Format : Score and Parts
SKU: RU.10266S
9 x 12 inches.
Northwind is a musical description of the winter wind that Paris Chambers encountered on his way to work in New York City. The wind can particularly be heard in the upper woodwinds during the first strain of the march. Northwind has often been employed for use by circus bands. As this may be classified as a circus march, a tempo between 120-160 beats per minute is acceptable, with the technique of the ensemble defining what is most appropriate.
SKU: RU.10266
SKU: CL.012-3897-01
With a population of 4500, Barrow, Alaska is the economic, transportation and administrative center of the North Slope Borough. Located on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, Barrow is the northernmost city in North America. With its opening fanfare and continuing rhythmic pulse, Northwind musically captures the power of nature that defines this remote and beautiful part of America.
SKU: HL.49001467
ISBN 9790001127301. German.
SKU: CA.3913300
ISBN 9790007055981. Language: German.
This early work, probably composed during the period 1701-1705, is in a style and form customary during the 17th century, combining biblical words with paraphrased verses. The words depict gentle breezes giving place to the rushing wind at the coming of the Holy Spirit. Suitable for Whitsun.
SKU: CA.3913319
ISBN 9790007139766. Language: German.
This early work, probably composed during the period 1701-1705, is in a style and form customary during the 17th century, combining biblical words with paraphrased verses. The words depict gentle breezes giving place to the rushing wind at the coming of the Holy Spirit. Suitable for Whitsun. Score and parts available separately - see item CA.3913300.
SKU: BT.GOB-000248-010
In Greek mythology, Boreas is the God of the North Wind. When thinking of the north wind we particularly think of the bleak wind coming from the freezing cold north, but in Homers' work we see a more varied picture. As shown in the following two stories, Boreas often does play the role of a storm wind that blows forth heavy dark clouds while whipping up the dark waves of the tempestuous sea to mountainous heights. When the stake of the fallen Patroclos refuses to burn, Achilles begs for some wind. When Iris, the swift messenger of the Gods, asks the winds for assistance, they raise themselves up with tremendous roaring and rush to Troy. Upon theirarrival they blow the divine fire of Patroclos' stake far up into the sky. When Troy was destroyed, the Greeks returned home. After many wanderings, Odysseus, however, ends up with the beautiful nymph, Calypso, who keeps him as a prisoner. As ordered by Zeus, Calypso frees him and sends him off on a handmade wooden raft. At sea, Odysseus is threatened by the aggressive sea god, Poseidon, who stirs up the winds and thrashes the waves with his trident. The goddess, Athena, stems the violence of all the winds except for the north wind, and thus it is Boreas, who sends Odysseus to the land of the hospitable Phaiakes. Jan Bosveld composed Boreas for OLTO, a music association in Loenen, The Netherlands, for which he had served as conductor for many years. Turbulent movement in both tempo and dynamics characterize this composition. The result is a whirling piece that races by in a positive manner. Boreas is in de Griekse mythologie de god van de noordenwind. Bij noordenwind denken wij vooral aan de gure wind uit het ijskoude noorden, bij Homerus echter zien we een meer gevariëerd beeld. Natuurlijk speelt Boreas, zoals uit de twee onderstaande verhalen blijkt, meestal de rol van de stormwind die de zware zwarte wolken voor zich uit blaast en de donkere golven van de onstuimige zee torenhoog opzwiept. Gobelin Music Publications.
SKU: BT.GOB-000248-140
SKU: CA.3913311
ISBN 9790007056001. Language: German.
This early work, probably composed during the period 1701-1705, is in a style and form customary during the 17th century, combining biblical words with paraphrased verses. The words depict gentle breezes giving place to the rushing wind at the coming of the Holy Spirit. Suitable for Whitsun. Score and part available separately - see item CA.3913300.
SKU: HL.48022708
UPC: 884088925246. 11.75x8.25x0.443 inches.
Contents: Prolog: Sch'ma Israel * I Nordwind erwache! Sudwind herbei! * II Ich schlafe, aber mein Herz wacht * III Am Tage seiner Hochzeit * IV Zieh mich mit dir, jauchzen wir und jubeln * V Stark wie der Tod ist die Liebe.
SKU: CA.3913312
ISBN 9790007056018. Language: German.
SKU: M7.MH-15142
ISBN 9783920468167. German.
Der Musikgarten lässt Kinder erleben, wie viel Freude in gemeinsamem Musizieren, Singen und Tanzen liegt. Musikgarten Teil 2 - Der musikalische Jahreskreis lädt Kleinkinder im Alter von drei bis viereinhalb Jahren und deren Eltern zum spielerischen Musizieren in der Familie ein. Erst wenn das Kind aktives Musizieren in seiner Umwelt erlebt, wird es Freude am eigenen Musizieren entfalten. Im Kindergartenalter nehmen die Kinder den Ablauf des Jahres und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten intensiv wahr. Der musikalische Jahreskreis bezieht seine zentralen Themen aus der Natur, der Musik und der Bewegung. Die Kinder lösen sich allmählich vom Schoß der Eltern und erproben ihre Unabhängigkeit. Das Gruppenerlebnis, rhythmische und sprachliche Echospiele, Tänze und der Einsatz von Instrumenten stehen in den Mittelpunkt. Das Lehrerhandbuch enthält Ausführungen zur Entwicklung des Kleinkindes, Erläuterungen zum Unterrichtskonzept und viele Anregungen zur Stundengestaltung. Die Kinderhefte geben Eltern und Kindern Impulse für das Musizieren zu Hause. Die den Heften beiliegende CD bietet eine Vielzahl wunderschöner Kinderliederarrangements, Instrumentalstücke, Klanggeschichten usw. Musikgarten Teil 2 - Der musikalische Jahreskreis wurde von Lorna Lutz Heyge (USA) entwickelt.
SKU: CA.3913349
ISBN 9790007056063. Language: German.
SKU: HL.49024312
ISBN 9790001006613. 6.5x10.5x0.066 inches. German.
SKU: CA.5022100
ISBN 9790007087388.
SKU: CA.3913305
ISBN 9790007055998. Language: German.
This early work, probably composed during the period 1701-1705, is in a style and form customary during the 17th century, combining biblical words with paraphrased verses. The words depict gentle breezes giving place to the rushing wind at the coming of the Holy Spirit. Suitable for Whitsun. Score available separately - see item CA.3913300.
SKU: CA.3913314
ISBN 9790007056032. Language: German.