SKU: BT.DHP-1125359-070
9x12 inches. International.
Jupiter Hymn is a beautiful, easy-to-play arrangement from the wonderful fourth movement of the seven-part orchestral suite The Planets by Gustav Holst: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity. Holst took inspiration for this suite?one of his best-known works?from the astrological aspect of the planets rather than their astronomical or physical characteristics. Holst wrote The Planets at the beginning of the 20th century, at a time when certain features of the work, such as exotic time signatures (5/4), dissonances and unusual instrumentation were uncommon.Jupiter Hymn is een mooie, eenvoudig speelbare bewerking van het schitterende vierde deel uit de zevendelige orkestsuite The Planets van Gustav Holst: â??Jupiter - The Bringer of Jollityâ??. Holst liet zich voor de suite, een van zijn bekendste werken, inspireren door het astrologische karakter van de planeten, en dus niet op de astronomische of fysische eigenschappen. Hij schreef The Planets aan het begin van de 20e eeuw. Voor die tijd in het oog springende bijzonderheden zijn de toepassing van ongebruikelijke instrumenten, de ongewone maatsoorten (5/4) en de dissonante samenklanken.Jupiter Hymn ist eine schöne, einfach spielbare Bearbeitung aus dem glanzvollen vierten Satz der siebenteiligen Orchester-Suite The Planets von Gustav Holst: Jupiter - The Bringer of Jollity. Holst lieÃ? sich für dese Suite, die eines seiner bekanntesten Werke ist, von dem astrologischen Aspekt der Planeten inspirieren und nicht von deren astronomischen oder physischen Eigenschaften. Er schrieb The Planets zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auffällig für seine Zeit waren die Verwendung ungebräuchlicher Instrumente, ungewöhnlicher Taktarten (5/4) und Dissonanzen.Jupiter Hymn est un arrangement délicieusement accessible du quatrième mouvement extrait du poème symphonique en sept mouvements The Planets (Les Planètes) de Gustave Holst : Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity (Jupiter, celui qui apporte la gaieté). Holst sâ??inspira de notre système solaire lorsquâ??il composa cette suite, lâ??une de ses ?uvres les plus connues, donnant chacun des mouvements sa propre couleur. Holst écrivit Les Planètes au début du XXe siècle, employant une certaine signature alors inhabituelle (mesures 5/4), faisant appel de nombreuses dissonances et une instrumentation atypique.
SKU: CY.CC2475
Equali were works written for equal, or similar, instruments; in the eighteenth century they were almost always used for funeral services and usually employed a quartet of trombones. The most famous of these were the three Beethoven wrote for the Linz Cathedral in Austria on All Soul's Day 1812. Two of these were adapted later for male voices and were sung at Beethoven's funeral.
These pieces are some of the most famous works for trombones, no doubt due to the fact that they were composed by Beethoven. They were commissioned by Franz Xaver Gloggl, Kappelmeister of the city of Linz, while Beethoven was visiting his brother. According to later accounts by Gloggl's son, although his father had a complete collection of trombones (soprano, alto, tenor, bass or quart) the three Equali were performed by a traditional quartet of alto, tenor and bass trombones.
This edition offers a compromise: the original score and parts are given exactly as written in the complete works, and a version designed for the less experienced players: the three movements are transposed down one step, edited with minor musical suggestions, and all four parts are written in bass clef.
Dr. Mathie has done the Trombone world a great service in bringing this great work in its two forms to publication.
SKU: CY.CC2372
Tomas Luis de Victoria was the most famous composer of the 16th century in Spain, and one of the most important composers of the Counter-Reformation, along with Palestrina and Orlando di Lasso. Victoria was not only a composer, but also an accomplished organist and singer. However, he preferred the life of a composer to that of a performer. He is sometimes known as the Spanish Palestrina because he may have been taught by Palestrina.