ISBN 978-1-55440-581-7.
This new series offers a sequenced approach to the study of clarinet from the beginner to advanced levels. With a progressive collection of Repertoire, Etudes, Recordings, Orchestral Excerpts, and Technique, the Clarinet Series, 2014 Edition provides complete support for teachers and students at every level of study. Nine progressive volumes of Repertoire expose students to a wealth of music from the earliest works for clarinet to accompanied and unaccompanied contemporary compositions. Students will explore some of the most definitive solo pieces written for clarinet, along with popular folk tunes, Klezmer melodies, Classical solos, and contemporary compositions that incorporate traditional and extended techniques.Technical Repertoire:Concerto in B flat Major: Third Movement - Johann Stamitz, arr. Helmut MayCantilene, op. 64 - Paul-Agricole GeninClarinet on the Town - Ralph HermannClarinet Concerto No. 3: First Movement - Johann Melchior Molter, arr. Pamela WestonSonate: Second Movement - Paul HindemithSummer Fancy - William O. SmithLyrical Repertoire:Sonata, op. 120, no. 1: Fourth Movement - Johannes BrahmsTableau, from Le Cid - Jules MassenetFantasy Pieces, op. 43: First Movement - Niels W. GadeFantasy Pieces, op. 43: Second Movement - Niels W. GadeFantasiestuecke, op. 73, no. 1 - Robert SchumannConcerto No. 2 in F Minor, op. 5: Second Movement - Bernhard Crusell, arr. Pamela WestonClarinet Quintet in E flat Major, op. 23: Second Movement - Heinrich Baermann, arr. Arthur H. ChristmannConcerto No. 1 in C Minor, op. 26: Second Movement - Louis Spohr, arr. Arthur H. Christmann.
SKU: BT.1291-06-070-MS
ISBN 9789043128193. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The famous English guitarist and singer Eric Clapton was born in1945. Before he started his solo career in the seventies, he hadalready made his mark in groups like the Yardbirds and Cream.As a solo artist, Clapton has many successes to his credit, such asI Shot the Sheriff, After Midnight and Wonderful Tonight. Hismoving song Tears in Heaven was written for the film Rush in1991. Clapton had the dramatic death of his four-and-a-half yearold son in mind while he wrote it. This song was an enormous hitworldwide and it inspired Roland Kernen to make thisarrangement for clarinet quartet.De beroemde Engelse gitarist en zanger Eric Clapton heeft veel successen op zijn naam staan. Tears in Heaven is geschreven voor de film Rush uit 1991. Clapton had bij het schrijven ervan de dood van zijn vierenhalf jaar oudezoon in gedachten. Deze song is wereldwijd een enorme hit geweest en inspireerde Roland Kernen tot het maken van dit arrangement.Das bewegende Lied Tears in Heaven wurde fürden Film Rush von 1991 geschrieben; Eric Clapton dachte beim Komponieren an seinen verstorbenen viereinhalbjährigen Sohn. Das Lied wurde weltweit zu einem riesigen Hit und inspirierte nun Roland Kernen zu dieser Bearbeitung für vier Flöten oder Klarinetten. Wunderschön und bewegend! En 1991, Éric Clapton perd tragiquement son fils gé de quatre ans et demi.De ce dramatique événement naît l’émouvante chanson Tears in Heaven, extraite de la bande originale du film Rush (1991). Roland Kernen en a réalisé un superbe arrangement pour quatre Clarinettes Sib (Clarinette Mib optionnelle). Nel 1991 Eric Clapton perde tragicamente il figlio di quattro anni e mezzo. Da questo evento nasce la canzone Tears in Heaven, tratta dalla colonna sonora originale del film Rush (1991). Ronald Kernen ha realizzato un superlativo arrangiamento per quattro flauti o quattro clarinetti.