ISBN 9788884003799. Italian.
Dopo aver approfondito l’argomento del blues (“Il Blues Dal Basso†2013) affronta un argomento di fondamentale importanza per i bassisti che vogliono intraprendere lo studio del jazz: costruire una Walking Bass Line. Il metodo, suddiviso in trecapitoli progressivi, si pone l’obiettivo di fornire allo studente le basi e i mezzi per improvvisare una corretta ed efficace walking bass line su qualsiasi progressione armonica. Il CD allegato contiene 27 tracce audio “minus one†e i files PDF intutte le chiavi dei brani incisi.Contrabbasso: Marcello TestaChitarra: Martino Vercesi.
SKU: HL.14044525
SKU: HL.14047736
SKU: MB.93822
ISBN 9780871669582. UPC: 796279004152. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
We have all heard bass lines that literally make the song. The purpose of this book is to integrate sight-reading ability with the facility to create such original and memorable bass lines. The author includes studies and examples in rock, blues, jazz, reggae, funk, Calypso and other styles- all while imparting new playing skills and essential music theory. This book is not a shortcut method, but rather offers a clear overall perspective of learning to play the bass in popular styles. The appendix includes information on key signatures, scale patterns, and a versatile chart of chord spellings from major triads to 13th chords. Written primarily in standard notation with a few fretboard scale diagrams, this book will give you the comprehensive fretboard knowledge and improved sight-reading ability you need to become The Literate Bassist you were meant to be.
SKU: HL.293380
ISBN 9781540050953. UPC: 888680935962. 9.0x12.0x0.801 inches.
Called the world's greatest bass player, Jaco Pastorius left a permanent mark on the music world despite his tragically short life. This combbound collection provides an invaluable opportunity to study note-for-note transcriptions of 43 of his recordings. A must-own for any bass player's library! 43 works, including: Amerika â?¢ Barbary Coast â?¢ Birdland â?¢ Black Crow â?¢ Black Market â?¢ Blackbird â?¢ Bright Size Life â?¢ The Chicken â?¢ Chromatic Fantasy â?¢ Come On, Come Over â?¢ Continuum â?¢ Dara Factor One â?¢ Donna Lee â?¢ The Dry Cleaner from Des Moines â?¢ 4 A.M. â?¢ God Must Be a Boogie Man â?¢ Good Question â?¢ Harlequin â?¢ Havona â?¢ Hejira â?¢ I Can Dig It Baby â?¢ Invitation â?¢ Kuru â?¢ Liberty City â?¢ Mood Swings â?¢ Night Passage â?¢ Okonkole Y Trompa â?¢ Opus Pocus â?¢ Palladium â?¢ Port of Entry â?¢ Portrait of Tracy â?¢ Punk Jazz â?¢ A Remark You Made â?¢ River People â?¢ Slang â?¢ Speak like a Child â?¢ Speechless â?¢ Talk to Me â?¢ Teen Town â?¢ Three Views of a Secret â?¢ Unquity Road â?¢ (Used to Be A) Cha Cha â?¢ Word of Mouth. Includes tab!
ISBN 9788884005205. Italian.
Metodi di esercitazione con CD audio, destinati a far lavorare il musicista in condizioni musicali simili a quelle del gruppo, sia per l’accompagnamento che per l’improvvisazione.