most of these pieces are rarely performed. This is also true of Gaetano Donizetti’s Messa di Requiem, which he composed as an expression of grief at the early death of Vincenzo Bellini in 1835. Neither performed nor printed during Donizetti’s lifetime, the Requiem is ripe for rediscovery. A rich and highly intense work, it features dramatic choruses with full orchestra, fugues, and a cappella passages that alternate with lengthy cantilenas for the soloists. These solo cantilenas are often scored for three male voices accompanied by low winds to create a dark timbre. The soprano and alto soloists do not themselves sing any solo arias, instead remaining part of the solo ensemble.Carus is offering a critical edition of this editorially challenging work complete with vocal score, choral score, and all orchestral parts.
SKU: CA.2732205
ISBN 9790007248420. Latin.
SKU: BT.AMP-337-140
The composer writes:On March 11th 2011 a massive 9.0- magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of north-eastern Japan.I'm writing these programme notes barely a week later and the death toll caused by the quake and resulting tsunami already exceeds 6000, with thousands of people still unaccounted for. I have many friends associated with many bands throughout Japan and one of these, Yutaka Nishida, suggested I write a piece to raise money to help those affected by the disaster. I was immediately attracted by the idea and have arranged Cantilena (a brass band piece recently commissioned by the Grenland International Brass Festival, Norway) for wind band, giving it a new title tohonour my friends in the Land of the Rising Sun.I will be donating royalties from this piece to the Japanese Red Cross Society Emergency Relief Fund and am delighted to say that my distributors, De Haske, who will generously also donate all net profits from sales of this piece, have pledged a substantial advance payment to the Red Cross so that what little help this project generates can be immediate.It is my sincere wish that this 'Band Aid' project will allow wind bands around the world support the people of Japan, where bands are a way of life for many, in this difficult time.Philip Sparke De componist schrijft:Op 11 maart 2011 vond er vlak bij de noordkust van Japan een enorme aardbeving - 9.0 op de schaal van Richter - plaats.Ik maak deze werkbeschrijving nauwelijks een week later en het aantal doden dat de aardbevingen de daaropvolgende tsunami hebben geëist, komt al uit boven de 6000, terwijl er nog steeds duizenden mensen worden vermist.Ik heb veel vrienden die met orkesten in heel Japan werken, en een van hen, Yutaka Nishida, steldevoor dat ik een stuk zou schrijven om geld bij elkaar te krijgen voor hulp aan de slachtoffers van de ramp. Ik vond het meteen een goed idee en ik heb vervolgens Cantilena ( een brassbandwerk dat ik recentelijk heb gecomponeerd voorhet Grenland International Brass festival in Noorwegen) gearrangeerd voor harmonieorkest en er een nieuwe titel aan gegeven, als eerbewijs aan mijn vrienden in het land van de rijzende zon.De royalty's die ik voor dit werk krijg,zal ik doneren aan het Japanse noodhulpfonds van het Rode Kruis, en ik ben heel blij dat mijn distributeur, De Haske, die eveneens alle nettowinst op dit werk zal doneren, bereid is alvast een grote vooruitbetaling te doen aanhet Rode Kruis, zodat de hulp die uit dit project voortkomt, hoe bescheiden wellicht ook, onmiddellijk in gang gezet kan worden.Ik hoop oprecht dat dit 'Band Aid-project' het blaasorkesten wereldwijd mogelijk maakt de mensen in Japante steunen - een land waar blaasmuziek voor velen een manier van leven is. Der Komponist schreibt über sein Stück:Am 11. März 2011 ereignete sich ein Erdbeben der Stärke 9,0 vor der nordöstlichen Küste Japans.Diese Werkbeschreibung schreibe ich nur eine Woche später. Die Zahl der Todesopfer des Erdbebens und des dadurch ausgelösten Tsunamis überschreitet bereits die 6000, wobei noch tausende Menschen als vermisst gelten.Ich habe zahlreiche Freunde in Japan, die mit vielen Blasorchestern im ganzen Land verbunden sind. Einer dieser Freunde, Yutaka Nishida, schlug mir vor, ein Stück zu schreiben, um mit dem Erlös den von der Katastrophe betroffenen Menschen zu helfen. Ich war gleich begeistert von dieser Idee und habe daraufhin Cantilena(ein Brass-Band-Stück, das ich jüngst für das Grenland International Brass Festival in Norwegen komponierte) für Blasorchester bearbeitet und ihm zu Ehren meiner Freunde im Land der aufgehenden Sonne einen neuen Titel gegeben.Ich werde meine Tantiemen für dieses Stück dem Hilfsfonds des Japanischen Roten Kreuzes spenden. Ich bin auch sehr froh, dass mein Verlag De Haske, der ebenfalls alle Erlöse aus diesem Stück spenden wird, dem Roten Kreuz bereits im Voraus eine bedeutende Summe geschickt hat, damit der kleine Beitrag, den dieses Projekt beitragen kann, sofort ankommt.Es ist mein inniger Wunsch, dass dieses Band Aid“-Projekt Blasorchestern auf der ganzen Welt ermöglichen wird, den Menschen in Japan zu helfen, wo Blasorchester in dieser schweren Zeit für viele ein Weg sind, das Leben aufrecht zu erhalten.“Philip Sparke Le 11 mars 2011, un violent séisme de magnitude 9.0 s’est produit près de la côte nord-est du Japon. J’écris cette note de programme tout juste une semaine après la terrible catastrophe, et le nombre de morts causé par le tremblement de terre et le tsunami provoqué par ce dernier, s’élève déj plus de 6000 personnes, tout en sachant que des milliers d’autres sont toujours portées disparues. J’ai beaucoup d’amis dans le milieu des Orchestres Vent au Japon et l’un d’entre eux, Yutaka Nishida, m’a suggéré d’écrire une œuvre destinée collecter des fonds pour venir en aide aux personnes affectées par ce cataclysme. Ayant étéimmédiatement séduit par sa proposition, j’ai écrit un arrangement pour Orchestre d’Harmonie de la pièce Cantilena (une œuvre pour Brass Band récemment commandée par le Grenland International Brass Festival, en Norvège), et lui ai donné un nouveau titre en hommage mes amis du Pays du Soleil Levant : The Sun Will Rise Again (Le soleil se lèvera nouveau). Je reverserai l’intégralité des droits d’auteur de ce morceau au fonds de secours de la Croix-Rouge japonaise. En outre, je suis ravi d’annoncer que mon distributeur De Haske, qui a généreusement décidé de donner tous les bénéfices nets sur les ventes de cette œuvre, s’est engagé effectuer immédiatement un versement substantiel la Croix-Rouge afin que le Japon puisse profiter sans délai de l’aide modeste générée par ce projet. J’espère très sincèrement que celui-ci permettra aux Orchestres Vent du monde entier de soutenir le peuple japonais, pour qui la musique joue un rôle important, en ces temps difficiles. Philip Sparke La recente tragedia del Giappone, messo in ginocchio dal terremoto, ha spinto Philip Sparke a comporre The Sun Will Rise Again (Il sole sorger nuovamente), un brano che vuole essere un messaggio di solidariet al popolo nipponico, ma anche un aiuto concreto: gli introiti saranno interamente devoluti, sia dal compositore sia dalla casa editrice De Haske, alla Croce Rossa giapponese.
ISBN 9790570485369.
Abigail's Jig, op. 10 no. 2j Originally composed for flute and piano in 1980 to celebrate the birth of Abby, the composer's daughter, this version for alto saxophone was written in 2017. It attempts to capture the atmosphere of an Irish jig as played by a piper, with a harmonically straightforward piano part, which uses a mixture of 'vamping' and melodic imitation of the sax part. The introduction is intended to be humorous and rather musically misleading, openly parodying the 'cowboy' music of Aaron Copland. Modal harmony helps to create the mood of pseudo-folk music. Cantilena, Op. 11 Cantilena tries to capture a popular flavour, borrowing freely from pop and jazz styles: primary and secondary chords are used in arpeggiated piano figures, as mainstream ballads might do; pedal notes are a feature, especially on the tonic note; and a 'bluesy' style emerges in the third main theme. A pseudo-rock style is twice used in the climax section, which acts as a song-like chorus. Cantilena is in the key of Db major overall, but even the introduction uses 'wrong note' harmony (notably flattened sevenths) to produce ambiguous tonality. The piece, written in 1987, demonstrates a range of tone colour for the sax across a wide melodic range. Five Short Pieces, Op. 9f This set of pieces was originally composed for flute in 1985, and arranged for sax in 2017. They are elaborate transcriptions of To One, five songs to poems by Christina Rees, which convey the countless moods associated with a relationship.
SKU: HL.51485541
ISBN 9790201855417. UPC: 888680733278. 10x12.5 inches.
CONTENTSSalve Regina E major Hob. XXIIIb:1Quatuor Responsoria de Venerabili Sacramento. Lauda Sion Hob. XXIIIc:4a-dAlleluia Hob. XXIIIc:3Offertorio in stile a cappella Non nobis, Domine Hob. XXIIIa:1Salve Regina a quattro voci ma soli Hob. XXIIIb:2Te Deum Hob. XXIIIc:2Cantilena pro adventu A Ein' Magd, ein' Dienerin Hob. XXIIId:1Cantilena pro adventu a due g Mutter Gottes, mir erlaube Hob. XXIIId:2Cantilena pro adventu D Hob. XXIIId:3Sechs Psalmen Hob. XXIII
ISBN 9790570485178.
Abigail's Jig, op. 10 no. 2a, This lively piece for clarinet and piano was composed in 1980 to celebrate the birth of Abby, the composer's daughter. The piece attempts to capture the atmosphere of an Irish jig as played by a piper, with a harmonically straightforward piano part, which uses a mixture of 'vamping' and melodic imitation of the flute part. The introduction is intended to be humorous and rather musically misleading, openly parodying the 'cowboy' music of Aaron Copland. Modal harmony helps to create the mood of pseudo-folk music. Cantilena, Op. 11b, Cantilena tries to capture a popular flavour, borrowing freely from pop and jazz styles: primary and secondary chords are used in arpeggiated piano figures, as mainstream ballads might do; pedal notes are a feature, especially on the tonic note; and a 'bluesy' style emerges in the third main theme. A pseudo-rock style is twice used in the climax section, which acts as a song-like chorus. Cantilena is in the key of D major overall, but even the introduction uses 'wrong note' harmony (notably flattened sevenths) to produce ambiguous tonality. The piece demonstrates a range of tone colour for the clarinet across a wide melodic range. Five Short Pieces, Op. 9a, This set of movements for clarinet and piano was originally arranged in 1985, and revised in 2008. The five pieces are elaborate transcriptions of To One, five songs to poems by Christina Rees, which convey the countless moods associated with a relationship.
ISBN 9790570485208.
Abigail's Jig, op. 10 no. 2a, This lively piece for clarinet, bassoon and piano was composed in 1980 to celebrate the birth of Abby, the composer's daughter. The piece attempts to capture the atmosphere of an Irish jig as played by a piper, with a harmonically straightforward piano part, which uses a mixture of 'vamping' and melodic imitation of the flute part. The introduction is intended to be humorous and rather musically misleading, openly parodying the 'cowboy' music of Aaron Copland. Modal harmony helps to create the mood of pseudo-folk music. Cantilena, Op. 11b, Cantilena tries to capture a popular flavour, borrowing freely from pop and jazz styles: primary and secondary chords are used in arpeggiated piano figures, as mainstream ballads might do; pedal notes are a feature, especially on the tonic note; and a 'bluesy' style emerges in the third main theme. A pseudo-rock style is twice used in the climax section, which acts as a song-like chorus. Cantilena is in the key of D major overall, but even the introduction uses 'wrong note' harmony (notably flattened sevenths) to produce ambiguous tonality. Five Short Pieces, Op. 9a, This set of movements for clarinet, bassoon and piano was originally arranged in 1985, and revised in 2008. The five pieces are elaborate transcriptions of To One, five songs to poems by Christina Rees, which convey the countless moods associated with a relationship.
ISBN 9790570485161.
Abigail's Jig, op. 10 no. 2a, This lively piece for flute and piano was composed in 1980 to celebrate the birth of Abby, the composer's daughter. The piece attempts to capture the atmosphere of an Irish jig as played by a piper, with a harmonically straightforward piano part, which uses a mixture of 'vamping' and melodic imitation of the flute part. The introduction is intended to be humorous and rather musically misleading, openly parodying the 'cowboy' music of Aaron Copland. Modal harmony helps to create the mood of pseudo-folk music. Cantilena, Op. 11b, Cantilena tries to capture a popular flavour, borrowing freely from pop and jazz styles: primary and secondary chords are used in arpeggiated piano figures, as mainstream ballads might do; pedal notes are a feature, especially on the tonic note; and a 'bluesy' style emerges in the third main theme. A pseudo-rock style is twice used in the climax section, which acts as a song-like chorus. Cantilena is in the key of D major overall, but even the introduction uses 'wrong note' harmony (notably flattened sevenths) to produce ambiguous tonality. The piece demonstrates a range of tone colour for the flute across a wide melodic range. Written originally for alto sax in 1987, the piece was arranged for flute in 1994. Five Short Pieces, Op. 9a, This set of movements for flute and piano was originally arranged in 1985, and revised in 2008. The five pieces are elaborate transcriptions of To One, five songs to poems by Christina Rees, which convey the countless moods associated with a relationship.
SKU: HL.49016045
ISBN 9780793554072. UPC: 073999305708. 305 X 229 inches.
Contents: Allegro Appassionata (Saint-Saëns) • Bourrée (Bach) • Cantilena (Goltermann) • Hungarian Dance No. 1 (Brahms) • Lament (Dvorák) • Minuetto (Schubert) • Playera (Granados)• Romance (Schumann) • Sarabande (Debussy) • Scherzo (Beethoven) • Sleighride (Tchaikovsky) • Song Without Words (Mendelssohn) • Spanish Dance (Moszkowski) • Violin Sonata (Grieg).
Selected and edited by Larry Teal. Fourteen numbers by J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Dvorak, Granados, Mendelssohn, Saint-Saens, Schubert and Tchaikovsky. With piano accompaniment. For ABRSM examinations grade 6 and 7 Tenor Sax.