SKU: PR.ZM90129
ISBN 9781491153765. UPC: 680160911264. 9 x 12 inches.
Inspired by Clarence Cameron White’s book The Violinist’s Daily Dozen, The Violinist’s Daily Sixteen is a collection of daily exercises compiled by Roland Vamos. Intended for student and professional violinists, the collection provides the performer with a variety of exercises for daily warm-ups. Mr. Vamos also focuses on developing dexterity and flexibility in the fingers and joints, the first and fourth fingers in particular. Each of the sixteen exercises is notated for each of the four strings, and Vamos recommends that the exercises be practiced as warm-ups, choosing a different string for each day of practice.Also included with the Daily Sixteen is a comprehensive set of studies for developing fluency with scales and arpeggios. Mr. Vamos’ unique methodology is to begin with major scales and arpeggios, followed by minor scales and arpeggios, all of which are notated in two, three and four octaves. Alternate fingers are provided, as well as a variety of slurred and mixed bowings using the three parts of the bow whenever feasible. It is a remarkably systematic approach to performing scales and arpeggios on the violin and will surely benefit students and professionals alike.ForewordThis short hand-setting set of exercises was inspired by a book entitled The Violinist’s Daily Dozen, conceived by Clarence Cameron White, a prominent African-American violinist, composer and arranger who enjoyed the bulk of his career in the first half of the twentieth century.I have practiced this set of exercises since I was twelve years old. It has served me as a superb warm-up and hand setting tool. Over the years, I have found that there are some aspects of this warm-up routine that were not given sufficient attention or not addressed at all. Consequently, I have expanded the Daily Dozen to create a new work entitled The Violinist’s Daily Sixteen.I have also paid particular attention in this work as to how these exercises are to be practiced. In exercises one and two, I have indicated some notes to be played before the actual written exercises. This is to ensure that the fourth finger will be over the string in a position ready to strike even though it is not being used. Before playing exercises three, four, nine, ten, eleven and twelve, I have indicated silent fingers to be placed on the notes they would be playing if they were being used.I have replaced Mr. White’s grace notes with notes of specific value and have slowed down the exercises so that the first joint (the joint nearest the string) of each finger can move with flexibility and strength. At no time should the first joint buckle.In Mr. White’s version, the last exercise gave the first finger some very valuable backward extensions. In this exercise (number 14 in this book), I caution the student not to move the hand along with the first finger. The hand should remain in position while the first finger independently moves back and forth.It became obvious to me that if the first finger were given the opportunity to develop the dexterity that Mr. White’s twelfth exercise emphasizes, the fourth finger could benefit from an exercise that gives it a forward extension. Consequently, I added another exercise to create a Baker’s Dozen (thirteen).Several years later, I felt that the second and third fingers should also have an exercise to further develop their dexterity…hence exercise fourteen was added to create a “Vamos Dozen.â€Because the first finger did not have sufficient practice in the development of the first joint in the original version, I have added two exercises to precede White’s fifth exercise. After re-working and re-numbering these exercises, I have come up with a total of sixteen exercises. It is my suggestion that these be practiced as a warm-up, choosing a different string each day.—Roland VamosEvanston, Illinois 2017 PrefaceScales are a means of teaching a person the fingerboard on his or her instrument. The fingers move across the strings and are required to make shifts, all in highly organized patterns. Scales and arpeggios are the foundation upon which our repertoire is built. Many scale books have been written; each one being organized in its own specific way. The Flesch Scale System has been a standard for many decades. It is very comprehensive and systematic. From the point of view of establishing similar patterns, it has one drawback: it is organized by starting with a major key, followed by its relative minor, going through the circle of fifths. I believe that it is more profitable to do only major scales with their arpeggios first, going up chromatically, and then follow them in a similar way with the minor scales. In using this approach, the similarities in fingerings between the various scales are more apparent. It is also profitable to have alternate fingerings whenever possible. My approach to scales and arpeggios includes a variety of slurred and mixed bowings using the three parts of the bow whenever feasible. These bowings are not all-inclusive. Whenever a particularly awkward bowing pattern is encountered in the repertoire, it can be practiced as an additional bowing variation in the scales and arpeggios.   I have chosen to introduce the three and four octave scales by teaching two octave scales across the strings in one position going up chromatically through seven positions; starting on the first, second, third, and finally fourth fingers in major and melodic minor.—Roland VamosEvanston, Illinois 2017.
SKU: CA.246600
ISBN 9790007253158.
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics. The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie fur die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Wurttemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning. The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition. The arrangements are based on the piano and instrumental books from the CHRISTMAS CAROLS project (Carus 2.403/03 und 2.404/03) which is part of the LIEDERPROJEKT, the charitable project to further singing with children. The books contain singing texts for all the carols, providing a full range of options for singing and playing together at Christmas. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. Further editions for flute, recorder, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084471-070
ISBN 9789043128773. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This great work for young, inexperienced string orchestras can be performed in various ways. The associated story even makes a staged performance possible. A wonderful journey through time enables the ensemble members to practice the notes of the G scale in an enjoyable way. All parts are for first position only and require first and second finger patterns. A third violin part can replace the violas if necessary, and a piano accompaniment is included for harmonic and rhythmic support. A fun way to learn! This set contains two first violin parts, two second violin parts, one viola part, one third violin part (viola), one cello part (double bass) and one score (piano accompaniment).Dit fraaie werk voor jonge, beginnende strijkersorkesten kan op verschillende manieren worden uitgevoerd. Het bijbehorende verhaal maakt zelfs een geënsceneerde toneelvoorstelling mogelijk. Een fantastische reis door de tijd geeftde leden van het ensemble of orkest de mogelijkheid om de noten van de toonladder van G (sol) op een prettige manier te oefenen. Voor alle partijen is alleen de eerste positie nodig, verder zijn de eerste en tweede vingerstand vereist.Een derdevioolpartij is bijgevoegd - voor het geval er geen altviolisten in het ensemble zitten. Ook is er een pianobegeleiding meegeleverd, die harmonische en ritmische ondersteuning biedt. Een leuke manier om te leren!Dieses großartige Werk für junge, noch unerfahrene Streichensembles kann auf verschiedene Weisen gespielt werden. Die damit verbundene Erzählung ergänzt den theoretischen Unterricht und erlaubt sogar eine Bühnenaufführung. Auf einer wunderbaren Zeitreise können die Ensemblemitglieder die Töne der G-Dur-Tonleiter auf heitere Weise üben. Alle Stimmen bewegen sich nur innerhalb der ersten Lage und erfordern die erste und zweite Griffart. Die zusätzliche Klavierbegleitung sorgt für die harmonische und rhythmische Stütze. So macht Lernen Spaß! Das Set umfasst zwei erste und zwei zweite Stimmen für Violine, eine Violastimme, eine dritte Violine (alt. Viola), eine Cello- oderKontrabassstimme und eine Partitur (Klavierbegleitung). Cette charmante composition en plusieurs tableaux s’adresse aux jeunes Ensembles Cordes inexpérimentés. La narration qui accompagne la pièce permet d’en faire une véritable œuvre scénique. Un délicieux voyage dans le temps permet aux jeunes instrumentistes de travailler les notes de la gamme de Sol, tout en se divertissant. Toutes les voix sont écrites en première position et ne nécessitent que l’utilisation des premier et deuxième schémas de doigts. La partie optionnelle pour violon 3 permet de remplacer la voix d’alto, si nécessaire. L’accompagnement de piano inclus offre un soutien harmonique et rythmique. Un moyen plaisant pour progresser dans l’apprentissage!Instrumentation : 2 Violons 1 & 2, 1 Alto (ou Violon 3), 1 Violoncelle (ou Contrebasse), 1 partie de Piano. Questa piacevole composizione si rivolge a tutti gli ensemble d'archi senza esperienza. La narrazione che accompagna il brano permette di farne una vera opera scenica. Un delizioso viaggio nel tempo che consente ai giovani strumentisti di lavorare le note della scala di Sol divertendosi. Tutte le voci sono scritte in prima posizione e non necessitano l'utilizzo del primo e del secondo schema della dita. La parte opzionale del violino 3 permette di sostituire la parte della viola. L'accompagnamento del piano incluso offre un sostegno armonico e ritmico. Strumentazione: 2 violini 1 & 2, 1 viola (o violino 3), 1 violoncello (o contrabbasso), 1 parte del piano.
ISBN 9781491160701. UPC: 680160919307.
In the dim moonlight on a night long past a rider emerges from the fog and slowly dares to cross a mysterious and unsettling bridge. The trembling rider hesitates, unsure whether he is more nervous about the legend of the headless horseman or the creaking and shifting he feels under his own horse's hooves. Haunted Bridges is a work for string orchestra inspired by Washington Irving's Ichabod Crane and his ill-fated ride in Sleepy Hollow. The piece contains allusions to the tune London Bridge is Falling Down, first as a creeping counter-melody and later as a theme in a twisted 3/4 section whose shifting harmonic progression draws to mind the fall of the fabled bridge. Haunted Bridges contains alternating F/C-sharps and -naturals throughout and devilishly unpredictable harmonic patterns. The piece also calls for numerous extended techniques that students will enjoy, including playing behind the bridge, sul ponticello, portamento, and seagull glissandi. Special techniques: Haunted Bridges calls for a handful of extended techniques, most of which are self explanatory or commonly known. The technique appearing in the Violin II part from measures 58-72 may require some additional explanation. This figure is sometimes referred to as seagull glissando and is achieved by lightly touching the finger to the string and gliding up and down the string, producing many transient natural harmonics as the finger crosses the nodes of the string. It is suggested to start with the 3rd finger on the A string and slowly glissando up beyond the natural A harmonic, then slowly back down, continuing in this pattern until measure 73. It is also intended for each player to vary their speed slightly so that the timing of the glissandi are all a little different, resulting in a shimmering, aleatoric effect.In the dim moonlight on a night long past a rider emerges from the fog and slowly dares to cross a mysterious and unsettling bridge. The trembling rider hesitates, unsure whether he is more nervous about the legend of the headless horseman or the creaking and shifting he feels under his own horse's hooves. Haunted Bridges is a work for string orchestra inspired by Washington Irving's Ichabod Crane and his ill-fated ride in Sleepy Hollow. The piece contains allusions to the tune London Bridge is Falling Down, first as a creeping counter-melody and later as a theme in a twisted 3/4 section whose shifting harmonic progression draws to mind the fall of the fabled bridge. Haunted Bridges contains alternating F/C-sharps and -naturals throughout and devilishly unpredictable harmonic patterns. The piece also calls for numerous extended techniques that students will enjoy, including playing behind the bridge, sul ponticello, portamento, and seagull glissandi.Special techniques:Haunted Bridges calls for a handful of extended techniques, most of which are self explanatory or commonly known. The technique appearing in the Violin II part from measures 58-72 may require some additional explanation. This figure is sometimes referred to as seagull glissando and is achieved by lightly touching the finger to the string and gliding up and down the string, producing many transient natural harmonics as the finger crosses the nodes of the string. It is suggested to start with the 3rd finger on the A string and slowly glissando up beyond the natural A harmonic, then slowly back down, continuing in this pattern until measure 73. It is also intended for each player to vary their speed slightly so that the timing of the glissandi are all a little different, resulting in a shimmering, aleatoric effect.
About Carl Fischer Young String Orchestra Series
This series of Grade 2/Grade 2.5 pieces is designed for second and third year ensembles. The pieces in this series are characterized by:--Occasionally extending to third position--Keys carefully considered for appropriate difficulty--Addition of separate 2nd violin and viola parts--Viola T.C. part included--Increase in independence of parts over beginning levels
ISBN 9781491160442. UPC: 680160919031.
In the dim moonlight on a night long past a rider emerges from the fog and slowly dares to cross a mysterious and unsettling bridge. The trembling rider hesitates, unsure whether he is more nervous about the legend of the headless horseman or the creaking and shifting he feels under his own horse's hooves. Haunted Bridges is a work for string orchestra inspired by Washington Irving's Ichabod Crane and his ill-fated ride in Sleepy Hollow. The piece contains allusions to the tune London Bridge is Falling Down, first as a creeping counter-melody and later as a theme in a twisted 3/4 section whose shifting harmonic progression draws to mind the fall of the fabled bridge. Haunted Bridges contains alternating F/C sharps and naturals throughout and devilishly unpredictable harmonic patterns. The piece also calls for numerous extended techniques that students will enjoy, including playing behind the bridge, sul ponticello, portamento, and seagull glissandi. Special techniques: Haunted Bridges calls for a handful of extended techniques, most of which are self explanatory or commonly known. The technique appearing in the Violin II part from measures 58-72 may require some additional explanation. This figure is sometimes referred to as seagull glissando and is achieved by lightly touching the finger to the string and gliding up and down the string, producing many transient natural harmonics as the finger crosses the nodes of the string. It is suggested to start with the 3rd finger on the A string and slowly glissando up beyond the natural A harmonic, then slowly back down, continuing in this pattern until measure 73. It is also intended for each player to vary their speed slightly so that the timing of the glissandi are all a little different, resulting in a shimmering, aleatoric effect.In the dim moonlight on a night long past a rider emerges from the fog and slowly dares to cross a mysterious and unsettling bridge. The trembling rider hesitates, unsure whether he is more nervous about the legend of the headless horseman or the creaking and shifting he feels under his own horse's hooves. Haunted Bridges is a work for string orchestra inspired by Washington Irving's Ichabod Crane and his ill-fated ride in Sleepy Hollow. The piece contains allusions to the tune London Bridge is Falling Down, first as a creeping counter-melody and later as a theme in a twisted 3/4 section whose shifting harmonic progression draws to mind the fall of the fabled bridge. Haunted Bridges contains alternating F/CÂ sharps and naturals throughout and devilishly unpredictable harmonic patterns. The piece also calls for numerous extended techniques that students will enjoy, including playing behind the bridge, sul ponticello, portamento, and seagull glissandi.Special techniques:Haunted Bridges calls for a handful of extended techniques, most of which are self explanatory or commonly known. The technique appearing in the Violin II part from measures 58-72 may require some additional explanation. This figure is sometimes referred to as seagull glissando and is achieved by lightly touching the finger to the string and gliding up and down the string, producing many transient natural harmonics as the finger crosses the nodes of the string. It is suggested to start with the 3rd finger on the A string and slowly glissando up beyond the natural A harmonic, then slowly back down, continuing in this pattern until measure 73. It is also intended for each player to vary their speed slightly so that the timing of the glissandi are all a little different, resulting in a shimmering, aleatoric effect.
SKU: CA.246200
ISBN 9790007253042.
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics. The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie fur die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Wurttemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning. The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition. The arrangements are based on the piano and instrumental books from the CHRISTMAS CAROLS project (Carus 2.403/03 und 2.404/03) which is part of the LIEDERPROJEKT, the charitable project to further singing with children. The books contain singing texts for all the carols, providing a full range of options for singing and playing together at Christmas. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. Further editions for recorder, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, violin.
SKU: CA.246100
ISBN 9790007252854.
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics. The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie fur die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Wurttemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning. The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition. The arrangements are based ont the piano and instrumental books from the CHRISTMAS CAROLS project (Carus 2.403/03 und 2.404/03) which is part of the LIEDERPROJEKT, the charitable project to further singing with children. The books contain singing texts for all the carols, providing a full range of options for singing and playing together at Christmas. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. Further editions for flute, recorder, clarinet, alto saxophone, violin.
SKU: CA.246400
ISBN 9790007253110.
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics. The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie fur die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Wurttemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning. The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition. The arrangements are based on the piano and instrumental books from the CHRISTMAS CAROLS project (Carus 2.403/03 und 2.404/03) which is part of the LIEDERPROJEKT, the charitable project to further singing with children. The books contain singing texts for all the carols, providing a full range of options for singing and playing together at Christmas. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. Further editions for flute, recorder, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, violin.
SKU: CA.246500
ISBN 9790007253134.
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics. The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie fur die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Wurttemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning. The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition. The arrangements are based on the piano and instrumental books from the CHRISTMAS CAROLS project (Carus 2.403/03 und 2.404/03) which is part of the LIEDERPROJEKT, the charitable project to further singing with children. The books contain singing texts for all the carols, providing a full range of options for singing and playing together at Christmas. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. Further editions for flute, recorder, clarinet, trumpet, violin.
SKU: CA.246300
ISBN 9790007253097.
What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off their progress on the instrument during the first year. And nothing is better suited to this than well-loved and popular pieces such as Christmas classics. The six volumes in our new series for instrumental teaching, developed in collaboration with the Landesakademie fur die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Wurttemberg, all contain 20 easy carols arranged in progressive level of difficulty. Experienced instrumental teachers have made a selection of carols for each instrument according to specific criteria. These can be mastered as part of music school lessons after just a few weeks and months. All the carols have been chosen and transposed so that the range and fingering combinations do not exceed the level of difficulty for the first three years of learning. The piano accompaniment is of moderate difficulty. For many of the carols, an ad lib upper or lower part is included which can also be played by instrumental pupils. The volumes are therefore suitable for individual as well as group tuition. The arrangements are based on the piano and instrumental books from the CHRISTMAS CAROLS project (Carus 2.403/03 und 2.404/03) which is part of the LIEDERPROJEKT, the charitable project to further singing with children. The books contain singing texts for all the carols, providing a full range of options for singing and playing together at Christmas. All the books include the printed music of the piano accompaniment. Digital playalong tracks are available for all the books. Further editions for flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, violin.
ISBN 9781491165379. UPC: 680160924288. Key: E minor.
This courageous and forceful melody uses frequent doubling of sections to add strength and volume to the developing string orchestra. Fearless legends are heard in the determined theme, punctuated with heavy staccato accompaniments, meant to be played marcato style on the string. Set in E minor, the piece allows cello players to explore extended F# finger patterns as upper strings get to practice a few high-3 sharp accidentals. The character of the piece is found in the rising and falling dynamics that depict the inevitable defeats, but also glory of victory of battle. After a brief respite in a lyrical middle section, the steady march returns in the low strings, bringing the ensemble back to a triumphant conclusion.
ISBN 9781491164976. UPC: 680160923885. Key: E minor.