SKU: HL.48025320
UPC: 196288175407.
Note by the composer:“This piece was written in 2006 (for violoncello and piano) for an exhibition dedicated to artists suffering from schizophrenia. Thebasis of the piece is a sequence of four chords, very simple and minimalistic. A person with schizophrenia hears voices that can be very disturbing; there is a longing for silence. I wrote this piece so that my son Alex, who suffers from the illness, could hear silence and meditation from it. It's called Blue Silence because blue is sometimes associated with healing.†Elena Kats-Chernin.
SKU: HL.48025330
UPC: 196288175506.
Note by the composer: “This piece was written in 2006 (for violoncello and piano) for an exhibition dedicated to artists suffering from schizophrenia. The basis of the piece is a sequence of four chords, very simple and minimalistic. A person with schizophrenia hears voices that can be very disturbing; there is a longing for silence. I wrote this piece so that my son Alex, who suffers from the illness, could hear silence and meditation from it. It's called Blue Silence because blue is sometimes associated with healing.†Elena Kats-Chernin.
SKU: BT.1771-11-400-M
ISBN 9789043134583. 9x12 inches. International.
This collection contains works from the so-called “Belle Époqueâ€, the time period right around the turn of the 20th century which have been arranged for flute and piano by Franco Cesarini. It includes pieces by Dukas and Massenet, two early works by Ravel that are on the cusp of the impressionistic period and compositions by Bizet and Saint-Saëns which represent the late-romantic period. The book comes with a CD which contains a demo of each piece, followed by the piano accompaniment which you can play along with.Er is geen ander tijdperk waarin emoties zo sterk naar voren kwamen als de 19e-eeuwse romantische periode. In die tijd vervolmaakte de instrumentenbouwer Theobald Böhm de dwarsfluit, die de vorm kreeg waar we nu aan gewend zijn. Defluit was bij de componisten uit de romantiek een bijzonder geliefd instrument. Dit album bevat werken die grotendeels zijn ontstaan tijdens de zogeheten belle époque -de periode van rond de eeuwwisseling (van 1900). In het boekvind je stukken van Dukas en Massenet, evenals twee vroege werken van Ravel, in impressionistische stijl gecomponeerd, terwijl de composities van Bizet en Saint-Saëns de laat-romantische periode vertegenwoordigen.Op de meegeleverdecd staat van elk stuk een demoversie, gevolgd door een play-alongversie met alleen de pianobegeleiding.Diese Ausgabe, die einige romantische Sätze aus der so genannten Belle Epoque“ in Bearbeitungen für Flöte und Klavier vorstellt, will allen fortgeschrittenen Flötisten die Möglichkeit geben, mehr Musik der Romantik aus der Perspektive eines Solisten kennenzulernen. Neben Dukas und Massenet ist auch Ravel sowie spätromantische Musik von Bizet und Saint-Saëns enthalten. Auf der beiliegenden CD ist sowohl eine vollständige Aufnahme jedes Stückes als auch die Begleitung, zu der die Solostimme gespielt werden kann, zu hören.Ce recueil rassemble des oeuvres datant essentiellement de la Belle Époque (1900-1920), divinement arrangées par Franco Cesarini pour Fl te Traversière et Piano. Sur le CD inclus, vous trouverez deux versions par pièce : une version intégrale et une version où ne subsiste que l‘accompagnement (version papier jointe au recueil). Questo volume che contiene opere scirtte in gran parte durante la cosiddetta “Belle Époqueâ€, include brani di Dukas e Massenet e due tra le prime opere di Ravel collocabili alla fine del periodo dell'impressionismo. Le due composizioni di Bizet e Saint-Saens appartengono invece al periodo del tardo romanticismo. Il CD incluso propone l'incisione completa di ogni brano, seguita da una traccia con il solo accompagnamento del piano.
SKU: FG.55011-508-8
ISBN 9790550115088.
Kimmo Hakola's Wind Quintet op. 96 (2017) was commissioned by the Kimito Island Music Festival. The composer sees that making the ensemble ultimately breathe and express itself as an organic, coherent subject should be the aim in composing for wind quintet. The normal chamber-music configuration is not a sufficient basis for me in composing a wind quintet: the instruments have to be compressed, reduced, even crushed together so that, in pairs and different combinations, they produce new, viable audio units. Collision often generates something new. Kimmo Hakola has gone through a number of styles and influences in his career as a composer, his idiom expanding at times to embrace Romanticism, Orientalism and klezmer. He has attained international recognition with an output that spans various genres from intimate solo works to full-length operas such as La Fenice (2011) commissioned by the Savonlinna Opera Festival. Many of his works are expansive and epic: his Piano Concerto (1996), for instance, clocks in at 55 minutes. Hakola says that he sees music as drama. His dramas explore almost Shakespearean extremes, from moments of raging sound and fury and violent battles to quiet moments of meditation and heart-rending monologues.
SKU: FG.55011-509-5
ISBN 9790550115095.
SKU: GI.G-8296
UPC: 785147829690.
This work was born out of family stories about walking in the woods that were passed down from one generation to the next. The subtext of these stories is a connection with God’s creation: a world full of beauty and wonder. This is where Kathleen Basi found the inspiration for her collection. A Walk in the Woods is filled with an assortment of pieces for piano and flute that call to mind images from nature. Each are suitable for use as preludes, postludes, or anywhere you need a quiet, meditative moment. CONTENTS: Stanislaus • Mockingbird • Dance of the Sycamores • Clouds on the Mountain • Winter Walk • Starlit • Lluvia Colores.  .
SKU: GI.G-003094
Scripture: Psalm 84, Psalm 100, Psalm 137.
The first is a reflective composition inspired by Psalm 84 “How lovely is your dwelling placeâ€. The second piece a scherzo derived from Psalm 100, a psalm of praise appropriate for Thanksgiving. The third meditates on Psalm 137 “By the rivers of Babylon, we sat mourningâ€. The keyboard part is adaptable for organ or piano.   .