Format : Sheet music
SKU: HL.14008359
ISBN 9780711947153. 9.0x12.0x0.125 inches. English.
A short rock musical retelling the Biblical story of David and Goliath, which will be enjoyed by both younger singers and senior choirs. It can be sung as a series of songs with or without the narrative or enacted with dialogue added. There are various song styles including contemporary, ballad and three-part round. Duration: 15 mins. Script available in student book. If you need to license a school/youth theatre performance of this product, please use the online application form.
SKU: HL.14008358
ISBN 9780711948082. 9.0x12.0x0.011 inches. English.
A short rock musical retelling the Biblical story of David and Goliath, which will be enjoyed by both younger singers and senior choirs. It can be sung as a series of songs with or without the narrative or enacted with dialogue added. There are various song styles including contemporary, ballad and three-part round. Duration: 15 mins. If you need to license a school/youth theatre performance of this product, please use the online application form.
SKU: HL.44010557
UPC: 884088481674. 9x12 inches.
Glory of David is een werk over het Bijbelverhaal van David en Goliath. Een Allegro animato, een Allegro misterioso en een Allegro energico verbeelden drie belangrijke fasen uit het leven van de herdersjongenDavid. Na zijn triomf op de reus Goliath wordt hij koning van Israel. Met zijn sterke en dramatische orkestratie is Glory of David het ideale concert- en concourswerk. Enthousiasme verzekerd bij zowel muzikanten alstoeschouwers!Glory of David ist ein Blasorchesterwerk über die biblische Geschichte von David und Goliath. Ein Allegro animato, ein Allegro misterioso und ein Allegro energico stehen für drei wichtige Stationen im Leben des Hirtenjungen David, der nach dem Sieg über den Riesen Goliath Konig von Israel wird. Mit seiner starken und dramatischen Orchestrierung ist Glory of David ein ideales Konzert- und Wettbewerbstück, das Musiker und Zuhorer gleichermassen berührt.
SKU: BT.DHP-1094723-120
9x12 inches.
Glory of David is een werk over het Bijbelverhaal van David en Goliath. Een Allegro animato, een Allegro misterioso en een Allegro energico verbeelden drie belangrijke fasen uit het leven van de herdersjongenDavid. Na zijn triomf op de reus Goliath wordt hij koning van Israël. Met zijn sterke en dramatische orkestratie is Glory of David het ideale concert- en concourswerk. Enthousiasme verzekerd bij zowel muzikanten alstoeschouwers!Glory of David ist ein Blasorchesterwerk über die biblische Geschichte von David und Goliath. Ein Allegro animato, ein Allegro misterioso und ein Allegro energico stehen für drei wichtige Stationen im Leben des Hirtenjungen David, der nach dem Sieg über den Riesen Goliath König von Israel wird. Mit seiner starken und dramatischen Orchestrierung ist Glory of David ein ideales Konzert- und Wettbewerbstück, das Musiker und Zuhörer gleichermaßen berührt.
SKU: BT.DHP-1094723-020
SKU: HL.44010556
UPC: 884088481667. 9.0x12.0x0.98 inches.
SKU: CA.1223141
ISBN 9790007027285. Language: German. Text: Maslo, Helmut. Text: Helmut Maslo.
Score available separately - see item CA.1223100.
SKU: CA.1223100
ISBN 9790007027247. Language: German. Text: Maslo, Helmut. Text: Helmut Maslo.
SKU: CA.1223105
ISBN 9790007027254. Language: German. Text: Maslo, Helmut. Text: Helmut Maslo.
SKU: CA.1223111
ISBN 9790007027261. Language: German. Text: Maslo, Helmut. Text: Helmut Maslo.
SKU: CA.1223121
ISBN 9790007027278. Language: German. Text: Maslo, Helmut. Text: Helmut Maslo.
SKU: CA.1253909
Language: German.
Easy musical to Biblical text; for multigenerational worship. Score and parts available separately - see item CA.1253900.
SKU: CA.1253911
Easy musical to Biblical text; for multigenerational worship. Score and part available separately - see item CA.1253900.
SKU: CA.1253905
ISBN 9790007099053. Language: German.
Easy musical to Biblical text; for multigenerational worship. Score available separately - see item CA.1253900.
SKU: CA.1253900
ISBN 9790007087753. Language: German.
Easy musical to Biblical text; for multigenerational worship.
SKU: CA.1253921
SKU: CA.1253908
SKU: HL.49019078
ISBN 9790001177573. UPC: 884088863166. 9.0x12.0x0.2 inches.
Johann Kuhnau (1660-1720) is a composer whose fame is connected with a single work of a rather comprehensive oeuvre: There is hardly an organist who has not played his first biblical sonata 'Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath'. With the biblical sonatas and even his printed piano booklets which stand out for their relatively easy playability, Kuhlau primarily wanted to reach the circles of middle-class music lovers in which domestic music played an important role. Although he left an extensive repertoire for keyboard instruments, the original organ works take up only little space. The new edition of selected works, 'Ausgewahlte Werke', contains not only 'Der Streit zwischen David und Goliath' but also two preludes and fugues in G and B flat major, a sonata in B flat major as well as a toccata in A major and a fugue in G minor. With notes on interpretation and critical report.
SKU: HL.2050286
UPC: 797242236396. 6.75x10.5x0.29 inches.
Welcome to the wonderful story of David and Goliath contained in The Slingshot Heard 'Round the World. Told with creativity and humor, this musical seeks to show children that “God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7b The Message).Children will also learn that though life will confront them with many fears, like David they can take positive, faith-filled action to conquer their fears and their foes!As in all musicals from Dave Noel and Jay Rouse, the songs in this musical are easy to learn and fun to sing.Directors will appreciate the additional ideas and tools available in the Resource Kit and Instructional DVD.