SKU: YM.GTP01094419
ISBN 9784636944198.
10 brilliant arrangements of Rachmaninoff's piano concertos, vocalise and Paganini variation. 10Shou Jing Cai De La He Ma Ni Nuo Fu Gang Qin Xie Zou Qu , Lian Sheng Qu He Pa Ge Ni Ni Bian Zou Qu . 1-3. 3 Movements from Piano Concerto No.2; 4. Theme from Piano Concerto No.3; 5. Vocalise; 6. Highlight from Paganini Rhapsody; 7. 18th Variation from Paganini Rhapsody; 8. 3rd Movement from Symphony No.2; 9. Prelude Op.3/2; 10. 2nd Movement from Piano Concerto No.2, arranged for 2 pianos.
SKU: BT.F-02008
SKU: HL.50576703
SKU: YM.GTP01101008
ISBN 9784636107104.
Studio Ghibli In Classical Music Styles from Baroque Era to the 20th Century - Piano Duet Book 1. Here comes a new piano duet collection from the STUDIO GHIBLI IN CLASSICAL MUSIC STYLE series! Each piece is arranged at an intermediate to advanced level in the style of famous classical composers. Perfect for recitals, concerts, and street piano performances. The book comes with online demo audio of all parts and each part for you to practice. Scan the QR code next to the song title on the sheet music with smartphone devices to go to the YouTube playlist for each song. Enjoy the collaboration of Classical Music and Studio Ghibli in a piano duet!
SKU: SU.00220522
This CD Sheet Musicâ?¢ collection brings together over 60 duets for every technical level by twenty-four composers from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Works include: Beethoven (Grosse Fuge, Variations on a Theme of Count von Waldstein); Bizet (Jeux d'enfants, Books IandII); Brahms (Hungarian Dances, Liebeslieder Waltzes); Clementi (Sonata in C major); Debussy (La Mer, Petite Suite); Diabelli (Twenty-eight Melodious Pieces); Dvorák (Slavonic Dances); Fauré (Dolly); Grieg (Norwegian Dances, Waltz-Caprices); Haydn (Il Masstro e Lo Scolare); Liszt (Les Preludes), Mendelssohn (Allegro Brilliant); Moszkowski (Spanish Dances); Mozart (Fugue, Sonatas); Mussorgsky (Sonata); Rachmaninoff (Six Pieces); Ravel (Mother Goose); Rimsky-Korsakov (Sheherezade), Satie (La Belle Excentrique, Parade, Trois Morceaux en forme de Poire); Schubert (Divertissement à la Hongroise, Lebensstürme, Three Military Marches); Schumann (Twelve Pieces for Large and Small Children, Kinderbal); Stravinsky (Five Easy Pieces; Le Sacre du Printemps); Weber (Mazurka, Romanza, Sonata in C), and more Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition of Groveâ??s Dictionary of Music and Musicians 1000 pages
Please note, customers using Macintosh computers running macOS Catalina (version 10.5) have reported hardware compatibility issues with this product. If you encounter these issues, we recommend copying the entire contents of the disk to a contained folder on a thumb drive or other storage device for use on your Mac.