ISBN 9790206204272.
The volume of duos for advanced players contains pieces or parts of compositions which are longer and more difficult than in the previous volume. They are often to be played in high positions and sometimes involve several movements. They include such special compositions as The Swallow by Louis-Claude Daquin, Romance & Rondo by Jacques Féréol Mazas and two canons by Max Reger. This publication is printed on high quality, durable paper made from renewable raw materials in an environmentally friendly way.The volumes in this new series contain duos, trios and quartets, their degree of difficulty ranging from easy through intermediate to advanced. Every piece is a transcription or an arrangement, since in editing the volumes our primary concern was toprovide a collection of valuable and interesting compositions, as freely variable as possible as regards instrumentation, for music school students and also for adults who make music for their own pleasure. The range and pitch of the parts enable theworks to be performed on any required or possible combination of the given instruments.The volume of duos for advanced players contains pieces or parts of compositions which are longer and more difficult than in the previous volume. They are often to be played in high positions and sometimes involve several movements. They include suchspecial compositions as The Swallow by Louis-Claude Daquin, Romance & Rondo by Jacques Féréol Mazas and two canons by Max Reger.Die Bände der neuen Serie beinhalten leichte, mittelschwere oder fortgeschrittene Duos, Trios und Quartette. Bei der Zusammenstellung lag das Hauptaugenmerk auf der höchstmöglichen Freiheit in der Kombinierbarkeit der Instrumente sowie darauf, dass die Kompositionen für Musikschuler und Hobbymusiker musikalisch interessant und wertvoll sind. Aus diesemGrund handelt es sich bei allen Stücken um Transkriptionen. Lage und Tonumfang der Stimmen sind so gesetzt, dass sich die Werke allen denkbaren Umständen und Anspruchen anpassen und entsprechend in jeder Kombination der angegebenen Musikinstrumentevorgetragen werden können.
Instrumente:1a: Violine / Querflöte / Oboe / Vibraphon / Klarinette 1b: Viola / Altsaxophon2a: Violine / Vibraphon / Marimba / Viola / Klarinette 2b: Violoncello / FagottI volumi della serie Ad Libitum propongono trascrizioni o arangiamenti di opere per trio e quartetto di livello facile, intermedio e avanzato. L´estensione e il registro delle parti permettono a questi brani di adattarsi a tutte le esigenze edi essere eseguiti da ogni combinazione di strumenti.
Strumentazione: Duos : I: Violino/Viola/Flauto/Oboe/Clar. Si/Sax contralto/Sax tenore/Vibra • II: Violino/Viola/Clar. Si /Vibr/Marimba/Violoncello/fagotto.
Composer and violinist János Lavotta (1764-1820), as a member of the ''virtuoso trio'' who played a great role in the history of Hungarian music, was one of the pioneers of verbunkos music. (The other two key players being János Bihari and Antal Csermák.) Although Lavotta s Violin Duos Op. 49 must have also been used for playing music at home, they show the composer's clear educational intent since the fourteen consecutive pieces gradually increase in difficulty in both technical and musical respects. The relatively short and undemanding melodies (which can be grasped by beginners), the sequence-like structure that makes practising individual technical elements possible, therhythmical-harmonic accompanying forms, as well as the temperately applied modulations are definitely suitable for beginner violinists to achieve significant progress in playing. According to music historian Mária Domokos, Lavotta's duos could have been included in the syllabus of any contemporary music school at the time. The first publication of Easy Duos - which came out on the 250th anniversary of the Lavotta's birth - was edited by János Dombóvári who provided the fingering and the necessary instructions for performance. Die Erstauflage von EASY DUOS - die anlässlich des 250. Geburtstag von Lavotta erschien - wurde von János Dombóvári mit Fingersätzen und Spiel-Tipps ergänzt. Die 14 relativ kurzen, spielfreundlichen Melodien, die unkomplizierte rhythmisch-harmonischeStruktur und die einfachen Modulationen machen sie zu idealen Übungsstücken für Anfänger, ohne diese jedoch zu unterfordern.
SKU: VD.ED26307
ISBN 9790202013076. 11.69 x 8.26 inches.
SKU: HL.49008051
ISBN 9790001113564. Joachim Schuster.
Fur das gemeinsame Musizieren der Kinder - miteinander, auch mit der Lehrerin, dem Lehrer und vielleicht den Eltern - dafur kann es nicht genug verschiedenartige Litaratur geben. Das gilt besonders fur den Anfangsunterricht, wo die Sinne und Interessen geweckt werden sollen. Die 18 Geigenduos in diesem Heft sind technisch leicht und musikalisch vielseitig. Die bildhaften Themen und Uberschriften wollen die Fantasie anregen und motivieren, und das gemeinsame Musizieren soll vor allem Freude machen. Die Reise auf dem Tandem verlauft in verschiedenen Etappen, und unterwegs begegnen uns auch schon mal ungewohnte Klange.
The collection of flute duos covers all instrumental eras of the history of music starting from Jacopo da Bologna to Tchaikovsky. To make the volume more comprehensive, the editor added the arrangement for two flutes of some popular operatic and instrumental melodies such as the paraphrases of 'Don Giovanni' and 'Carmen' and the arrangement of the nocturn from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Well-known and unknown melodies, fugues, dance and character pieces provide possibilities for pleasant and high-level common music making.
SKU: HG.ECB-6107
ISBN 9790202861073.
Ritter-Rost-Komponist Felix Janosa hat mit seinen Gitarrenduos aus dem Vollen geschopft. Stilistisch wandert er von Pop zu Folk, baut rockige und jazzige Elemente ein und hat ein abwechslungsreiches und musikalisch motivierendes Duoheft mit leichten Spielstucken Moon Ballad Celtic Stone oder Cadiz verraten bereits etwas uber die musikalische Atmosphare und sind zusatzlich auch mit Tabulatur notiert. Sie lassen sich sowohl mit klassischer als auch mit E-Gitarre spielen. Auf der beigefugten CD ist jedes Stuck dreimal zu horen: - in Vollversion - als Playback ohne 1. Gitarre - als Playback ohne 2. Gitarre.
SKU: HL.48188322
Gardane Agnel Duos Trios Renaissance Pj360 6 Duos 2 Part.
SKU: HL.48188321
Gardane Agnel Duos Trios Renaissance Pj359 4 Duos 2 Part.
SKU: CY.CC2693
Originally thought to be composed for two Horns, the Twelve Duos K. 487 have been transcribed for two Euphoniums by Ralph Sauer, retired Principal Trombonist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Mr. Sauer has set them into three sets of keys. 1-4 are in F, 5-8 are in G and 9-12 are in A, giving the performers a nice mix of keys. This also makes three sets of Duos that can be used in recital if desired. The Duos can be performed by moderately advanced players.
SKU: BR.MN-13001
ISBN 9790004792131. 9 x 12 inches.
Concealed behind the inconspicuous title 12 Duos are short and entertaining pieces for two players of equal skills. Each piece has a specific character and treats a particular musical question. The poetic titles provide important clues for the interpretation of the pieces. In recitals, the duos can be performed in their entirety as a suite even though a selection is both plausible and possible.Rudolf Jaggi was active in Basel for many years as a music teacher and obtained several awards for his works. The swing character of a number of duos testifies to his sideline as a jazz musician.Short and entertaining pieces for two players.
SKU: BT.DHP-1033368-401
ISBN 9789043117319. French.
Jouer avec un partenaire oblige écouter, réagir et répondre dâ??autres sons. Avec Les Duos 1 and 2, vous aurez votre disposition, de nombreuses compositions simples et originales classées dans lâ??ordre croissant de difficulté. Les Duos sont idéaux pour faire du jeu deux un véritable plaisir musical.
SKU: BT.DHP-1033369-401
ISBN 9789043117326. French.
Jouer avec un partenaire oblige écouter, réagir et répondre d’autres sons. Avec Les Duos 1 & 2, vous aurez votre disposition, de nombreuses compo-sitions simples et originales classées dans l’ordre croissant de difficulté. Les Duos sont idéaux pour faire du jeu deux un véritable plaisir musical.
SKU: BT.DHP-1033372-401
ISBN 9789043117357. French.
Jouer avec un partenaire oblige écouter, réagir et répondre d’autres sons. Avec Les Duos 1 & 2, vous aurez votre disposition, de nombreuses compositions simples et originales classées dans l’ordre croissant de difficulté. Les Duos sont idéaux pour faire du jeu deux un véritable plaisir musical.
SKU: BT.DHP-1033371-401
ISBN 9789043117340. French.