Excellent work for any time a Mendelssohn work is needed for concert, church or other occasion by Samuel Adler.
Awarded the German Music Edition Prize 2006 (SON 411-413)
ISBN 9790004802380. 9 x 12 inches.
The Leipziger Ausgabe der Werke von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy pursues the goal of making accessible to the public in an adequately scholarly form all of Mendelssohn's accessible compositions, letters and writings, along with all other documents of his artistic oeuvre. A considerable number of Mendelssohn's works are still waiting to be published; many others have been published in an unsatisfactory manner.Though the new Mendelssohn Complete Edition follows the ten volumes of the Leipziger Mendelssohn Ausgabe (LMA) published by the Deutscher Verlag fur Musik (DVfM) in Leipzig since 1961, it sees itself as a fundamentally new conception which reflects the present-day standard of scholarly editions.The first volumes of the new Complete Edition were presented in Leipzig on 3 November 1997 at Mendelssohn Festtage in Leipzig.SON 411 - 413 have been awarded the German Music Edition Prize 2006.Editorial Board: Christian Martin Schmidt (chairman), Peter Ward Jones, Friedhelm Krummacher, R. Larry Todd, Ralf Wehner; research associates: Ralf Wehner, Clemens Harasim, Birgit Muller.
ISBN 9790004802519. 9 x 12 inches.
SKU: HL.14010707
14.5x10.25x0.036 inches.
Mendelssohn's War March Of The Priests arranged for Organ by W. T. Best. Originally composed as part of a larger set of incidental music for the stage productuion Athalia.
SKU: HL.14019972
12.0x8.25x0.03 inches.
Arranged for the organ.
SKU: HL.14021212
SKU: HL.14010703
SKU: HL.14010704
Arranged for Organ by W.T. Best.
SKU: HL.14019971
8.25x11.75x0.1 inches.
SKU: HL.14010705
8.5x11.5x0.508 inches.
Celebrated Novello edition by Ivor Atkins.
SKU: HL.14037033
SKU: BR.EB-9345
World premiere: Berlin, Januar 20, 2019 (Compulsory piece for the Prizewinner Concert of the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Conservatory Competition, Berlin 2019)Commissioned by the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Conservatory Competition 2019ISBN 9790004188095. 12 x 9 inches.
Lar in Roman mythology refers to the so-called Lares, gods of households, fields and pathways, deified souls of the deceased and tutelary deities, especially of the house and its inhabitants. Lar is also the fireplace in a house - and thus a place where you feel protected. Lar II is part of a cycle. Each piece focusses on a kind of movement or transition between the interior (the house) and the unknown (the outside, the adventure). Gilles Deleuze speaks of deterritorialization; it is precisely this process that is also used in music as a metaphor. For Deleuze, a melody can act as a ritornello, for example, representing the house, the acquainted. Lar II plays with ritornellos which are developed alternatingly - like breathing- with certain movements to the outside and back again. Musically, the instrument organ opens/introduces as a topos something within a space and focusses on the concept of space as the central point of a continuous musical transition. (Jose M. Sanchez-Verdu, 2018)World premiere: Berlin, Januar 20, 2019 (Compulsory piece for the Prizewinner Concert of the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Conservatory Competition, Berlin 2019) Commissioned by the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Conservatory Competition 2019.
SKU: BR.EB-8058
ISBN 9790004183700. 9 x 12 inches.
The Reformation Symphony was composed in 1830 for the 300th anniversary of the Confessio Augustana, the founding of the Lutheran confession of faith. In the fourth movement, Mendelssohn quotes, elaborates and varies artfully the Luther-chorale Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott [God is our fortress], erecting a musical monument to the reformer Martin Luther. After an initial confl icting reception, the Reformation Symphony meanwhile is established fi rmly in the concert repertoire. EB 8058 is intended for performances with organ. It can also be used for the preparation of the chorus and soloists for performances with orchestra.With regard to the anniversary of the Reformation in 2017, this version for solos, choir and organ by Torsten Sterzik originated to pave the Reformation Symphony's way into the church as well, restoring the text to Luther's chorale in the fourth movement and additionally including the third movement, its arioso solos being sung by a soprano and a tenor solo.
SKU: CA.4007305
ISBN 9790007060732. Language: German/English.
The Psalms inspired Mendelssohn throughout his working life, and, aside from a cappella settings, he left behind five great orchestral Psalms. Score available separately - see item CA.4007300.