Time To Say Goodbye Concert band [Score] - Intermediate De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.DHP-1104969-140 As performed b...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4
SKU: BT.DHP-1104969-140
As performed by Andrea Bocelli. Composed by F. Peterson, Francesco Sartori, and Lucio Quarantotto. Arranged by Toshio Mashima. New Sounds for Concert Band. Pop & Rock. Score Only. Composed 2010. 20 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1104969-140. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1104969-140).
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This beautiful duet was an appropriate way to mark the end of Henry Maske’s career and simultaneously introduce Andrea Bocelli to the international music scene. His collaboration with Sarah Brightman resulted in an unforgettable performance. Perfect for ending or providing an intimate moment during your concert, this arrangement exhibits the high standards the New Sounds for Concert Band series is known for.
Met dit meeslepende duet brak Andrea Bocelli in 1996 internationaal door als tenor. Hij zong dit onvergetelijke lied samen met Sarah Brightman. Time to say Goodbye is het ideale werk om als slot van uw uitvoering, als afscheidsliedof gewoon als rustig moment in uw concert te programmeren. Kwaliteit zoals u dat gewend bent in de serie New Sounds for Concert Band!
Dieses mitreißende Duett wurde 1996 zur Hymne zum Abschluss der Karriere von Henry Maske und markierte gleichzeitig den internationalen Durchbruch des Startenors Andrea Bocelli, dessen Auftritt mit Sarah Brightman unvergessen ist. Zum Abschluss Ihres Konzerts, zum Abschied oder einfach nur als gefühlvoller, ruhiger Programmpunkt eignet sich diese Bearbeitung in gewohnter Qualität der Reihe New Sounds for Concert Band ideal!
Questo coinvolgente duo del 1966 cantato per onorare la fine della carriera di Herny Maske ha anche segnato il debutto internazionale di Andrea Bocelli, la cui interpretazione al fianco di Sarah Brightman resta indimenticabile. Un brano ideale per concludere il vostro concerto, ma anche come brano di sicuro eff etto del vostro programma.
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1125271-140 Composed by Micha...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3
SKU: BT.DHP-1125271-140
Composed by Michael Jackson. Arranged by Miho Hazama. Pop and Rock. Score Only. Composed 2012. 20 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1125271-140. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1125271-140).
I Just Canâ??t Stop Loving You was de eerste single van het album Bad. Michael Jackson nam dit romantisch duet, samen met zangeres en songwriter Siedah Garret, op. Dit gevoelige nummer werd wereldwijd bekend door Michaelâ??sBad World Tour in 1987. Miho Hazama maakte er een arrangement van met een prachtig volle klank.
I Just Canâ??t Stop Loving You war die erste Single aus dem Album Bad, wo das romantische Duett zusammen mit der Sängerin und Songwriterin Siedah Garret aufgenommen wurde. Weltweit ist der gefu?hlvolle Song vor allem von der Bad World Tour im Jahr 1987 bekannt geworden. Dieses Arrangement besticht vor allem durch seinen vollen Orchesterklang.
I Just Canâ??t Stop Loving You, il primo single dellâ??album Bad, include il romantico duo con la cantante e autrice Siedah Garret. Il brano è diventato famoso grazie al Bad World Tour del 1987. Questo raffinato arrangiamento si contraddistingue per le sonorit .
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.1416-07-140-MS Composed by Brian ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3
SKU: BT.1416-07-140-MS
Composed by Brian Wilson, Chuck Berry, Danny Hamilton, and Ray Hildebrand. Arranged by Naohiro Iwai. New Sounds for Concert Band. Pop & Rock. Score Only. Composed 2007. 36 pages. Music Sales #1416-07-140 MS. Published by Music Sales (BT.1416-07-140-MS).
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Naohiro Iwai has here combined three of the most popular songs of the 1960's: Surfin' USA (performed by the Beach Boys), Hey Paula (performd by the Pop Duet Paul and Paula) and the instrumental music Diamond Head, by Danny Hamilton, the first big success of the POP J (pop Japanese music). With Sounds from the 60’s, plunge back in the grooving tangy sounds of one of the most colourful decades.
Naohiro Iwai versammelte in seinem Medley für Blasorchester drei unvergessene Songs, die die Popmusik der Sechziger prägten: Surfin’ USA von den Beach Boys, Hey Paula vom Popduo Paul & Paula und das Instrumentalstück Diamond Head von Danny Hamilton. Mit diesem Medley können Sie die Atmosphäre einer großen Pop-Ära wieder aufleben lassen!
Composed by Amy Foster-Gillies, Andrea Bocelli, and David Babyface Foster. Arranged by Wim Stalman. De Haske Pop Collection. Pop & Rock. Score Only. Composed 2007. 20 pages. Music Sales #1413-07-140 MS. Published by Music Sales (BT.1413-07-140-MS).