SKU: BT.GOB-000039-030
Felix-Alexandre Guilmant-Amédée (Boulogne-sur-Mer, March 12, 1837 - Meudon, March 29, 1911) was a French composer and organist. Like many other composers, he was very talented on a young age, he was 12 years when he was playing organ smoothly. He studied with Lemmens with Charles-Marie Widor and Gigout. Between 1871 and 1901 he the leading man in the Paris organ scenery, along with his fellow students, later on he teached at the Paris Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique, inter alia, Joseph Bonnet and Marcel Dupre. Known are his organ sonatas, which are equivalent to the famous organ symphonies of Widor. His work was very popular. Also knownunder the title Morceau Symphonique, Opus 88. Félix-Alexandre-Amédée Guilmant (Boulogne-sur-Mer, 12 maart 1837 - Meudon, 29 maart 1911) was een Frans componist en organist. Zoals zoveel andere componisten was ook hij op vrij jonge leeftijd al zeer begaafd, hij was12 jaar toen hij al vlot orgel speelde. Hij studeerde bij Lemmens samen met Charles Marie Widor en Gigout. Tussen 1871 en 1901 gaf hij de leiding aan de Parijse orgelwereld, samen met met zijn mede-studenten, later gaf hij zelf lesaan het Parijse Conservatoire national supérieur de musique, onder andere aan Joseph Bonnet en Marcel Dupré. Bekend zijn de orgelsonates. deze zijn gelijkwaardig aan de beroemde orgelsymfonieën van Widor. Zijn oeuvre was danook zeer geliefd. Ook bekend onder de titel Morceau Symphonique opus 88.
SKU: BT.GOB-000039-130
SKU: GO.39
SKU: AP.31613S
UPC: 038081354750. English.
Are you looking for a big, bombastic opener or closer for your next symphony orchestra concert? Do you need a contrasting piece to a delicate Debussy impression and want to stay French? Are you too pooped to Pomp? This composition, in a bold march style with a short fugal exposition in the middle, will work for you. Your students will enjoy the opportunity for their sections to shine and your audience will remember the energetic build to the final climactic chords.