SKU: LO.9780834175181
ISBN 9780834175181.
This is an ideal collection for the less-experienced pianist who is seeking accessible settings of praise and worship favorites along with familiar hymns and gospel songs. Contemporary songs like I Worship You, Almighty God; Open the Eyes of My Heart and There Is None Like You are included along with standards like Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing; For the Beauty of the Earth and My Savior's Love, among others. This is Marilyn White's fifth piano publication with Lillenas.
SKU: LO.70-2020L
ISBN 9780787753528.
Kevin Boesiger's book of powerful Holy Week hymn settings for piano offers many programmatic possibilities. Adding to the power of this collection, the provided performance options vary by piece and include scriptural narration, vocal solos, cello solo, and brass quartet.
SKU: SU.12800034
BachScholar Edition Vol. 34 – The Holy Trinity of Piano Technique, 2nd Edition (17 pages) consists of three essential exercises for the development of flexibility, strength, economy of motion, and understanding of musical harmony: 1) Scales in Chords by Franz Liszt; 2) Study 91 by Carl Tausig; 3) Better than Hanon by Cory Hall. Also includes fingering for the three exercises and a 3-page introduction with background information about the exercises with practice recommendations. Indispensable for all pianists and teachers from the intermediate through concert level. Published by: BachScholar.