SKU: MB.30667M
ISBN 9781513463971. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
Johann Sebastian Bachâ??s arrangements of the â??69 Sacred Songsâ? from the Musical Hymnal by Georg Christian Schemelli (Leipzig, 1736) have long been part of the German language vocal concert repertoire and a mainstay in vocal pedagogy. Originally, only these 69 of the 954 hymns in the collection were published with a single bass line as the accompaniment. Bachâ??s contribution was to specify harmonies to be played over those same bass lines by adding figured bass numbers and symbols beneath each note.
A figured bass line can easily be turned into a relatively simple guitar accompaniment or a more elaborate setting, offering a range of possibilities that make working with this music both interesting and rewarding for the guitarist. While other period and modern editions of the â??69 Sacred Songsâ? offer accompaniments for keyboard instruments, this Mel Bay publication features intermediate to advanced transcriptions exclusively for the guitar.
Best suited to college-level players or advanced aficionados, this special Mel Bay Publications edition includes the vocal line with German lyrics and the guitar accompaniment transcribed from Bachâ??s figured bass lines. Written in guitar-friendly keys, 29 of the transcriptions employ a capo to achieve the original key designed for high voices. Without the capo, these same arrangements would be suitable to be sung by lower voices. The remaining 40 hymns are in their original guitar-friendly keys and so do not require a capo.
This volume contains accompaniment settings of all 69 of the sacred songs and arias for which Bach wrote figured bass annotation. For performance variety and convenience, this book includes â??Scores in their Original Keys,â? and stand-alone â??Guitar Accompaniment,â? and â??Bass Parts.
SKU: DY.DO-1551
ISBN 9782897963316.
PULSO DE LA VIDA was composed as part of my dear friend Kostas Tosidis' doctoral thesis with the title Bowing technique on the guitar.The character of the piece changes from simple and meditative to rhythmic and tension-filled, reflecting different stages of our lives.Using a C, G, D tuning for the bass strings, the guitar utilizes resonance to create sustained, cello-sounding melodies on the fourth string, complemented by harmonies on the fifth and sixth strings.The bowing technique is introduced with a continuous tremolo accompanied by an extended form of the first theme. The more dancelike and rhythmical part of the piece uses a 19/16 measure that allows us to experience a sense of disparity. Finally, the simplicity combined with a sense of completeness, but also of abandonment of the beautiful gift of life, leaves us in a state of stillness for any kind of introspection.PULSO DE LA VIDA a été composé dans le cadre de la recherche doctorale de mon cher ami Kostas Tosidis, sous le titre Bowing technique on the guitar (technique d'archet àla guitare).Le caractère de la pièce passe de simple et méditatif àrythmique et plein de tension, reflétant les différentes étapes de notre vie.La guitare, dont les cordes basses sont accordées en do, sol et ré, utilise la résonance pour créer des mélodies soutenues au son du violoncelle sur la quatrième corde, complétées par des harmonies sur les cinquième et sixième cordes.La technique d'archet est introduite par un trémolo continu accompagné d'une forme étendue du premier thème. La partie plus dansante et rythmique de la pièce utilise une mesure 19/16 qui nous permet d'éprouver un sentiment de disparité. Enfin, la simplicité combinée àun sentiment de plénitude, mais aussi d'abandon du magnifique cadeau qu'est la vie, nous laisse dans un état de tranquillité propice àtoute forme d'introspection.
ISBN 9788863881585. French.
The last volume of this superb series dedicated to the acoustic Guitar begins with exercises enabling development in style and precision. Techniques such percussive riffing, right hand damping, slaps, tapping, slap harmoniesand tremolos are studied. You will broaden your knowledge of Celtic music, blues, improvisation, alternative scales and also learn to play worldwide music styles such as reggae, African music, Brazilian, norteno music and a mix ofeverything.
These methods are very important for intermediate and advanced guitarists and equally include a study of more that 10 alternative scales and teach how to analyse, contrast and voice movement. Everyguitarist,average to professional will find material to improve their acoustic Guitar playing.
SKU: DY.DO-1527
ISBN 9782897963071.
3 Blue Monologues a été composé pour João Luiz Rezende Lopes. La pièce s'inspire du blues mais s'inspire de diverses influences stylistiques, notamment des techniques contrapuntiques, une tonalité étendue et des harmonies riches en effets coloristiques et en nuances. Une image de E. Munch contribue au côté « un peu bleu » de la musique.3 Blue Monologues was composed for João Luiz Rezende Lopes. The piece takes blues as its inspiration but goes on to various stylistic influences including contrapuntal techniques, extended tonality and harmonies rich in coloristic effects and shadings. An image by E. Munch contributes to the kind of blue feeling of the music.
ISBN 9780988832732. 8.5 X 11 inches.
The guitar has so many moods and colors. I have always loved the expressive, lyrical pieces written for this unique instrument. This book is a collection of 19 solos of medium difficulty which present a colorful array of moods, harmonies and tonal textures. Each piece gives the guitarist ample opportunity for reflection, interpretation and expression. The solos should be played freely with maximum use of dynamics and tone color. The harmonies are rich and often contemporary. I hope you enjoy playing these compositions as I certainly enjoyed writing them.
SKU: HL.49008000
ISBN 9783795751616. German.
Kaum ein Instrument bietet so viele verschiedene Spieltechniken und Begleitmoglichkeiten wie die Gitarre. Dieser Band tragt diesem Phanomen Rechnung und beantwortet wichtige Fragen rund ums Thema Rhythmus. Was sagt mir ein einzelnes Akkordsymbol? Wie verstehe und interpretiere ich ein Harmonieschema? Wie bekomme ich einen Uberblick uber die verwirrend vielen verschiedenen Harmonien? Ein Mix von Ubungsbeispielen und bekannten Standards ermoglicht auch Einsteigern den schnellen Zugang zur jazzigen Spielweise, zumal die anfangs gezeigten Akkordverbindungen keine Fingerakrobatik erfordern. Es wird vielmehr Wert darauf gelegt, die vielfaltigen Variationsmoglichkeiten aufzuzeigen und die eigene Kreativitat zu fordern. Durch die Darstellung der Akkorde als Griffdiagramm ist es moglich, ohne Notenkenntnis erfolgreich mit dem Buch zu arbeiten. Vorausgesetzt werden die Beherrschung der Grundakkorde in der ersten Lage und der Barregriffe wie z.B. F-Dur. Auf der beiliegenden CD sind die Ubungen und die Standards vom Autor zusammen mit Saxophon, Bass und Drums in professionellem Sound eingespielt. Erganzt wird der Band ausserdem durch eine Jazzakkord-Tabelle.
SKU: MB.31060M
ISBN 9781513468051. 8.75x11.75 inches.
As aspiring fingerpicking guitarists started expanding their horizons from folk, blues, and ragtime in the 1970s, it was only logical to look towards early jazz tunes as a vast source for new possibilities. For one thing, they could follow the same evolutionary path from ragtime to jazz that had been taken by pianists such as Jelly Roll Morton and Harlem stride players like James P. Johnson and Fats Waller. These musicians all composed in a variety of styles, but their most ambitious piano solos expanded on the classic ragtime format developed by the likes of Scott Joplin, James Scott, and Joseph Lamb, using several strains that usually changed keys at least once. Morton, the self-proclaimed inventor of jazz, would record versions of tunes like King Porter Stomp and The Original Jelly Roll Blues that are similar to straight ragtime performances, and others where there is lots of room left for embellishment and jazz improvisation. The present collection is a bonanza for guitarists who want to tackle advanced arrangements along the lines of ragtime but featuring jazz age harmonies from the playing of Jelly Roll Morton, Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, WC Handy, the Original Dixieland Jazz Band and other early jazz legends. The 32 arrangements included are by a wide assortment of guitarists including Ernie Hawkins, Pat Donohue, Lasse Johansson, Duck Baker, Ton Van Bergeyk, Sandy Shalk, Steve McWilliam, and Dorian Henry. Titles include: Oh, You Beautiful Doll, I’ve Got The Blues, High Society, St. Louis Blues, Davenport Blues, Poor Butterfly, Dixie Jass Band One-Step, Memphis Blues, Big Foot Ham, Grandpa’s Spells, The Original Jelly Roll Blues, Midnight Mama, Milenberg Joys, Fizz Water, Back Home in Indiana, Sweet Georgia Brown, Red Wing (An Indian Intermezzo), There’ll Be Some Changes Made, Way Down Yonder In New Orleans, Charleston, Where The Morning Glories Grow, Limehouse Blues, Susie (of the Islands), I Need Some Pettin’, Weather Bird, Cornet Chop Suey, Kansas City Stomps, King Porter Stomp, Jubilee Stomp, Take It Easy, If I Had You, Moonlight Serenade
SKU: MB.30666M
ISBN 9781513462851. 8.75x11.75 inches.
The Hawaiian word for slack key guitar, kÄ« hÅâ??alu, means to â??loosen the keyâ? or retune some of the strings to create a harmonious sound with an open or alternate tuning. Slack key is a fingerpicking style characterized by strong alternating bass lines played with the thumb. While slack key can be played on any guitar, most players prefer a nylon- or steel-stringed acoustic instrument. This book presents 25 intermediate to advanced traditional and original tunes in the Hawaiian slack key style. Melodies are often harmonized in sixths or thirds played with or without double stops. Techniques like syncopated bass lines, hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, and harmonics are tastefully employed to evoke the images of ocean breezes, swaying palms, hula dancers and white sandy beaches. The author writes, â??Unless you grew up playing slack key, itâ??s hard to get from the material presented in most books and DVDs to a fluid, play-it-your-own-way style.â? This book seeks to reveal the insights the author has gleaned from studying and jamming with some of the giants of the slack key style, and help you develop a style all your own. Includes access to online audio tracks of all 25 relaxing but challenging Hawaiian slack key tunes.