SKU: AP.38486
UPC: 038081432458. English.
A great festival piece that, while simple, retains an authentic Baroque sound! The melody moves between sections and all sections remain in first position using mainly three strings. Slurs, bow-lifts, double up-bow, and contrasting dynamics provide wonderful technical development in a fabulous setting in the key of G. This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: BR.EB-8029
ISBN 9790004174326. 9 x 12 inches.
This series of easy piano music for teaching purposes presents pupils in the lower and lower middle grades with a carefully chosen selection of well-known and lesser-known compositions by important masters. The volumes are deliberately kept small in extent, since it is more stimulating for children to change the teaching material frequently. There are four existing harpsichord books with a total of 226 compositions by Francois Couperin le Grand (1668 -1733). His works are as unknown to pianists as they are famous among harpsichord players. The grace and imaginativeness of his works lend themselves especially well to the sound of the harpsichord, which is why the piano interpretation of works by Couperin, Rameau, Scarlatti and other composers of that time has been categorically rejected. But, after all, the works of Bach and Handel were written for the haipsichord and clavichord, and no one would dare question their intetpretation on the pianoforte. In order to introduce these lmpressionists of the Baroque Era to piano instruction, the editor has added to this series a folio of both Couperin's and Rameau's (EB 8033) music. The selection of the pieces is based on two criteria: 1. relatively modest demands made on technique, 2. various musical forms of expression. The Butterflies and the Windmills are both especially typical of masterful character pieces. The demands made on technique certainly correspond to a level of moderate difficulty. The simplifications made are restricted to the artistically realized twopart accompaniment (eg. p. 4 f. and p. 8 f.) with regard to finger stretch and to the profuse ornamentation of the original. The indications for phrasing and articulation are those of the editor. The first two pieces have been precisely elaborated on in this respect to serve as a model, whereas the remaining pieces contain only suggestions. As in other folios of this series; what is here to be stressed, is the importance of working out independently the phrasing and the dynamics. Directions for this are given by the respective footnotes; these directions, however, are not obligatory. lndications pertaining to dynamics and tempo have been omitted completely; the clearly recognizable character of the individual pieces should be direction enough. The tonal possibilities of the piano should in any case be used subtly. The very precise fingerings have been adapted to the suggested phrasings and to the corresponding realization of trills (according to the table). Heinz Walter, Salzburg, Spring 1980.
SKU: BT.DHP-1104910-120
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
In his own distinctive style, Robert van Beringen has composed a very unique fantasy on three themes by the famous Baroque composers Johann Sebastian Bach and George Friedrich Händel. Van Beringen used Bachâ??s chorale Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht (â??Break forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Lightâ??) from his Christmas Oratorio and the recitative Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel, God with Us from Händelâ??s Messiah. A perfect way to say Merry Christmas in music!In seinem eigenen unverwechselbaren Stil schuf Robert van Beringen diese Fantasie über drei Themen der berühmten Barockkomponisten Johan Sebastian Bach und Johann Friedrich Händel: Den Choral Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht nahm er aus Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium; aus Händels Messias stammen die beiden anderen Themen: das Rezitativ Denn sieh, eine Jungfrau wird schwanger und der Hallelujah Chorus. Dans cette fantaisie de Noël, Robert van Beringen conjugue avec une inégalable facilité des thèmes des maîtres du baroque, Jean-Sébastien Bach et Georg Friedrich Haendel. Le choral Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht, n° 12 est extrait de la deuxième partie de lâ??Oratorio de Noëlde Jean-Sébastien Bach, tandis que le récitatif « Voici quâ??une vierge concevra et enfantera un fils, et lui donnera le nom dâ??Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous » et le ChÅ?ur de lâ??Alléluia sont extraits du Messie de Georg Friedrich Haendel.
SKU: BT.DHP-1104910-140
In his own distinctive style, Robert van Beringen has composed a very unique fantasy on three themes by the famous Baroque composers Johann Sebastian Bach and George Friedrich Händel. Van Beringen used Bach’s chorale Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht (‘Break forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light’) from his Christmas Oratorio and the recitative Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel, God with Us from Händel’s Messiah. A perfect way to say Merry Christmas in music!In seinem eigenen unverwechselbaren Stil schuf Robert van Beringen diese Fantasie über drei Themen der berühmten Barockkomponisten Johan Sebastian Bach und Johann Friedrich Händel: Den Choral Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht nahm er aus Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium; aus Händels Messias stammen die beiden anderen Themen: das Rezitativ Denn sieh, eine Jungfrau wird schwanger und der Hallelujah Chorus. Dans cette fantaisie de Noël, Robert van Beringen conjugue avec une inégalable facilité des thèmes des maîtres du baroque, Jean-Sébastien Bach et Georg Friedrich Haendel. Le choral Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht, n° 12 est extrait de la deuxième partie de l’Oratorio de Noëlde Jean-Sébastien Bach, tandis que le récitatif « Voici qu’une vierge concevra et enfantera un fils, et lui donnera le nom d’Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous » et le Chœur de l’Alléluia sont extraits du Messie de Georg Friedrich Haendel.
SKU: HL.49044453
ISBN 9790001197007. UPC: 888680077587. 9.25x12.0x0.4 inches. Latin.
For me, as someone who considers myself far removed from Christian spirituality and closer to the concept of Immanence than to any form of Transcendence, it was obvious to me that I would not compose a Miserere comparable to Alesandro Scarlatti's Lamentazioni. It was also my wish to theatricalise the subject matter, following pagan rituals which appear to have been retained in the monastic Tenebrae services up to Renaissance times. In the series of sequences in which silence plays a prominent role, a path leads to strange rites in which the listeners are invited to stamp their feet on the ground, creating waves of thundering sound, or accompany the chanting of texts. Three sopranos take on an instrumental role, deploying a broad range of vocal sounds from aspirations to screams. Thierry Pecou.
SKU: HL.50483211
8.25x11.75x0.195 inches.