SKU: HL.48024317
ISBN 9780851626932. UPC: 888680748180. 9.0x12.0x0.35 inches. Ed. Edward Huws Jones Book/CD Pack.
Edward Huws Jones' popular series of traditional fiddle repertoire, now available with expertly-recorded audio CD. Containing colorful instrumental backing tracks and full demonstrations, the new audio resource will aid and inspire your private practice and public performance alike. These generous collections of authentic music, some familiar, some more exotic, but all of it faithfully arranged, enable you to create your own ceilidh, bluegrass club or charanga band. The violin edition includes optional easy violin part and guitar chords, while the complete edition also includes both keyboard and violin accompaniments. Either format is highly flexible, which means the music can be played as solos, duets or trios as well as with larger ensembles. Edwards Huws Jones has travelled extensively researching fiddle-playing traditions. In each book he explains the background of the particular musical style, giving his own suggestions for a lively performance.
SKU: HL.48025055
ISBN 9781784547042. UPC: 196288024316. 9.0x12.0x0.235 inches.
The full range of traditional fiddle repertoire is now at your fingertips! Using these generous collections, you can create your own ceilidh, barn dance, jazz club or Sarajevo street-café. Some of this music is familiar, some more exotic, but all of it is absolutely authentic, faithfully arranged and, above all, hugely enjoyable. Each title in the series is available in two formats: the violin edition (with an optional easy violin part and guitar chords); or the complete edition, which also includes both keyboard and violin accompaniments. Either format is hugely flexible, which means themusic can be played as solos, duets or trios as well as with larger ensembles. Edward Huws Jones has travelled extensively researching fiddle-playing traditions. In each book he explains the background of the particular musical style, giving his own suggestions for a lively performance.
ISBN 9790708146247.
Eberl's Sonata in D major, Op. 20, the sixth of seven sonatas with violin, was composed around 1803 and dedicated to Dorothea Ertmann, the highly regarded pianist who many have suggested as Beethoven's 'Immortal Beloved', and to whom that composer dedicated his Piano Sonata in A major, Op. 101. Unlike many of Eberl's lesser contemporaries, in its duration, formal and harmonic novelty, and in the lively relationship between the violin and keyboard, his Op. 20 shares much of the musical ambition and quality of Beethoven's works in this genre. 1803 saw the publication of Eberl's Op. 20, and Beethoven's set of three sonatas with violin, Op. 30, all produced by the Bureau des Arts et d'Industrie firm in Vienna. Beethoven's set were advertised for sale in the Wiener Zeitung in May 1803, days after the premiere of his Op. 47 sonata with violin (given by George Bridgetower and Beethoven, but later dedicated to Rudolphe Kreutzer). Eberl's Op. 20 was advertised in the Wiener Zeitung six weeks later, in July 1803.
SKU: HL.978474
ISBN 9781638871361. UPC: 196288090922. 9.0x12.0x0.102 inches.
This one of a kind album pairs two of the most performed Ave Maria's for violin and piano, meticulously edited by Jascha Heifetz' protege, Endre Granat. The first of these is Schubert's melody, which was originally composed as a setting of a song from Walter Scott's popular narrative poem The Lady of the Lake, titled, “Ellen's Third Song” (Ellens dritter Gesang). The opening words and refrain of Ellen's song, namely “Ave Maria” (Latin for “Hail Mary”), may have led to the idea of adapting Schubert's melody as a setting for the full text of the traditional Roman Catholic prayer. The Latin version of the song is now so frequently used with Schubert's melody that it has led to the misconception that he originally wrote the melody as a setting for the “Ave Maria.” The second Ave Maria in this collection was created when Gounod famously improvised the melody over the background of J.S. Bach's Prelude No. 1 in C major, BWV 846, from The Well-Tempered Clavier. Gounod's beatiful improvisation was transcribed by his future father-in-law Pierre-Joseph-Guillaume Zimmermann, which was published with the Bach keyboard accompaniment in 1835 under the title “Méditation sur le Premier Prélude de Piano de S. Bach.” Alongside Schubert's version, the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria has become a fixture at funerals, wedding masses, and quinceañeras. Both works have been recorded hundreds of times during the twentieth century.
SKU: HL.48025138
ISBN 9781784546984. UPC: 196288093152. 9.0x12.0x0.321 inches.
The full range of traditional fiddle repertoire is now at your fingertips! Using these generous collections, you can create your own ceilidh, barn dance, jazz club or Sarajevo street-café. Some of this music is familiar, some more exotic, but all of it is absolutely authentic, faithfully arranged and, above all, hugely enjoyable. Each title in the series is available in two formats: the Violin Edition (with an optional easy violin part and guitar chords); or the Complete Edition, which also includes both keyboard and violin accompaniments. Either format is hugely flexible, which means themusic can be played as solos, duets or trios as well as with larger ensembles. Edward Huws Jones has travelled extensively researching fiddle-playing traditions. In each book he explains the background of the particular musical style, giving his own suggestions for a lively performance.
SKU: HL.49018055
ISBN 9790001149044. UPC: 884088556327. 9.0x12.0x0.313 inches.
Eotvos wrote this piece in memory of the seven astronauts who lost their lives in the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy in 2003. The number 7 determines the musical, rhythmic and formal structure of the work: 49 musicians are divided into seven groups, and as well as the solo violin there are six further violins arranged correspondingly around the hall; and the solo violin itself portrays each of the astronauts and their different origin, from America via Israel to India, in folkloristically tinged cadenzas.'The violin concerto Seven is a very personal monologue and the musical expression of my sympathy towards the seven astronauts who lost their lives while exploring space in fulfilment of a fundamental dream of mankind.' (Peter Eotvos)3 (1. auch Altfl., 2./3. auch Picc.) * 3 * 3 * Bassklar. * Altsax. (auch Baritonsax.) * 3 - 2 * 2 * 2 * 1 - S. (I: Crot. * Gongs * Rohren [Amboss] * Rohrengl. * Nietenbeck. * chin. Beck. * Dome-Beck. * Tamt. * Trgl. * Sprungfeder; II: Vibr. * Gongs * Glsp. * Rohrengl. * Beck. * Dome-Beck. * Tamt. * Crot. * Sistrum * Sprungfeder; III: Vibr. * Gongs * Glsp. * Rohrengl. * Beck. * Dome-Beck. * Crot. * Rohren [Amboss] * Glsp. * Sprungfeder; IV: Crot. * Gongs * Rohrengl. * Nietenbeck. * chin. Beck. * Dome-Beck. * Tamt. * Sistrum * Rohren [Amboss] * Trgl. * Sprungfeder) (4 Spieler) - E-Git. * Hfe. * Keyboard-Sampler* - Str. (6 * 0 * 5 * 5 * 4)* Fur alle technischen Anweisungen wenden Sie sich bitte an / For technical instructions please contact
ISBN 9790708146254.
Among Vienna’s many composers and pianists of the time, Anton Eberl (1765–1807) was the one considered most worthy of comparison with Beethoven. His Sonata in B flat major, Op.35, his last of seven sonatas with violin, was composed around 1805 and dedicated to Maria Walburga, the Princess Bretzenheim. This was one Eberl’s last works, as he died prematurely, at the age of forty-one, in 1807. Unlike many of Eberl’s lesser contemporaries, in its duration, formal and harmonic novelty, and in the lively relationship between the violin and keyboard, his Op.35 shares much of the musical ambition and quality of Beethoven’s works in this genre.
ISBN 9790708146841.
The model for this sonata is Mozart, specifically his Sonata in B flat major, K.454, written in 1784. Eberl borrows many structural and stylistic features from K.454: the grand, slow introduction of the first movement; the song-like second movement opening over rocking accompaniment; and the gavotte-like closing rondo. Eberl even quotes directly from K.454. But the work also looks forward to Beethoven’s contributions to the genre, and in its duration, formal and harmonic novelty, and in the lively relationship between the violin and keyboard, Op.50 shares much of the musical ambition and quality of Beethoven’s early works in this genre.
ISBN 9790708024248.
A solemn introductory Grave where the solo violin occasionally breaks out from the repeated chords with short cantabile sections, is followed by a fluent Allegro with difficult sounding passage work, excellently written for the violin. An emotive Grave recitative leads into the final Allegro which arrests attention by the simple device of alternating triplets with semiquaver passages. Eminently suited to amateur and school orchestras!
SKU: HL.51480587
ISBN 9790201805870. UPC: 888680044091. 10.0x13.0x0.15 inches.
“Virtuoso piece in the style of a Hungarian Rhapsody†– thus reads Ravel's entry on “Tzigane†in the so-called “Autobiographical Sketch.†Composed in 1924, there are three versions of this work: with piano, with orchestra and with luthéal, a device for keyboard instruments to extend the timbre. “Tzigane†was inspired by the Hungarian-English violinist Jelly d'Aranyl, to whom Ravel had already promised a virtuoso piece in 1922 following Franz Liszt's “Hungarian Rhapsodies.†Work progressed slowly and d'Aranyl only received the music four days before the première – but she still gave a brilliant performance.
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SKU: FG.55009-532-8
ISBN 979-0-55009-532-8.
Thomas Bystrom's (1772-1839) major compositions are his three violin sonatas which were evidently completed in 1797. The original title 'Trois sonates pour le clavecin our pianoforte avec accompagnement d'un violon oblige' recalls the temporary practice of the violin part being considered secondary to the keyboard part so that such a sonata could be performed without the violin if necessary. Actually Bystrom's sonatas are genuine chamber music works rooted in the Classical period, with both parts being necessary contributions to the whole even if the piano tends to dominate the texture.
SKU: FG.042-04246-5
ISBN 979-0-042-04246-5.
SKU: FG.042-04244-1
ISBN 979-0-042-04244-1.