ISBN 9788881094479. 6.5 x 9.5 inches.
â??During my career spanning half a century, like all my fellow harpists I constantly had to grapple with the commonly held view that the harp has neither music nor history of its own.Fortunately, over the years I have been able to give the lie to this myth and have tried to bring to light some of the vast repertoire, both early and modern, expressly composed for this instrument which has been treated somewhat as an outsider in the musical world.The research work for my books on Italian and Swiss harp music was plain sailing because source materials were specific titles and title pages. Were I to write books on French, German, Austrian, British, Bohemian, Spanish, Portuguese or Scandinavian harp music, the work involved would be equally smooth and straightforward.However, where Dutch music is concerned, the approach is rather different, because here it is the painters, treatise-writers and historians who provide the evidence and guidance necessary to discover the musical customs and traditions where the harp played a significant part.Performers looking for pieces of music may use this book as follows: chapter II deals with treatises, chapter III with paintings, chapter IV with history and research accounts. Chapters V and VI are concerned with confusions in terminology. Chapter VII describes recent developments and chapters VIII and IX cover composers and pieces of music. Libraries and publishers are listed with their addresses in chapters X and XI, and finally chapter XII consists of the index based on the various groups of performers.In this last chapter harpists will find the composers most suited to their programme, and can then turn to chapters VIII and IX for details. The actual pieces can be obtained by consulting chapters X and XI. I wish you every success in your search, in your rehearsals and in your concerts !In order to define what is Dutch or non-Dutch in early music, I have followed the current approach, i.e. all art and history prior to the separation of the â??Seven ProvinÂces in the 16th century is the common heritage of the Low Countries, whereas everything pertaining to those courageous lands from then onwards is specifically Dutch..
SKU: HL.131541
ISBN 9780936661667. UPC: 888680025564. 8.5x11.0x0.031 inches.
Say Something is an original song by the American duo A Great Big World. The lyrics are about letting go when a relationship ends. It became an international hit when Christina Aguilera joined A Great Big World on a re-recorded version in 2013. Sylvia Woods has made a 4-page advanced beginner to intermediate arrangement, playable on either lever or pedal harp. This music features a pedal point (also called a pedal note or pedal tone), which is a sustained or continually repeated note that is held constant while harmonies change in other parts. A pedal point is usually found in the bass, but here it is in the middle register. Virtually every measure includes a middle C note on the downbeat. Sometimes it is played with the right hand, and at other times with the left. But it is almost always there. This pedal point harmony is what originally drew me into this beautiful piece of music the first time I heard it on the radio. The music is in the key of C, and no sharping levers are required, as there are no lever changes. Fingerings, lyrics and chord symbols are included. The harp range required is 24 strings from a low C up to an E. It can be played on 24-string to 26-string harps with a C as the lowest string if you play both hands an octave higher than written.
ISBN 9790215326859. 9 x 12 inches.
Rediscovering, studying and analyzing the musical art of Philipp Joseph Hinner means enhancing a piece of the eighteenth-century harp music mosaic. Hinner's work intrigues for its extraordinary simplicity, for its regularity and harmony; the ordered balance of the parts, symmetry and sense of proportion are essential elements for the author, and give character and unity to his work. The harp repertoire has long been overshadowed by the keyboard one, which boasts extensive solo and chamber literature, and consolidated for over two centuries. The rediscovery of the history of our instrument, however, is still recent and the research work in the field of harp music is still long.Hinner, with the apparent simplicity of his opus 10, can thus regain his role in the harp repertoire of the eighteenth century, as well as covering a considerable didactic value today. The part of the first harp undoubtedly presents characteristics of greater rhythmic and virtuosic complexity than that of the second, which consists of a continuous accompaniment interspersed with simple thematic imitated episodes. Furthermore in the composition are included arias such as O ma tendre Musette, a French popular melody of the 18th century (previously set to music by Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny), and <>, taken from the opera-comique L'erreur d'un moment ou la Suite de Julie by Nicolas Dezede, as well as themes from Gluck's Iphigenie en Aulide, which had been all used also by Hinner's first harp master, Francesco Petrini (1744-1819).Hinner's opus 10, originally written in separate parts for two harps, or harp and fortepiano, is presented here updated and completed with its score, for a thorough perception of the work.
SKU: FL.FX073669
This composition on exotic modes is an invitation to a journey to an imaginary place. - Max MEREAUX ; A piece that can be played from 7 years of Harp practice ; Instruments: 1 Solo Harp; Difficuly Level: Grade 4.
SKU: HL.50511754
ISBN 9790080143582. B/4 quer inches. Hungarian, English. Laszlo Tihanyi.
Greek mythology seems spontaneously to have offered the figure of linos as the central character in a work for solo harp. (Linos was a poet, believed to be the brother of Orpheus, and according to Greek tradition no greater musician ever appeared among mankind.) The musical material, conforming to the characteristics of the harp, consits of two interesting seven-degree note rows incorporating all the possible pedal combinations, their mirror inversions and the five-degree noterows that fit between them. The nine-section composition is made up of scenes from the imagined life of Linos, an imagined 'Linos's hymn', and laments played in his honour.
SKU: SU.91480600
Instrumentation: Harp Duration: 4' ' Composed: 2011 Published by: Subito Music Publishing.
SKU: HL.128725
ISBN 9780936661636. UPC: 888680012588. 8.5x11.0x0.038 inches.
Castle on a Cloud is sung by the child Cosette in Les Miserables. It is a hopeful song of her imaginary world where life is beautiful, and she is not subjected to the drudgery of her hard existence. Sylvia Woods has arranged this lilting song for lever or pedal harp. There are 7 lever changes in the piece, so it is for lower intermediate to intermediate level players. Fingerings and lyrics are included, as well as lever and pedal changes. Two, 2-page versions are included: one for lever harps tuned to C, and the other for lever harps tuned to flats. Pedal harpists can play either version. The arrangement for lever harps tuned to C is in the key of D (2 sharps), with A and C lever changes needed. The arrangement for lever harps tuned to flats is in the key of C, with B and G lever changes needed. Either version may be played on most small harps with about 26 strings if you play everything an octave higher than written. There are special instructions in the introduction telling you what you'll need to change if you have a small harp.
SKU: SU.50500990
Solo Harp Duration: 5' 30 Composed: 2010 Published by: Seesaw Music.
SKU: HL.48182887
For harp or celtic harp.
SKU: HL.121110
ISBN 9780936661339. UPC: 669619661332. 8.5x11.0x0.042 inches.
Wondrous Love is a modal hymn from the shape note (also called Sacred Harp) singing popular in churches of Colonial New England. Sylvia's arragement includes three variations and is for advanced beginners and intermediate harp players. 3 pages, with fingerings and no lever changes in a C tuning. Playable on lever harps and pedal harps.
SKU: HL.14043604
ISBN 9788759831823. 8.25x11.75 inches. English.
Dolorosamente for Harp solo was composed by Bent Sorensen and premiered by Tine Rehling at 'The 12th World Harp Congress' in Sydney in July 2014.
SKU: HL.128724
ISBN 9780936661605. UPC: 888680014209. 8.5x11.0x0.027 inches. Arr. Sylvia Woods.
Tangled is Disney's popular animated film from 2010, based on the German fairy tale Rapunzel. This book includes two songs from the movie, arranged for lever or pedal harp by Sylvia Woods: I See the Light and Healing Incantation. Both pieces include lyrics, fingerings, and lever or pedal changes. I See the Light is the love song between Rapunzel and Flynn, sung in the boat during the lantern ceremony. This 5-page intermediate arrangement is in the key of C with F and G lever changes throughout. The range is 31 strings, from the C 2 octaves below middle C up to the E 2 octaves and 2 strings above middle C. The one-page Healing Incantation is the song that Rapunzel sings when her hair creates the magic. It is in the key of 1 sharp, with G and C lever changes. It can be played by advanced beginners with experience in making lever changes. The range is 22 strings, from the E almost 2 octaves below middle C, up to the E 9 strings above middle C. It can be played on many 26-string harps, if played an octave higher than written. Both pieces are included in this sheet music.
SKU: HL.48185288
UPC: 888680858773. 9.0x12.0x0.06 inches.
French pianist and composer, Serge Lancen (1922-2005) studied at the Paris Conservatoire where he won first prize for composition in 1949. His professional career saw him winning many prizes for his compositions and For Raphaele remains popular in the Harp repertoire. As exemplified in For Raphaele, Lancen's compositional style remained attached to the French characteristics, featuring luscious melodies, balance and clarity of tone. With a typical performance lasting about 2 and a half minutes, Pour Raphaele demonstrates the versatility of the Harp, addressing flourishes, dotted rhythms, syncopation and variations in dynamics. For all intermediate harpists, Lancen's For Raphaele is a delightful addition to the instrument's repertoire. .