| Dix Sonates Pour Clarinette En Si B Clarinette Leduc, Alphonse
Clarinet SKU: HL.48185797 Leduc. CD. 19 pages. Alphonse Leduc #AL29520. P...(+)
Clarinet SKU:
HL.48185797 Leduc.
CD. 19 pages. Alphonse
Leduc #AL29520. Published
by Alphonse Leduc
(HL.48185797). UPC:
inches. Italian
composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and Jean-Pascal
Post's arrangement for
the Clarinet of ten of
these loved works are
indispensable for
aspiring clarinetists.
Originally composed for
the Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much of Scarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. Post's
transcription of ten
Sonatas for Clarinet
include Sonata K. 9.
Post's arrangements for
Clarinet enhance the
lyricism and melodic
invention of the Sonatas
as well as enabling the
student to study
ornamentation and
articulation. Bearing in
mind that Domenico
Scarlatti was a highly
competent and popular
musician in his day, so
much so that he was
employed in the service
of two royal families,
his Sonatas are composed
with much experience,
understanding and
expertise, and Post's
arrangement of these for
Clarinet create an
essential addition to the
repertoire of all
clarinetists.. $22.40 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Circus Time Clarinette [Partition + CD] - Facile De Haske Publications
Clarinet - early intermediate SKU: BT.DHP-1125243-400 14 showstoppers ...(+)
Clarinet - early
intermediate SKU:
14 showstoppers for
clarinet play-along
performance. Composed
by Joachim Johow. Book
with CD. Composed 2012.
20 pages. De Haske
Publications #DHP
1125243-400. Published by
De Haske Publications
ISBN 9789043141727.
9x12 inches.
ch. The band
strikes up the circus
march for the entrance of
the artistes—the
audience waits
the Opening March
and the Grand
Finale the packed
audience is presented
with a colourful
programme: courageous
acrobats, comical clowns,
oriental belly dancers,
knife-throwers and snake
charmers appear one after
the other.Circus
Time is also
available for flute, alto
saxophone and violin (in
the same sounding key).
This opens up all sorts
of choices: musicians can
take turns to perform or
build a real circus band,
or even—with the
help of scenery and
props—put on a
proper circus
performance. There is no
end of
ying CD contains demo and
play-along version of all
the pieces. Alternatively
the chord symbols
(written in concert
pitch) above the music
staff can be used for a
live accompaniment by
guitar and/or keyboard.
An optional piano
accompaniment is
available separately
(order number: DHP
1125344-401).On with the
Het orkest
begint de circusmars te
spelen voordat de
artiesten opkomen - het
publiek wacht vol
spanning af…Van de
openingsmars tot de grand
finale krijgen de
toeschouwers een
kleurrijk programma
voorgeschoteld: moedige
messenwerpers en
slangenbezweerders volgen
elkaar op in de
piste.Circus Time
is ook beschikbaar voor
dwarsfluit, altsaxofoon
en viool (in dezelfde
klinkende toonsoort). Er
zijn dusallerlei
mogelijkheden: de
muzikanten kunnen elkaar
afwisselen met
solo-optredens of een
echt circusorkest vormen,
of zelfs - in een
geschikte omgeving en met
behulp van decorstukken -
een heus circusoptreden
verzorgen. Laat je
fantasiede vrije loop.De
bijgevoegde cd bevat
zowel demotracks als
begeleidingen voor alle
stukken. Voor live
begeleiding door keyboard
en/of gitaar staan de
akkoordsymbolen (klinkend
genoteerd) boven de
muziek. Optionele
apart verkrijgbaar
(bestelnummer: DHP
1125344-401).Laat de show
maar beginnen!
Kapelle spielt schon den
Zirkusmarsch zum Einzug
der Artisten - das
Publikum wartet
gespannt...Zwischen dem
Eröffnungsmarsch und dem Großen
Finale wird dem
geneigten Publikum ein
buntes Programm
präsentiert: Mutige
Akrobaten, lustige
Clowns, orientalische
Messerwerfer und
treten nacheinander
auf.Circus Time
gibt es auch für
Querflöte, Altsaxophon
und Violine (in den
gleichen klingenden
Tonarten). So eröffnen
sich viele
für die
Aufführung: Die
Musiker können
abwechselnd auftreten
oder ein ganzes
bilden und sogar -
ergänzt durch eine
szenische Umsetzung -
Zirkusvorstellung geben.
Der Fantasie sind keine
Grenzen gesetzt!Die
beiliegende CD enthält
Demo- und
Mitspielversionen aller
Stücke. Alternativ
zu den Mitspiel-Tracks
können die
Akkordsymbole (in
klingenden Tonarten)
über den Noten
für eine
Live-Begleitung durch
Keyboard und/oder Gitarre
genutzt werden. Optional
sind Klavierbegleitungen
separat erhältlich
(Bestellnummer: DHP
1125344-401).Manege frei!
e du cirque attaque la
marche qui annonce
l’apparition des
artistes - le public
la marche
d’ouverture et le
finale, grands et petits
savourent un programme
haut en couleurs :
acrobates audacieux,
clowns comiques,
danseuses orientales,
jongleurs et charmeurs de
serpents présentent
tour tour leur
Time existe
également pour fl te,
saxophone alto et violon
(dans la même
tonalité). Ce choix
offre de nombreuses
options : les musiciens
peuvent jouer tour tour
ou former un véritable
orchestre de cirque, ou
même - avec des
décors et des
accessoires - monter une
vraie représentation
de cirque. Les
sontillimitées !Le
compact-disc ci-joint
contient les versions
intégrales des
morceaux ainsi que les
Les symboles
d’accords (sons
réels) figurant
au-dessus de la portée
la guitare et/ou au
piano. Les parties
de piano optionel sont
rassemblées dans un
recueil vendu
ue le spectacle commence
Un viaggio nel
mondo circense che
consente ai musicisti di
suonare da soli, ma anche
di formare una vera band.
Il CD contiene una
versione demo e una
play-long di ogni brano.
In alternativa, grazie ai
simboli degli accordi
sopra il pentagramma, ci
si può esibire live
accompagnati dalla
chitarra e/o tastiera
(DHP 1125344-401). $25.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Collection Mini Series: Sax Tenor Et Clarinette Bb En Français Clarinette [Partition + CD] Editions Musicales Francaises
Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet (Tenor Sax) SKU: HL.14016916 Music Sales Americ...(+)
Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet
(Tenor Sax) SKU:
HL.14016916 Music
Sales America. Blues.
Book with CD. 52 pages.
Editions Musicales
Francaises #EMF100074.
Published by Editions
Musicales Francaises
inches. Les titres
de ce recueil sont issus
du grand repertoire des
Standards de jazz et de
Blues. Ce volume est
concu en deux parties. La
premiere partie presente
tous les themes, tels que
joues par le saxophoniste
tenor sur le CD Audio
fourni avec ce recueil.
La seconde partie offre a
l'instrumentiste les cles
pour une improvisation
reussie. Au debut de
chaque partie, une notice
pedagogique donne des
pistes de travail a
explorer ainsi que des
conseils sur la maniere
d'utiliser au mieux ce
livre. Les professeurs
trouveront aussi dans ce
volume un bon repertoire
de base pour initier
leurs eleves a l'etude
des musiques improvisees
que sont le jazz et le
blues. Concernant
l'utilisation du CD
audio, une plage est
laissee a l'accord de
l'instrument, puis chaque
oeuvre est developpee de
la maniere suivasnte: Le
theme de base est jour
par le saxophoniste tenor
(accompagne par le trio
afin de 'montrer le
chemin' au musicien Le
theme original n'est plus
joue par le saxophoniste
et laisse entierement
place a l'instrumentiste
qui, accompagne de la
section rhythmique,
pourra laisser libre
cours a sa creativite
(exposition du theme puis
improvisationsur la
structure harmonique).
Nous vous souhaitons un
excellent voyage au pays
du jazz du blues et
esperons vous apprter un
reel plaisir a jouer ces
oeuvres. The titles in
this collection are
abstracts from the great
repertory of the
Standards of Jazz and
Blues. This book is made
of two parts. The first
one presents all the
themes such as perfromed
by the Tenor Saxophonist
on the Audio CD play
along furnished with this
volume. The second part
offers the performer keys
for a succesfull
improvisation. At the
beginning of each part, a
pedagogical content gives
work trails to explore so
as advice on how to use
at best this book. Music
teachers will also find
in this volume a good
basic repertory to
introduce improvised
music styles such a Jazz
and Blues to their
students. The first track
on the Audio CD is for
tuning, then each title
is developed as follows:
The basic theme is played
by the tenor saxophonist,
accompanied by the
keyboard/bass/drum trio,
to show the method to the
musician The original
theme is no more
interpreted by the
saxophonist and place is
left entirely at the
performer's disposal who,
accompanied by the rhythm
section, will give free
reins to his creativity
(theme exposition
followed by an
improvisation on the
harmonic structure). $29.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Sacred Melodies for Clarinet Solo Clarinette [Partition] - Intermédiaire Mel Bay
Clarinet - Intermediate SKU: MB.94207 Keyboard Accompaniment Included<...(+)
Clarinet - Intermediate
SKU: MB.94207
Keyboard Accompaniment
Included. Composed by
Dr. Norman Heim.
Saddle-stitched, Solos
and Duets. Classic. Book.
56 pages. Mel Bay
Publications, Inc #94207.
Published by Mel Bay
Publications, Inc
(MB.94207). ISBN
9780871662194. UPC:
796279007016. 8.75 x
inches. Artisticall
y beautiful clarinet
solos with keyboard
accompaniment on familiar
sacred and classic
melodies. This collection
aims to provide
repertoire for the Church
instrumentalist from the
best composers of the
eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries: J. S. Bach,
Handel, and Mendelssohn.
Much of this is
well-known in concert and
in church settings. The
variety of length of the
works provides music that
can be used for Prelude,
offertory, instrumental
interlude, or Postlude in
the Church Service. The
music here is of the
highest quality, and can
also be used for recital
or concert purposes.
Includes a 16-page
pull-out part for the
soloist. (2)$14.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Vahid Matejko's Klezmer Play-Alongs for Clarinet Clarinette [Partition + CD] Alfred Publishing
By Vahid Matejko. For Clarinet. Book; CD; Play-Along; Solo; Woodwind - Clarinet ...(+)
By Vahid Matejko. For
Clarinet. Book; CD;
Play-Along; Solo;
Woodwind - Clarinet
Method or Collection.
Folk; World. Published by
Alfred Music Publishing
$14.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Promises Wedding Classics * Clarinet with CD Clarinette [Partition + CD] Santorella Publications
Promises Wedding Classics for Clarinet with CD composed by Various. Arranged by ...(+)
Promises Wedding Classics
for Clarinet with CD
composed by Various.
Arranged by Jonathon
Robbins. For clarinet.
This edition: Paperback.
Collection. Wedding. Book
and CD. Text Language:
English. 32 pages.
Published by Santorella
$16.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Clarinet Concerto Cl/kybd Clarinette Weinberger
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48016766 Composed by James Hook. Edited by Jack Brymer...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48016766 Composed
by James Hook. Edited by
Jack Brymer. Boosey &
Hawkes Chamber Music. 48
pages. Josef Weinberger
#M570052882. Published by
Josef Weinberger
(HL.48016766). UPC:
inches. Clarinet
and Keyboard. $27.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Art of the Clarinet, The: Baermann Method, op. 64 (4 CD Set) Clarinette [Partition + CD] Music Minus One
Soloist: John Cipolla, clarinet; Ensemble: keyboard accompaniment. For Clarinet ...(+)
Soloist: John Cipolla,
clarinet; Ensemble:
keyboard accompaniment.
For Clarinet in B-flat.
Instrumental Solo Part
and 4 CDs. Published by
Music Minus One.
$24.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| All That Jazz For Clarinet With Piano Accompaniment Clarinette Music Sales
Clarinet and Piano (Clarinet) SKU: HL.14001647 Composed by James Power. A...(+)
Clarinet and Piano
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.14001647 Composed
by James Power. Arranged
by James Power. Music
Sales America. Jazz. Book
[Softcover]. 42 pages.
Music Sales #PM1942100R.
Published by Music Sales
(HL.14001647). ISBN
9780711994300. Many
clarinetists would like
to try a little jazz.
This book contains a
collection of melodic,
playable jazz and modern
themes for clarinet with
piano / keyboard
accompaniment. Most
pieces contain a theme
and an ad lib chorus. A
suggested ad lib is
written but the students
may like to improvise
their own. After
practising the clarinet
part, get together with a
piano student - the
result could surprise
you! $19.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Clarinet Sonata Clarinette [Conducteur et Parties séparées] Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
Clarinet Solo with Keyboard. Composed by David Baker. LKM Music. Classical. 28 p...(+)
Clarinet Solo with
Keyboard. Composed by
David Baker. LKM Music.
Classical. 28 pages.
Lauren Keiser Music
Publishing #X131005.
Published by Lauren
Keiser Music Publishing
$29.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Sonata Cl/kybd Clarinette Bote and Bock
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48014335 Composed by Gerald Humel. Boosey & Hawkes Cha...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48014335 Composed
by Gerald Humel. Boosey &
Hawkes Chamber Music. 44
pages. Bote & Bock
#M202509869. Published by
Bote & Bock
(HL.48014335). UPC:
inches. Clarinet
and Keyboard. $20.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Song And Dance Cl/kybd Clarinette Weinberger
Clarinet (Clarinet) SKU: HL.48016753 Composed by Gilbert Vinter. Boosey &...(+)
Clarinet (Clarinet)
SKU: HL.48016753
Composed by Gilbert
Vinter. Boosey & Hawkes
Chamber Music. Book Only.
16 pages. Josef
Weinberger #M570051113.
Published by Josef
Weinberger (HL.48016753).
UPC: 073999967975.
inches. Clarinet
and Keyboard. $17.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Russia - Play Along Clarinet Clarinette [Partition + CD] Universal Edition
(For Clarinet with CD or Piano Accompaniment). By Various. Arranged by Iwan Mala...(+)
(For Clarinet with CD or
Piano Accompaniment). By
Various. Arranged by Iwan
Malachowskij. For
Clarinet, Piano. Play
Along - World Music.
Published by Universal
Edition .
$22.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Hommage Ii Op16 Cl/kybd Clarinette Bote and Bock
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48014428 Composed by Walter Steffens. Boosey & Hawkes ...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48014428 Composed
by Walter Steffens.
Boosey & Hawkes Chamber
Music. 10 pages. Bote &
Bock #M202511244.
Published by Bote & Bock
(HL.48014428). UPC:
inches. Clarinet
and Keyboard. $9.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Christmas Solos for Beginning Clarinet Clarinette [Partition] - Facile Mel Bay
by Dr. Norman Heim. For clarinet. Building Excellence. Christmas, with keyboard...(+)
by Dr. Norman Heim. For
clarinet. Building
Excellence. Christmas,
with keyboard accomp.
Level: Beginning. Book.
Solos. Size 8.75x11.75.
48 pages.
$12.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Baroque Music for Clarinet Clarinette - Intermédiaire Mel Bay
Composed by Dr. Norman Heim. Solos, Saddle-stitched. Classics. Book. Mel Bay...(+)
Composed by Dr. Norman
Solos, Saddle-stitched.
Classics. Book. Mel Bay
Publications, Inc #30904.
Published by Mel Bay
Publications, Inc
$17.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 4 Pieces (1969) Cl/kybd Clarinette Bote and Bock
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48014418 Composed by Rudolf Kelterborn. Boosey & Hawke...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48014418 Composed
by Rudolf Kelterborn.
Boosey & Hawkes Chamber
Music. Bote & Bock
#M202511138. Published by
Bote & Bock
(HL.48014418). UPC:
073999551211. Clari
net and Keyboard. $13.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Clarinet Series Two Elementary Cl/kybd Clarinette Weinberger
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48016762 Composed by Jack Brymer. This edition: M57005...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48016762 Composed
by Jack Brymer. This
edition: M570050888.
Boosey & Hawkes Chamber
Music. 20 pages. Josef
Weinberger #M570050888.
Published by Josef
Weinberger (HL.48016762).
UPC: 073999532838.
inches. Clarinet
and Keyboard. $24.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Addizio! Clarinette [Conducteur] Breitkopf and Hartel
Clarinet solo SKU: BR.EB-8928 Blaserunterricht in Klassen, Gruppen und...(+)
Clarinet solo SKU:
Blaserunterricht in
Klassen, Gruppen und
Ensembles. Composed
by Jorg Sommerfeld. Solo
instruments; stapled.
Edition Breitkopf. Egal
ob im Gruppenunterricht,
JeKi-Programmen, einem
Anfangerensemble oder
einer Blaserklasse, in
Blasorchestern oder
Musikschulen: Nach einer
kurzen Impulsphase kann
mit Addizio! eine
Schulergruppe wie ein
Ensemble geleitet
werden.Speziell. Music
pedagogy. Score. 64
pages. Breitkopf and
Haertel #EB 8928.
Published by Breitkopf
and Haertel (BR.EB-8928).
ISBN 9790004185940. 9
x 12 inches.
German. Addizio!
ist ein
Ensemblematerial, das aus
der Verbindung von
Ensembledidaktik und
Fachdidaktik entstanden
und ideal fur die
Altersstufen der 2.-6.
Klasse geeignet ist. Egal
ob im Gruppenunterricht,
JeKi-Programmen, einem
Anfangerensemble oder
einer Blaserklasse, in
Blasorchestern oder
Musikschulen: Nach einer
kurzen Impulsphase kann
mit Addizio! eine
Schulergruppe wie ein
Ensemble geleitet werden.
Speziell fur
Blaserklassen ist
Addizio! eine echte
Alternative zu
Konzepten wie etwa den
Essential Elements. Die
Satze von Addizio!
entsprechen etwa dem
Schwierigkeitsgrad von
s der Stufe 1. Die CD-ROM
des Lehrerhandbuchs
enthalt Zusatzstimmen fur
Gitarre, Keyboard,
Violine, Drumset,
Klavier, ausserdem
Vollpartituren, die
Didaktische Ubersicht,
die Grifftabellen zum
Ausdrucken sowie die
Egal ob im
JeKi-Programmen, einem
Anfangerensemble oder
einer Blaserklasse, in
Blasorchestern oder
Musikschulen: Nach einer
kurzen Impulsphase kann
mit Addizio! eine
Schulergruppe wie ein
Ensemble geleitet
werden.Speziell fur
Blaserklassen ist
Addizio! eine echte
Alternative zu
Konzepten wie etwa den
Essential Elements.
Demotracks mit Noten
finden Sie auf YouTube,
viele weitere Materialien
und Audiotracks als
MP3-Download finden Sie
auf www.addizio.de. $25.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Easy Classics for Clarinet - With Piano Accompaniment Clarinette [Partition] Mel Bay
Clarinet - Beginning SKU: MB.96297 Arranged by Peter Spitzer. Duets and E...(+)
Clarinet - Beginning
SKU: MB.96297
Arranged by Peter
Spitzer. Duets and
Ensembles, Style,
Saddle-stitched, Solos
and Duets, Piano and
Keyboard. Easy Classics.
Classic. Book. 72 pages.
Mel Bay Publications, Inc
#96297. Published by Mel
Bay Publications, Inc
(MB.96297). ISBN
9780786624645. UPC:
796279039178. 8.75 x
11.75 inches. This
series of books was
meticulously designed to
provide beginning to
instrumentalists with an
enjoyable introduction to
classical melodies.
Selections include: Ode
to Joy; Sleeping Beauty
Waltz; The Trout;
Scheherazade; Emperor
Humn; Cancan; plus 10
more by Bach, Bizet,
Brahms, Mozart, Strauss,
Rossini and others.
 Includes a 32-page
pull-out part for the
clarinetist. (2)$15.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Addizio! Clarinette [Conducteur] Breitkopf and Hartel
Clarinet solo SKU: BR.EB-8859 Blaserunterricht in Klassen, Gruppen und...(+)
Clarinet solo SKU:
Blaserunterricht in
Klassen, Gruppen und
Ensembles. Composed
by Jorg Sommerfeld. Solo
instruments; stapled.
Edition Breitkopf.
Egal ob im
JeKi-Programmen, einem
Anfangerensemble oder
einer Blaserklasse, in
Blasorchestern oder
Musikschulen: Nach einer
kurzen Impulsphase kann
mit Addizio!
eine Schulergruppe wie
ein Ensemble geleitet
wer. Music pedagogy.
Score. 64 pages.
Breitkopf and Haertel #EB
8859. Published by
Breitkopf and Haertel
(BR.EB-8859). ISBN
9790004184493. 9 x 12
German. Addizio!
ist ein
Ensemblematerial, das aus
der Verbindung von
Ensembledidaktik und
Fachdidaktik entstanden
und ideal fur die
Altersstufen der 2.-6.
Klasse geeignet ist. Egal
ob im Gruppenunterricht,
JeKi-Programmen, einem
Anfangerensemble oder
einer Blaserklasse, in
Blasorchestern oder
Musikschulen: Nach einer
kurzen Impulsphase kann
mit Addizio! eine
Schulergruppe wie ein
Ensemble geleitet werden.
Speziell fur
Blaserklassen ist
Addizio! eine echte
Alternative zu
Konzepten wie etwa den
Essential Elements. Die
Satze von Addizio!
entsprechen etwa dem
Schwierigkeitsgrad von
s der Stufe 1. Die CD-ROM
des Lehrerhandbuchs
enthalt Zusatzstimmen fur
Gitarre, Keyboard,
Violine, Drumset,
Klavier, ausserdem
Vollpartituren, die
Didaktische Ubersicht,
die Grifftabellen zum
Ausdrucken sowie die
Egal ob im
JeKi-Programmen, einem
Anfangerensemble oder
einer Blaserklasse, in
Blasorchestern oder
Musikschulen: Nach einer
kurzen Impulsphase kann
mit Addizio! eine
Schulergruppe wie ein
Ensemble geleitet
werden.Speziell fur
Blaserklassen ist
Addizio! eine echte
Alternative zu
Konzepten wie etwa den
Essential Elements.
Demotracks mit Noten
finden Sie auf YouTube,
viele weitere Materialien
und Audiotracks als
MP3-Download finden Sie
auf www.addizio.de. $25.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Hommage a Anton Webern Clarinette Bote and Bock
Clarinet (Clarinet) SKU: HL.48014450 Clarinet with Piano Accompaniment...(+)
Clarinet (Clarinet)
SKU: HL.48014450
Clarinet with Piano
Composed by Gunther
Friedrichs. Boosey &
Hawkes Chamber Music.
Bote & Bock #M202511510.
Published by Bote & Bock
(HL.48014450). UPC:
073999460797. Clari
net and Keyboard. $9.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Promises Wedding Classics for Clarinet with CD Clarinette Santorella Publications
Clarinet SKU: SP.TS235 Composed by Jonathon Robbins. Arranged by Jonathon...(+)
Clarinet SKU:
SP.TS235 Composed by
Jonathon Robbins.
Arranged by Jonathon
Robbins. Collection;
Wedding. Book and CD.
Santorella Publications
#TS235. Published by
Santorella Publications
(SP.TS235). ISBN
9781585604661. UPC:
649571102357. Promi
ses Wedding Classics
published by Santorella
Publications is the
finest collection of
wedding classics in print
for wind instruments.
This majestic assortment
of classics for brass and
reed instruments is sure
to bring joy to any
ceremony. Santorella's
Promises Wedding Classics
for Clarinet is arranged
by Jonathon Robbins and
edited by Tony
Santorella. This
beautiful blend of
Classics is not only
ideal for weddings, but a
fantastic assortment of
important works written
by some of the greatest
composers of all time.
Although the majority of
these titles were
originally written for
keyboard, we are
sensitive towards the
range restrictions of all
brass and reed players
yet true to the original
melodies. This
exceptional assortment of
12 key wedding titles is
sure to set the mood to
rejoice in holy
matrimony. This
best-selling Santorella
Publication is written in
accommodating keys for
trumpet, clarinet, flute,
alto sax, violin, and
trombone and includes a
piano accompaniment CD.
Includes: Canon in D,
Pachelbel - Two Minuets,
Bach - Moonlight Sonata,
Beethoven - Trumpet
Voluntary, Purcell - Ode
to Joy, Beethoven - Jesu,
Joy of Man's Desiring,
Bach - Bridal Chorus,
Wagner - Wedding March,
Mendelssohn - Grand
March, Verdi - Simple
Gifts, Brackett - Ave
Maria, Bach - Ave Maria,
Schubert. $14.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Aphorismen (1972) Cl/kybd Clarinette Bote and Bock
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48014504 Composed by Theo Brandmuller. Boosey & Hawkes...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48014504 Composed
by Theo Brandmuller.
Boosey & Hawkes Chamber
Music. 12 pages. Bote &
Bock #M202512166.
Published by Bote & Bock
(HL.48014504). UPC:
inches. Clarinet
and Keyboard. $14.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Sonata Op7 Cl/kybd Clarinette Bote and Bock
(Clarinet) SKU: HL.48013913 Composed by Heinz Friedrich Hartig. Boosey & ...(+)
(Clarinet) SKU:
HL.48013913 Composed
by Heinz Friedrich
Hartig. Boosey & Hawkes
Chamber Music. Bote &
Bock #M202502303.
Published by Bote & Bock
(HL.48013913). UPC:
073999670479. Clari
net and Keyboard. $14.95 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| The Swinging Beginning Clarinette [Partition + CD] De Haske Publications
For Clarinet, Trumpet. De Haske Play-Along Book. Play Along. Book with CD. 24 pa...(+)
For Clarinet, Trumpet. De
Haske Play-Along Book.
Play Along. Book with CD.
24 pages. De Haske
Publications #981235.
Published by De Haske
$22.00 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Wickie and Co Clarinette [Partition + CD] - Facile De Haske Publications
Clarinet - easy SKU: BT.DHP-1074281-400 TV Hits for Kids. Arranged...(+)
Clarinet - easy SKU:
TV Hits for Kids.
Arranged by Markus
Schenk. Book with CD.
Composed 2007. 24 pages.
De Haske Publications
#DHP 1074281-400.
Published by De Haske
ISBN 9789043127202.
9x12 inches.
German. Een boek
voor alle jonge en jong
gebleven mensen! Pippi
Langkousâ?? spannende
avonturen, het eeuwige
kat-en-muisspel van Tom
en Jerry of het
kleurrijke, heerlijk
swingende jazzcombo uit
de Muppet Show: ze zijn
favoriet bij zowel
kinderenals volwassenen.
Met Wickie and Co
komen ze weer tot leven.
De cd - met begeleidingen
die zo dicht mogelijk bij
de originele uitvoeringen
zijn gebleven - geeft de
speler steeds het gevoel
zich midden in de
aankondigingvan een serie
te bevinden. De akkoorden
boven de noten zijn
bedoeld voor samenspel
als de piano, gitaar
en/of bas. Alleen, met de
begeleiding op de cd of
in samenspel - Wickie
and Co is een
feestder herkenning voor
jong en oud.
Pippi Langstrumpfs
spannende Abenteuer, das
von Tom und Jerry oder
die herrlich groovende
Jazz-Combo aus der
Muppet-Show und viele
mehr - Wickie and
Co bietet die
einmalige Chance, die
vertrauten Titelmusiken
auf dem eigenen
Instrument zu den sehr
authentisch klingenden
Begleitungen auf der CD
mitzuspielen. Die Akkorde
über den Noten
ermöglichen auch eine
Begleitung mit Klavier,
Keyboard, Gitarre oder
Ce recueil,
conçu et édité
par notre maison
d'édition allemande De
Haske Allemagne,
rassemble quelques-uns
des plus célèbres
thèmes de dessins
animés diffusés sur
les chaînes de
allemandes. Certains airs
sont également connus
du public francophone
(Pinnochio, Maya
l'Abeille, Tom et Jerry,
La Panthère Rose, Les
Schtroumpfs, Fifi
Brindacier, The Muppet
Show, etc.), d'autres
sont découvrir ! Un
recueil drôle,
plaisant et coloré.
Da oggi potrete
trovare racchiuse in un
unico volume tutte le
musiche dei telefilm e
cartoni animati amati dai
bambini, come Pippi
Calzelunghe, Tom and
Jerry, The Muppet Show,
Pinocchio, Hey Hey
Wickie e molte altre.
Con l'ausilio del CD
incluso potrete suonare
queste melodie divertenti
ed immortali, che segnano
in ogniuno di noi uno dei
periodi spensierati della
nostra crescita:
l'infanzia. Ogni brano
è corredato dagli
accordi, così da poter
permettere ad un amico
con la chitarra, col
basso o col pianoforte di
potervi accompagnare
nell'esecuzione. $25.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Five Little Infinities Clarinette [Conducteur] Subito Music
Clarinet SKU: SU.80110804 For Clarinet. Composed by Meyer Kupferma...(+)
Clarinet SKU:
SU.80110804 For
Clarinet. Composed by
Meyer Kupferman.
Woodwinds, Clarinet.
Score. Subito Music
Corporation #80110804.
Published by Subito Music
Canonic Inventions for
Young Composers (1966) is
a set of short keyboard
pieces along with
pedagogical text,
demonstrating all manners
of tonal canonic
technique. It makes an
excellent pedagogical
resources for composers
or those teaching
traditional harmonic
practice. Published by:
Productions. $12.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
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