SKU: AP.12-057153970X
ISBN 9780571539703. English.
In his Kongsgaard Variations (2006), Swedish composer Anders Hillborg takes the Arietta theme from Beethoven's last piano-sonata, No. 32 in C Minor, Op. 111 as the basis for an evocative 16-minute string quartet. Beethoven's sublime music drifts strangely through the centuries and is warped, vaporised, and refashioned as if, in the words of Hillborg, the Arietta is dreaming yet another variation on itself.
SKU: HL.4008730
ISBN 9798350119473. UPC: 196288195238.
The last decades we humans have witnessed a significant number of disturbing developments. If we look at the direct and persistent destructive influence of humans on nature: air and water quality are reducing, soils are depleting, crops are short of pollinators, coasts are less protected from storms, deforestation, the degradation of land, loss of biodiversity and pollution. In stark contrast we find the intelligence and boundless creativity of humans: what about all the high technological advancements? What lies ahead in the realm of Artificial Intelligence? Will we let machines make human decisions? What ethical issues arise there? This composition reflects the desperation and urgency of the human need for action. The music draws inspiration from the brutal natural forces that ravage our world as a direct consequence of human failure and selfishness. Are we heading towards a 'Judgment Day'? Or will humanity find a way to reverse negative trends towards a more livable, peaceful, and joyful environment for humans, animals, and nature? To underscore this message, composer Peter Knockaert opted for a highly classical idiom that has been used by many composers in classical music: the 'Dies Irae'. Traditionally, the Dies Irae is the third part of a requiem (funeral mass). The text used in 'Judgment DayÂ? (for optional choir) is coming from the original Latin text.
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The Two Concert Studies, which Liszt composed in 1863 for Grand Theoretical and Practical Piano School by Sigmund Lebert and Ludwig Stark, became rather popular already in his lifetime. Today they are among the most often played works by Liszt. Morceau de salon is also a publication for piano education and was written for the Méthode des méthodes de piano of François-Joseph Fétis and Ignaz Moscheles and published in 1840. The virtuoso concert study was revised by Liszt under the title Ab irato a decade later. This edition contains the score of and critical notes to the above works as published in the New Liszt Edition, as well as prefaces in English and German, which provideinformation about all the important issues concerning the genesis and performance rendering. This publication is printed on high quality, durable paper made from renewable raw materials in an environmentally friendly way. Separate editions from the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition with preface and critical notes.
The Two Concert Studies, which Liszt composed in 1863 for Grand Theoretical and Practical Piano School by Sigmund Lebert and Ludwig Stark, became rather popular already in his lifetime.Today they are among the most often played works by Liszt.Morceau de salon is also a publication for piano education and was written for the Méthode des méthodes de piano of François-Joseph Fétis and Ignaz Moscheles and published in 1840. The virtuoso concert study was revised by Liszt under thetitle Ab irato a decade later. This edition contains the score of and critical notes to the above works as published in the New Liszt Edition, as well as prefaces in English and German, which provide information about all the important issuesconcerning the genesis and performance rendering.Einzelausgabe aus der Neuen Kritischen Liszt-Gesamtausgabe mit Vorwort und kritischem Bericht.
Die Zwei Konzertetüden (1. Waldesrauschen, 2. Gnomenreigen), die Liszt 1963 für die Grosse Theoretische-praktische Klavierschule von Sigmunt Lebert und Ludwig Stark schrieb, wurden schon zu seinen Lebzeiten bekannt. Heute gehören sie zuseinen am häufigsten gespielten Stücken. Morceau de salon ist ebenfalls eine pädagogische Etüde, die Liszt für die Méthode des méthodes de piano (1840) von François-Joseph Fétis und Ignaz Moscheles schrieb. Die virtuose Etüde wurde von Liszt unter dem Titel Ab irato einJahrzehnt später als Konzertetüde veröffentlicht. Die hier vorliegende Einzelausgabe enthält die Partitur und den kritischen Kommentar aus der New Liszt Edition, sowie Vorworte in Englisch und Deutsch, mit wertvollen Hinweisen zur Entstehung undSpielweise der Stücke.
SKU: GH.EC-1134
Text: Gustaf Ullman / Bertel Gripenberg / Grete Lichtwerk.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043600-400
ISBN 9789043119832. 9x12 inches. International.
This new book from De Haske helps fill the need for melodic unaccompanied solos for the tuba. It contains 16 wonderful concert studies that develop sound and technique while providing a rich environment for the study of style. The accompanying demo CD, performed by Patrick Sheridan, gives you an idea of how it should be done. This book is a must for all developing tuba players. Eindelijk is er een studieboek met muziek in een verscheidenheid van stijlen - speciaal geschreven voor tubaspelers door moderne componisten, onder wie André Waignein, Thomas Doss, Ferrer Ferran, Philip Sparke en Roland Kernen. Dezeconcertetudes zijn bedoeld voor het ontwikkelen van de klank en techniek, met oog voor de kwaliteit van de muzikale inhoud binnen een scala van stijlen.De wereldberoemde tubasolist Patrick Sheridan heeft de stukken op de bijgevoegdecd voorgespeeld.Nun gibt es endlich ein Buch voll Konzertetüden mit Musik in einer Vielzahl von Stilen, von modernen Komponisten speziell für die Tuba geschrieben! Dieses Buch enthält sechzehn groÃ?artige Konzertetüden zur Entwicklung von Ton und Technik und ist darüber hinaus reich an Material für Stilstudien. Auf der Demo-CD ist eine Interpretation der Studien von Patrick Sheridan zu hören. Die Bass-Stimme in B wurde in der für das Instrument optimalen Transposition geschrieben. Das bedeutet jedoch, dass die CD nur als Hörbeispiel verwendet werden kann, Mittspielen zur CD ist nicht möglich.Pendant longtemps, les tubistes nâ??ont eu quâ??un choix limité de recueils dâ??études leur permettant de travailler le son et la technique. Certes, les précédents recueils constituent un excellent moyen de développer ces deux éléments, mais la qualité du contenu musical de certaines études fait défaut et ce quel que soit le style et en dépit de lâ??intérêt quâ??elles présentent en tant quâ??approche des différentes tonalités et intervalles spécifiques. Câ??est donc avec joie que nous accueillons enfin un recueil dâ??études de concert de styles variés, écrites spécialement pour le tuba par de talentueux compositeurs dâ??aujourdâ??hui.Approfondite le tecniche più avanzate richeste ai suonatori di tuba per essere dei veri solisti all'interno di un gruppo da camera come di una grande orchestra. Intervalli, intonazione e fraseggio sono gli elementi più ricorrenti nelle pagine di questa raccolta di studi. Il CD propone la demo di ogni brano.
SKU: HL.4008731
UPC: 196288195245.
SKU: NR.88063
Instrumentation: 2-0-3-0, 0-1-0-0,, strings 4-4-3-2-2.
SKU: NR.88062
SKU: BT.PWM51600027
To najdoskonalsze w ród chopinowskich rond przynosi prób my lenia nie samym tylko brzmieniem fortepianu. Orkiestra sta a si tu dla solisty partnerem wyrazistym i istotnym, którego pomini cie nie by oby moliwe bez utraty pi knej i oryginalnej faktury d wi kowej utworu.
Wydanie ród owo-krytyczne zredagowane przez Jana Ekiera i Paw a Kami skiego na podstawie r kopisów, kopii zatwierdzonych przez samego Chopina ipierwszych wyda . Jego celem jest przedstawienie twórczo ci Chopina w autentycznym kszta cie.
Krakowiak w uk adzie na jeden fortepian znajduje si w tomie 15 A XIVa, a wersja z wyci giem fortepianowym wtomie ''Utworykoncertowe'' 32 B VII G osy orkiestrowe s dost pne do wypo yczenia w Bibliotece Materia ów Orkiestrowych PWM w Warszawie.
ISBN 9790365075751.
The future of our fragile world is in our hands. As Sir David Attenborough stated on the Climate Conference in Glasgow on November, 1st, 2021: ... We are already in trouble. The stability we all depend on is breaking. This story is one of inequality, as well as instability. Today, those who’ve done the least to cause this problem, are being the hardest hit. Ultimately, all of us will feel the impact, some of which are now unavoidable. ... We’re going to have to learn together, how to achieve this, ensuring none are left behind. We must use this opportunity to create a more equal world and our motivation should not be fear, but hope. ... . We must be more caring about the wonderful place we live in... our unique home: Planet Earth. This music is both a shoutout to take care of our planet and a hymn to the beauty of this place. The composition is suited for stage as well as for the enjoyment in music school orchestral practice.
ISBN 9790365076048.
In difficult times, it’s important to experience a little tenderness. Teneritas (Latin for ‘tenderness’) is what the world needs so much more. By expressing tenderness we will come closer to one another and only by understanding each other there will be respect for each other. With the words of the Dalai Lama: We need to develop a sense of the oneness of humanity by considering other human beings as brothers and sisters. This is how we will build a more peaceful world. Genuine peace comes about through mutual understanding and respect for each other’s wellbeing..
SKU: GH.CG-4808
ISBN 9790070021791. 185 x 262 mm inches. Text: Gustaf Ullman.
SKU: SU.50021000
(Piano Konsertto). Piano Reduction available on rental.Copyright 1975. Published by: Seesaw Music.
ISBN 9790365076024.
Angel Eyes is an evocation of a child’s perspective on the world. As an adult we often lose an unprejudiced attitude and a pure and innocent look towards our environment. How we treat ourselves and how we treat others often depends on how we react from this perspective. May this composition bring you a sparkle of kindness, serenity and a sense of soothing tranquility.
SKU: FG.55009-537-3
ISBN 979-0-55009-537-3.
A work commissioned by the Kalevala Society and premiered in Helsinki in 2007 (Avanti!/cond. Tuomas Hannikainen). The concerto is an independent work but also the music for a film by Rax Rinnekangas.
Of this series of twenty-four études planned by Liszt only twelve were actually written, but the contemporary printed editions of the completed pieces (in the hope of a continuation) appeared with the series title '24 grandes études'. By publishing these 12 concert studies it makes the earlier and technically more difficult version of the Transcendental Studies available for the first time since 1911 for study by performers and those engaged in music research. Contrary to the 1911 edition among the volumes of the first complete Liszt edition, NLE will publish also the text variants of some studies, an album leaf in F sharp major in facsimile and in transcription considered asthe 13th study planned by Liszt for the series, and the earlier versions of so-called Mazeppa and Ab irato studies. In the volume will be published the puzzling album leaf, the so-called 'Prélude omnitonique' and some similar album leaves, too. Von den 24 Etüden dieser Serie, die Liszt ursprünglich geplant hatte, wurden tatsächlich nur 12 fertig, die zeitgenössischen gedruckten Ausgaben erschienen in der Hoffnung auf eine Fortsetzung dennoch unter dem Serientitel ‚24 große Etüden'. Mit der Veröffentlichung dieser zwölf Konzertetüden wird die frühere und technisch schwierigere Version der Transzendenten Etüden seit 1911 erstmalig für die Interpreten und Forscher zugänglich. Im Gegensatz zur 1911 als Band der ersten Liszt-Gesamtausgabe erschienenen Ausgabe werden in der NLA auch die Textversionen mancher Etüden publiziert, ebenso wie das Fis-Dur Albumblatt (als Faksimile und moderne Transkription), welches auch alsSkizze der geplanten dreizehnten Etüde angesehen werden kann, außerdem die früheren Versionen der sog. Mazeppa- und Ab irato-Etüden. Auch das geheimnisvolle Albumblatt, das sog. ‚Prélude omnitonique' wurde, ebenso wie weitere ähnliche Albumblätter in diesen Band aufgenommen. Des 24 études prévues initialement, seules 12 furent terminées, mais elles furent toutefois éditées sous le nom initial de 24 Grandes Études. Cette édition contient également des textes et de nombreuses autres pièces tels que des esquisses, des études de perfectionnement et des versions antérieures de la Mazeppa.
SKU: BT.DHP-1033404-400
ISBN 9789043105477. English-German-French-Dutch.
19 original concert studies by such well-known composers as James Curnow, Jacob de Haan, Jan Van der Roost and Allen Vizzutti. This book will be of great use to all euphonium players who are looking for short unaccompanied solos. (With Demo CD). Studeren hoeft niet saai te zijn. De 19 concertetudes in deze uitgaven vormen stuk voor stuk een inspirerende uitdaging voor iedere euphoniumspeler. Alle belangrijke aspecten van het euphoniumspel komen aan bod. De bijgeleverde demo-cdis natuurlijk ingespeeld door Steven Mead!Der zweite Band Konzertetüden von bekannten Komponisten u.a. James Curnow, Jacob de Haan, Jan Van der Roost, Allen Vizzutti, Otto M. Schwarz, André Waignein. Jedes Stück behandelt andere, wesentliche Spielweisen und Techniken des Euphoniumspiels. Steven Mead spielte wiederum alle Etüden auf die jeweils beiliegende CD ein. 19 studi da concerto firmati James Curnow, Piet Swerts, Jan Van der Roost, Peter Graham, e altri.
SKU: HL.48024257
Piano reduction for Rautavaara's Piano Concerto No. 3 Gift of Dreams now available for the first time. The concerto is composed for Vladimir Ashkenazy. The opening of the concerto is lyrical and meditative. The second movement, Adagio, drifts into a piano monologue that picks up speed. As the orchestra enters, the dialogue becomes aggressive. The finale begings with an energetic introduction, continues with blazing fanfares and textures. Rautavaara's Piano Concerto No. 3 is a masterpiece of modern concerto literature. It is written is such manner that toe soloist can lead the orchestra from the grand piano. Rautavaaran 3. pianokonserton, Gift of Dreams, pianoreduktio on nyt julkaistu ensimmaista kertaa. Konsertto on savelletty Vladimir Ashkenazylle, ja sen voi esittaa solistin johdolla. Gift of Dreams on takuuvarmaa ja taitavaa Rautavaara; unenkaltaiset elementit, fanfaarit, pulppuileva solistiosuus, jamakka orkesteri seka rautavaara-harmoniat ovat kaikki lasna tassa vuonna 1998 savelletyssa konsertossa.
ISBN 9790365076031.
Muse is a piece written for my lovely wife Erika, being my constant loving support, neverlasting encouragement and inspiration.