SKU: JK.01984
Presenting the newest addition to the popular Hymn-Alongs series: Christmas Hymn-Alongs! The Hymn-Alongs series includes over 20 different instrumental books. They are simple enough for developing musicians to master, yet beautiful and fun for those advancing in music. The accompaniment book features beautiful, yet simple arrangments for piano, guitar (chord symbols), and voice. The many instrumental books can be played together in any combination. All instrument books include a melody part; treble instruments have a duet part, and bass instruments also include a bass part. View all Christmas Hymn-Alongs products HERE. Songs included in Christmas Hymn-Alongs:Angels We Have Heard on HighAway in a MangerHark! The Herald Angels SingI Heard the Bells on Christmas DayIt Came upon the Midnight ClearJoy to the WorldO Come, O Come, EmmanuelO Little Town of BethlehemOh, Come, All Ye FaithfulO Holy NightSilent NightThe First NoelWe Three KingsWhat Child Is This? Composer: VariousArranger: Brent JorgensenDifficulty: Easy hymn along, hymnalongs, hymnalong, hymn alongs.
SKU: XC.SB2009
ISBN 9781644020548. UPC: 812598035520. 9 x 12 inches.
Adaptable Quartets contains 21 newly-composed or arranged quartets that can be flexibly used with any combination of string instruments, making them an invaluable resource in the modern orchestra room! Written at an accessible 1.5-3 grade level, Adaptable Quartets follow the popular Adaptable Duets and Trios books by the same composers. Tyler Arcari and Matthew R. Putnam bring with them a wealth of educational experience as music educators to craft quartets that are fun to play and musically stimulating. Adaptable Quartets are sure to become an instant favorite. String editing by Diana Traietta.CONTENTSAbide with Me (Monk) Agincourt Carol (English Folk Song) The Barber of Seville (Rossini) Be Thou My Vision (Trad. Irish) Capstone (Arcari) Chorale - Jupiter (Holst) Country Gardens (Trad. Morris Dance) Curse of Tortuga (Arcari) Dawn of the Century - March (Paull) Fortune Favors the Bold (Putnam) Gesu Bambino (Yon) Go Tell It on the Mountain (Spiritual) Greensleeves (Trad. English Folk Song) Home on the Range (Kelly) In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg) Les Toreadors - Carmen (Bizet) Scimitar! (Matthew R. Putnam) Sea Shanty (19th Century Sea Shanty) Song Without Words - Second Suite in F (Holst) The Emperor Waltz (Strauss II) When Johnny Comes Marching Home (American Folk Song).
SKU: JK.01954
UPC: 093285019546.
Hymn-Alongs makes playing hymns and primary songs a blast! It is available for almost any instrument and is designed to be simple enough for developing musicians and fun for those advancing in music. The Accompaniment Book features beautiful, yet simple arrangments for piano, guitar, and voice. Instrumental books are sold separately and can be played together in any combination. All instrument books include a melody part; treble instruments also have a duet part, and bass instruments also include a bass part. See all Hymn-Alongs Vol. 1 products Songs included in this Hymn-Alongs Vol. 1: Come, Follow Me I Love to See the Temple Choose the Right I Am a Child of God Count Your Blessings Called to Serve Joseph Smith's First Prayer Beautiful Savior We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus Families Can Be Together Forever He Sent His Son My Heavenly Father Loves Me Composer: Various Arranger: Brent Jorgensen Difficulty: Easy.
SKU: JK.02037
UPC: 093285020375.
A Truly Classic Christmas consists of twelve tasteful Baroque Christmas settings for string quartet, as played by the Piranesi String Quartet. These arrangements are masterfully crafted for advanced players and will liven any Christmas event.Instrumental books are each sold separately.Violin 1 - #02035Violin 2 - #02036Viola - #02037Cello - #02038Songs Included:It Came Upon the Midnight ClearHark! The Herald Angels SingDeck the HallsO TannenbaumAngels We Have Heard on HighGod Rest Ye, Merry GentlemenO Little Town of BethlehemWe Wish You a Merry ChristmasThe Twelve Days of ChristmasWe Three KingsJoy to the WorldOh, Come, All Ye Faithful Composer: VariousArranger: David FickDifficulty: AdvancedReference: Luke 2.
SKU: CA.5505613
ISBN 9790007226763. Language: English/German. Text: Jennens, Charles. Text: Charles Jennens.
George Frideric Handel is considered England's first and foremost composer of oratorios. Above all, the Messiah is regarded as the epitome of sacred music and in German-speaking countries it is also one of the most often performed works in the genre. The version of the Messiah which is most often performed today is a combination of various versions. Consequently, the present critical edition by Ton Koopman contains all the surviving alternative versions of the solo movements. A concordance makes it possible to assign these movements to those various performances of the work conducted by Handel between the Dublin premiere in 1742 and the London concerts which took place up to 1759. In accordance with the wishes voiced by many choral conductors and singers, the vocal score is available in separate English and German versions. Score and part available separately - see item CA.5505600.
SKU: HL.44011232
ISBN 9789043129862. 9.0x12.0x0.217 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
4 Collections to give a structured training scheme for the viola player to play in position. Positions 4 & 5 - the eighteen exercises and 32 pieces in this volume, with the accompaniments on the enclosed CD, provide a fine collection of material for further developing your viola playing using the fourth and fifth positions. With this book a sound basis is created not just for playing in the fourth and fifth positions but also for using these in combination with the first three positions. Various styles are featured which adds educational value and makes studying extra fun.Positions 4 & 5 bevat 18 oefeningen en 32 speelstukken - met begeleiding op de cd. De stukken en oefeningen zijn ideaal voor het ontwikkelen van het spel in de vierde en vijfde positie, en voor de combinatie met de eerste drieposities.Die 18 Ubungen und 32 Stucke in diesem Buch - samt Begleitungen auf der beiliegenden CD - bieten wertvolles Material zur Weiterentwicklung des Violaspiels in der vierten und funften Lage. Positions 4 & 5 schafft eine solide Basis, nicht nur was das Spiel in der vierten und funften Lage betrifft, sondern auch deren Gebrauch in Kombination mit den ersten drei Lagen. Durch die Verwendung verschiedener Stile wird das Uben nicht nur lehrreicher, sondern macht auch mehr Spass!Positions 4 & 5 contient 18 exercices, 32 melodies dans des styles varies et un accompagnement sur compact disc constituent cette excellente base de travail pour developper votre jeu et apprendre a jouer en quatrieme et cinquieme positions avec plaisir et motivation. 33 Brani per suonare in quarta e quinta posizione Diciotto esercizi, trentadue melodie in diversi stili, e un accompagnamento su CD costituiscono questa eccellente base di lavoro per sviluppare e migliorare la vostra tecnica, nonche per apprendere a suonare in quarta e quinta posizione divertendovi. Positions 4 & 5 crea la giusta base per suonare in quarta e quinta posizione, ma offre anche combinazioni che necessitano l'utilizzo delle prime tre posizioni. La diversita degli stili musicali garantisce uno studio piacevole, variegato e istruttivo.
SKU: CA.3123213
ISBN 9790007211028. Language: Latin.
Bach's B minor Mass is among the greatest and most ambitious works of all time. The various stages of composition of the Mass occupied the composer for over two decades: beginning with the Sanctus (1724), by way of the Missa of 1733, to the remaining movements of the Ordinary, which were composed during his last years. Thus the Mass, in its wealth of forms with arias, duets, as well as concertante and fugal choruses, displays the essence of Bach's skill and personal style. The greatest musical work of art of all times and all peoples (to quote the enthusiastic Hans Georg Nageli, who first edited the Mass in 1818) and one of the most demanding choral works in the repertoire is presented by Frieder Bernius, the Kammerchor Stuttgart and the Barockorchester Stuttgart in a stellar recording based on the principles of historical performance practice (Carus 83.211). Awarded the Gramophone - Editor's Choice. Score and part available separately - see item CA.3123200.
SKU: BT.DHP-1145555-400
ISBN 9789043135979. English-German-French-Dutch.
Position 1 covers the four fingerings of the first position. The connection between these fingerings and the different keys - up to three sharps or flats - is also dealt with. The book features 38 exercises for the various fingerings, sevenscale and triad exercises, and 68 attractive performance pieces in a range of musical styles. The performance pieces can be played with CD accompaniment (demo and play-along tracks are featured on CDs 1 and 2) or with piano accompaniment. The pianoaccompaniments can be found on CD 2 in PDF form.In Position 1 worden alle vingerstellingen binnen de 1e positie geleerd aan de hand van grepenschema?s, oefeningen en speelstukken. Verder wordt het verband gelegd tussen de verschillende vingerstellingen in toonladders en drieklanken inde 1e positie over 2 oktaven. De 68 speelstukken kunnen met cd-begeleiding worden gespeeld, of met live-pianobegeleidingen. Deze worden als pdf geleverd op de 2 bijbehorende cd?s. De vertrouwde afwisseling van nieuwe stukken, arrangementen vanklassieke thema?s en volksliedjes ontbreekt uiteraard niet!
Lees hier de boekbespreking uit Arco.In Position 1 geht es um die vier Griffarten der ersten Lage. Diese Griffarten werden auch mit den verschiedenen Tonarten - mit bis zu drei Kreuzen oder Bs - verknüpft. Das Buch umfasst 38 Ã?bungen für die verschiedenen Griffarten, siebenTonleiter- und Dreiklangsübungen sowie 68 reizvolle Vortragsstücke in einer ganzen Palette an Musikstilen. Die Vortragsstücke können zu den Begleitungen auf den beiden CDs (die Demo- und Mitspielversionen enthalten), aber auch mit einem Pianistengespielt werden. Die Klavierstimmen sind im PDF-Format zum Ausdrucken auf der CD 2 enthalten.Position 1 couvre les quatre doigtés de la première position et examine le rapport entre ces doigtés et les différentes tonalités - jusquà trois dièses ou bémols. Cet ouvrage contient 38 exercices pour les divers doigtés, 7exercices de gammes et de triades, et 68 morceaux de concert dans une diversité de styles. Ces morceaux peuvent être exécutés avec l´accompagnement du CD, mais aussi accompagnés au piano. Des versions intégrales et de démonstration figurent surles CD 1 et 2, ce dernier comprenant aussi les partitions du piano sous forme de fichiers PDF.Position 1 affronta le quattro diteggiature della prima posizione. La pubblicazione contiene 38 esercizi per le varie posizioni, sette scale e terze, come anche 68 accattivanti brani in vari stili musicali da suonare in pubblico. Questipossono essere eseguiti sia con lausilio dei 2 CD inclusi (traccia demo e traccia play-along), sia con l´accompagnamento di un pianista. Le parti del piano, contenute sul secondo CD, sono scaricabili in formato PDF.
SKU: BR.OB-5509-19
The concertos in A minor and B flat major were first written as violoncello concertos between 1750 and 1753. They thus rank among the very first concertos for solo cello in Germany.
ISBN 9790004338483. 9 x 12 inches.
The concertos in A minor, B flat major and A major were first written as violoncello concertos between 1750 and 1753. They thus rank among the very first concertos for solo cello in Germany. The A minor Concerto, composed in 1750, is performed quite frequently today. C. P. E. Bach most likely wrote the Concerto in B flat major Wq. 171 as the last of the little work group in 1753 in Potsdam, at the court of King Frederick the Great. He reworked the composition for flute and harpsichord shortly thereafter. Various sources prove that copies of the work had made it known quite extensively in the second half of the 18th century. In his new Urtext edition, Ulrich Leisinger bases himself on two reliable manuscripts.