SKU: HL.48188386
UPC: 888680866136. 9.0x12.0x0.565 inches.
Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this fourth volume is indispensable to performers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much of Scarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. The fourth volume, comprising Sonatas 156-205, includes the popular and recognisable Sonata in C major (K. 159). Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre. .
SKU: HL.48188514
UPC: 888680872649. 9.0x12.0x0.562 inches.
â??Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this first volume is indispensable to performers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much of Scarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. This first volume, comprising Sonatas 1-52, includes the popular and recognised Sonatas in D minor (K. 9), E major (K. 20) and B minor (K. 27). Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre. â?.
SKU: HL.48188417
UPC: 888680866266. 9.0x12.0x0.53 inches.
“Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this second volume is indispensable to performers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much of Scarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. The second volume, comprising Sonatas 53-103, includes the popular and recognised Sonatas in F minor (K. 69) and B minor (K. 87). Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre. â€.
Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this ninth volume is indispensable toperformers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much ofScarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. The ninth volume, comprising Sonatas 408-457,includes many of the popular and recognised Sonatas in a variety of keys. Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of tworoyal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre.
SKU: HL.48188166
UPC: 888680975623. 9.0x12.0x0.528 inches.
“Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this ninth volume is indispensable to performers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much of Scarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. The ninth volume, comprising Sonatas 408-457, includes many of the popular and recognised Sonatas in a variety of keys. Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre. â€.
Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this eighth volumeis indispensable to performers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations toremote keys. It is also thought that much of Scarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royalfamilies.The eighth volume, comprising Sonatas 358-407, includes the popular and recognised Sonatas in B minor (K. 377) and E major (K. 380). Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competentand popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essentialaddition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre.
Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this first volume is indispensable toperformers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much ofScarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. This first volume, comprising Sonatas 1-52, includesthe popular and recognised Sonatas in D minor (K. 9), E major (K. 20) and B minor (K. 27). Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed inthe service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre.
SKU: OT.21125
ISBN 9789655051117. 8.27 x 11.69 inches.
The five short movements for solo cembalo are brief, personal prayers that depict how the subject manages a range of feelings and emotions. The miniatures each represent a different emotional state: reflection, searching, meditation, agitation, and resolution. Each is a small-scale representation of a grand, wide-ranging prayer of supplication. As a composer, performer, and researcher of early music, writing for cembalo allows me not only to express my special connection to the instrument and the period in which it flourished, but also to present its contemporary dimensions as a rich and versatile instrument. The piece was composed at the request of Hagai Yodan, who performs it with great skill. Daniel Akiva is a composer, performer, and educator whose performances on guitar and lute have won great acclaim. Mr. Akiva graduated from the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem in 1981, where he studied classical guitar with Haim Asulin and composition with Haim Alexander. In 1987 he completed his studies at the Geneva Conservatorium in Switzerland where he studied lute with Jonathon Rubin and composition with Jean Ballisa. For many years, he headed the Music Department at the WIZO High School for the Arts in Haifa, which he founded in 1986, and served as the Artistic Director of the Guitar Gems Festival from 2006-2019. As part of his work at WIZO High School, he has developed a method for teaching free improvisation that has been incorporated into the music program at the school. Mr. Akiva has appeared in concert as a guitarist and lutist and given master classes in Israel, Europe, Russia, the United States, and Latin America. Daniel Akiva’s compositional output includes works for solo instruments, chamber ensembles, choir, voice and guitar, piano, and chamber orchestra. His works have been recorded on twelve CDs, the latest of which, Malchut, was issued by OR-TAV in 2014. A native of Haifa whose family has lived in Israel for over five hundred years, he was steeped in the Sephardic (Jewish-Spanish) tradition from his youth. Much of his compositional output has been devoted to a dialogue with the music of the Sephardic Jews. Daniel Akiva has also maintained a creative dialogue over many years with the poets and writers Amnon Shamash, Rivka Miriam, and Avner Peretz.
SKU: FZ.5835
ISBN 9790230658355. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in two books. ANCELET - Antoine BEMETZIEDER (1-2) - Jean-Laurent de BETHISY - Michel CORRETTE (2) - Denis DIDEROT - Jacques DUPHLY (1-2) - Encyclopedie - Encyclopedie methodique - Louis-Joseph le neveu FRANCOEUR - Pierre Claude FOUCQUET (1-2) - Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de GARSAULT - Jean-Benjamin de LABORDE - Philippe MACQUER - Friedrich Wilhelm MARPURG - Jean-Philippe RAMEAU (4) - Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU - Simon SIMON. Table of contents: Corrette Michel: Les amusements du Parnasse - 1749. Foucquet Pierre Claude: Les caracteres de la paix - 1749. Foucquet Pierre Claude: Second livre de pieces de clavecin - 1751. Encyclopedie: Encyclopedie ou dictionnaire raisonne - 1751/1772. Duphly Jacques: Troisieme livre de pieces de clavecin - 1756. Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757. Rameau Jean-Philippe: Code de musique pratique - 1760. Garsault Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de: Notionnaire - 1761. Simon Simon: Pieces de clavecin - 1761. Bethisy Jean-Laurent de: Exposition de la theorie - 1764. Rousseau Jean-Jacques: Dictionnaire de la musique - 1768. Duphly Jacques: Du doigter - c. 1769. Diderot Denis: Manuscrit autographe - s. d. Bemetzrieder Antoine: Lecons de clavecin - 1771. Francoeur Louis-Joseph le neveu: Diapason general - 1772. Macquer Philippe: Dictionnaire raisonne - 1773. Laborde Jean-Benjamin de: Essai sur la musique - 1780. Bemetzrieder Antoine: Nouvelles lecons de clavecin - 1783. Encyclopedie methodique: Encyclopedie methodique, arts et metiers mecaniques - 1788. Marpurg Friedrich Wilhelm: L'art de toucher le clavecin - c. 1797. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from:- National Library of Paris (France). - Fitzwilliam Museum of Cambridge (England). - Bayerische Staatsbibliotheck of Munich (Germany). - British Library of London (England). - In Private collection. Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the harpsichord.