SKU: BT.AMP-139-020
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This is an ancient Welsh air that was first published in Relics of the Welsh Bards in 1794. Dafydd (David) Owain was a famous Welsh bard who lived on a farm called Gareg Wen (The White Rock) in Eifionydd, Carnarnvonshire, North Wales. Tradition has it that on his deathbed he called for his harp and composed this lovely melody, requesting that it be played at his funeral. Accordingly, it was later played at the parish church of Ynys-Cynhaiarn. Lyrics were later added by Ceiriog Hughes, which describe the melody's inspiration. This version for fanfare band retains all the beauty and simplicity of the original.Deze oude melodie uit Wales werd in 1794 voor het eerst uitgegeven in Relics of the Welsh Bards. Dafydd (David) Owain was een beroemde bard uit Wales, hij woonde op een boerderij genaamd Gareg Wen (De witte rots) te Eifionyddin Carnarnvonshire, in Noord-Wales. Volgens de overlevering vroeg hij op zijn sterfbed om zijn harp en componeerde hij vervolgens deze prachtige melodie, met het verzoek om die te laten spelen op zijn begrafenis. Overeenkomstigzijn wens werd de melodie gespeeld in de dorpskerk van Ynys-Cynhaiarn. De tekst werd later toegevoegd door Ceiriog Hughes en beschrijft de ontstaansgeschiedenis van deze muziek.Dafydd Owain war ein berühmter walisischer Barde, der auf einem Bauernhof namens Gareg Wen, was so viel wie weißer Felsen bedeutet, lebte; daher der Name David vom weißen Felsen“. Es wird erzählt, dass Dafydd auf seinem Sterbebett nach seiner Harfe verlangte und dort diese Melodie komponierte, mit der Bitte, man möge sie zu seiner Beerdigung spielen. Die Schlichtheit dieses bezaubernden Airs eignet sich perfekt als Zwischenspiel in Ihrem Konzert. Dafydd (David) Owain fu un poeta e cantore gallese. Visse a Eifionydd, nella contea del Carnavonshire (nel nord del Galles), in una fattoria chiamataâ€Gareg wen†(La roccia bianca). Una leggenda narra che, prima di morire,Dafydd Owain chiese che gli venisse portata la sua arpa. Negli ultimi istanti della sua vita avrebbe composto questa deliziosa melodia esigendo che venisse eseguita al suo funerale. Alcuni anni dopo, il poeta John Ceiriog Hughes scrisse un testo riportandosi alla storia che aveva portato alla composizione di questa melodia, divenuta da allora un classico della musica tradizionale gallese.
SKU: BT.AMP-139-120
SKU: BT.DHP-1043648-020
Since his first successes in the 1990s the amiable popular singer Frans Bauer has grown into a megastar in the Netherlands. In Germany, too, he has a great number of fans. Although he is derided by many because of his schmalzy style, Frans Bauer sells CDs galore, attracts full houses everywhere and can be viewed in his own reality soap on television. In 2004 he was even awarded a Gouden Harp (Gold Harp), which is the most important prize within Dutch music. It is presented to artists and composers who have promoted Dutch light music in their own unique way during their career. The cheery singalong Heb je even voor mij (Got a Minute for Me) is a great top hit: a winner in everypub and at parties. This arrangement by Klaas van der Woude willput the musicians as well as the audience in a happy mood. Seit seinen ersten Erfolgen in den 90er-Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts hat der liebenswerte Schlagersänger Frans Bauer sich zu einem Megastar in den Niederlanden entwickelt. Auch in Deutschland hat er eine große Fangemeinde. Das fröhliche Mitsing-Lied Heb je even voor mij ist ein absoluter Top-Hit und unschlagbar auf jedem Fest. Diese Bearbeitung von Klaas van der Woude wird sowohl Musiker als auch das Publikum in Hochstimmung versetzen!
SKU: BT.GOB-000432-120
The Odyssee tells the story of Odysseus, the undaunted hero. In times long ago the blind poet Homer wrote this famous epic. The Odyssey follows the Iliad, the story of the bloody war between the Greek and the Trojans. This battle endsafter ten years thanks to the Odysseys famous trick. the Trojan Horse. The Odyssey is not a war epic, but a story about perseverance, loyalty, adventure, and the survival instinct of its ingenious hero. In The Odyssey, Homer describes howOdysseus, the king of Ithaca, had to endure another ten years of affliction after the ten years of war in Troy before he could finally return to his home land. During those years, his wife, Penelope, had to try and keep her many admirers away.These men not only wanted het hand but also the kingship. To prove her husbands worth, she played a trick: As soon as I have finished weaving this shroud for my father-in-law, Laertes, I will choose one of you to become my husband, she promisedthem. But during the night, she secretly loosened what she had woven during the day, prolonging the time until Odysseus would finally return. After twenty long years, when he finally stood at the door, she wondered: Is this really my husband? Ishe an imposter? Cunningly, she asked him to move the bed, because only she and her husband know that the bed was immovable and was build around an old three trunk! Odysseus was deeply moved: this really was his wife, his Penelope! Nearly threethousands years later, the loyalty and strength of this character, and all the dangerous adventures that Odysseus survived thanks to courage and intelligence, still moves us today. Odyssee by Jan Bosveld is not just an adventure story, butrather a characteristic piece in which memories of Homers story can be heard. The composition opens with a firm, stirring theme describing our hero, Odysseus, in detail: This man is not to be taken lightly. The further development of thisshort introduction completes this character sketch: trustworthy, perseverant, and a genius. After that we can picture Odysseus on the lonely beach of Ogygia. Do the trumpets depict his memories of the war of Troy? Does he think of his wife, as werecognise the weaving loom of Penelope in the murmuring eighth? In the solemn, plaintive part that follows, we can imagine Penelope feeling lonely, sitting in the womens room with her servants.One of the girls plays the harp, but that does notclear the sombre atmosphere. Then we can imagine seeing the sorceress Circe, who changed Odysseus men into swine. After she gives a simple magic sign something follows that reminds us of the sound of pigs grunting. Then the Odysseus theme resounds:the hero comes to savi his comrades. Assisted by Hermes, he forces Circe to lift the spell. The piece ends the same way as it began, with an animated theme: Odysseus is still the same, undefeated and not to be taken lighty!Het muzikale relaas van de Griekse schrijver Homerus over de held Odyssee in een karakterstuk vol herinneringen. Een stevig opgewekt thema symboliseert de grootsheid van Odyssee en zijn karaktertrekken - betrouwbaar, volhardend en vernuftig. Detegenslagen welke hij tegenkomt en in het tweede tragische gedeelte dreigen te escaleren, nemen in het derde snelle gedeelte bij zijn verschijning toch weer een positieve wending. Nijmegenaar Jan Bosveld bewijst in dit originele werk dat hij opde hoogte is van de onmogelijkheden, maar vooral de ongekende mogelijkheden van muzikanten uit de lagere afdelingen.Gobelin Music Publications.
SKU: BT.GOB-000432-020