| Guide to Early Keyboard Music (France 1) Clavecin EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)
France 1. Baroque. Guide to Early Keyboard Music. Softcover. 108 pages. Edit...(+)
France 1. Baroque. Guide
Early Keyboard Music.
Softcover. 108 pages.
Musica Budapest
Published by Editio
$29.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Guide to Early Keyboard Music Clavecin EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)
Piano or Harpsichord SKU: BT.EMBZ20018 France 1. By Szilvia Elek_A...(+)
Piano or Harpsichord
France 1. By
Szilvia Elek_Anikó
Horváth. By Szilvia
Elek. Classical. Book
Only. Composed 2020. 108
pages. Editio Musica
Budapest #EMBZ20018.
Published by Editio
Musica Budapest
an-French. This
brand-new series is
intended as a guide to
the keyboard music of the
16th to 19th centuries
for pupils of the piano
and the harpsichord, as
well as of other early
keyboard instruments.
Each volume contains
pieces by well-known and
lesser-known composers
from one country or
region. The main purpose
of the series is to
extend the repertoire and
stylistic knowledge of
both pianists and
harpsichordists while
also presenting fine
pieces and typical genres
based on original
sources. Our edition
retains the performance
indications of the
composers' manuscripts
and contemporary
editions. Each volume
includes:- suggestions
for stylistically
appropriate performance
bothon the piano and on
period instruments-
suggested elaborated
versions of some pieces
and excerpts- a fold-out
list of ornamentation
signs and the composers'
own tables of
ornamentation signs-
biographies of the
composers and the sources
of the pieces-
translations of
performance indications.
The two volumes devoted
to French keyboard music
includes close to 50
showy and relatively easy
works - preludes, dances,
suites, rondeaux, and
character pieces - from
the early 16th until the
late 18th century
publication is printed on
age-resistant paper that
is produced in an
climate-neutral manner
using renewable raw
toute nouvelle collection
est un guide de la
musique pour clavier du
XVIe au XIXe siècle
adressé aux
élèves de piano et
clavecin, ainsi que
d'autres instruments
clavier anciens. Chaque
volume rassemble des
Å“uvres de
célèbres et moins
célèbres dans un
pays ou une région
(préludes, danses,
suites, rondeaux et
pièces de
caractère), ainsi que
des suggestions de jeu,
des versions
suggérées et
extraits, une liste
dépliante des signes
d'ornement et les tables
des compositeurs, des
biographies des
compositeurs et les
sources des Å“uvres.
Cette publication a
été imprimée sur
du papier de qualité,
résistant au
vieillissement, et
produit dans le respectde
l'environnement et du
climat partir de
matières premières
Una nuova collana
ideata per offrire una
guida alla scoperta della
musica per pianoforte e
clavicembalo dal
sedicesimo al
diciannovesimo secolo.
Ogni volume include brani
di compositori di una
specifica nazione o area
geografica. L'intento
è amplicare la
conoscenza e il
repertorio di ogni
musicista. Inoltre in
ogni edizione sono
riportati fedelmente i
suggerimenti per
l'interpretazione e le
indicazioni presenti sui
manoscritti originali. I
due volumi dedicati alla
musica francese includono
circa 50 brani
significativi - preludi,
danze, suites, rondò e
altri - che risalgono
all'inizio del sedicesimo
secolo fino alla fine del
diciottesimo secolo,
rigorosamente inordine
cronologico. $26.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Apprendre à Toucher le Clavecin (Volume 1) Clavecin [Partition + Accès audio] Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: BT.ALHE33874 Composed by Richard Siegel. Book with Onlin...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
BT.ALHE33874 Composed
by Richard Siegel. Book
with Online Audio. 60
pages. Heugel & Cie
#ALHE33874. Published by
Heugel & Cie
French. Richard
Siegel won prizes for the
Harpsichord and Chamber
Music at the Paris
Conservatoire before
going on the win first
prize in the 1977
International Harpsichord
Competition. He has since
recorded over 30 CDs and
his passionfor the
instrument has been
further apparent in his
production of Apprendre
Toucher le Clavecin. As
stated in the preface,
the study of the
Harpsichord has long been
reserved, frequently
dismissed as an
. However, a recent rise
in the popularity of
early music has rekindled
interest in the
Harpsichord. In Apprendre
Toucher le Clavecin,
volume 1 being the first
of two helpful volumes to
aid student's learning
andprogression, Siegel
enables Harpsichord
beginners to learn
through repertoire pieces
themselves, drawn from
the Keyboard masters of
the Baroque period. The
pupil will be guided
towards an understanding
of technique and
stylesuited to the
Harpsichord. Furthermore,
Apprendre Toucher le
Clavecin, which is
accompanied by a CD,
enables adults who learnt
the instrument as a child
to return to the
instrument and have the
instant feeling of making
music. $26.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Pièces de clavecin. Second livre for Harpsichord (1717) Clavecin Barenreiter
Harpsichord - Level 6 SKU: BA.BA10845 Composed by Francois Couperin. Edit...(+)
Harpsichord - Level 6
SKU: BA.BA10845
Composed by Francois
Couperin. Edited by Denis
Herlin. This edition:
urtext edition.
Paperback. Barenreiter
Urtext. With 8
Préludes and 1
Allemande from L'Art de
toucher le clavecin
Performance score,
anthology. Baerenreiter
Verlag #BA10845_00.
Published by Baerenreiter
Verlag (BA.BA10845).
ISBN 9790006505623. 31
x 24.3 cm inches.
Preface: Denis
Herlin. ‘Once
again the French
musicologist Denis
Herlin, who mastered the
harpsichord under the
tutelage of such keyboard
legends as Kenneth
Gilbert and Huguette
Dreyfus, has presented an
exemplary edition of a
classic from the
repertoire.’ (Jury
of the German Music
Edition Prize on BA
ter presents Book II of
“Pièces de
clavecinâ€, first
published in 1717, In
addition the eight
preludes and one
allemande from his
“L’Art de
toucher le
included in the appendix.
For the first time Denis
Herlin has evaluated the
many later impressions of
the original print, most
of which he unearthed
himself in international
libraries. By preserving
the essential features of
the original print while
largely dispensing with
disruptive page-turns
within the pieces, the
volume brings modern
performers close to the
special sound of this
music. Rounding off this
pioneering new edition
are an extensive
Foreword, notes on
historical performance
practice, a comprehensive
glossary, facsimile pages
and a detailed Critical
What can I
expect from a Barenreiter
reliable musical text
based on all available
sources - A
description of the
sources -
Information on the
genesis and history of
the work - Valuable
notes on performance
practice - Includes
an introduction with
critical commentary
explaining source
discrepancies and
editorial decisions
... AND
Page-turns, fold-out
pages, and cues where you
need them - A
well-presented layout and
a user-friendly
format - Excellent
print quality -
Superior paper and
$67.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Apprendre A Toucher Le Clavecin (methode) (livre Avec Cd He33875) Exercices E En Français Clavecin [Partition + CD] Heugel
Composed by Richard Siegel. Leduc. CD. 60 pages. Heugel and Cie #HE33874. Publ...(+)
Composed by Richard
Leduc. CD. 60 pages.
Heugel and
Cie #HE33874. Published
Heugel and Cie
$45.60 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Pieces De Clavecin (lp54)/volume 1 Clavecin [CD] Leduc, Alphonse
| | |
| Pieces de Clavecin Vol.1 (K.Gilbert) (Le Pupitre) Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: BT.ALHE32440 Composed by Jean-Henri D'Anglebert. Le Pupi...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
BT.ALHE32440 Composed
by Jean-Henri
D'Anglebert. Le Pupitre -
Heugel. Book Only. 108
pages. Heugel & Cie
#ALHE32440. Published by
Heugel & Cie
English. Jean-He
nri d'Anglebert
(1629-1691) was one of
the foremost composers of
Keyboard music of his
day. Therefore, the
collection of his works,
Pieces for Harpsichord is
essential to all players
of early Baroque Keyboard
music. D'Anglebert's
Pieces for Harpsichord
represents some of the
finest achievements of
the French Harpsichord
school and shows the
composer's mastery of
counterpoint as well as
his ability to experiment
with texture to
sonority. Moreover,
d'Anglebert's collection
contains a table of
ornaments which formed
the basis of those of J.
S. Bach and other
significant composers.
The first volume of
Pieces for Harpsichord
comprises fourHarpsichord
Suites composed by
d'Anglebert, each of
which consist of the
usual dance movements
together with
transcriptions from
Lully's operas.
Furthermore, the three
unmeasured preludes
included in Suites one,
two and three aretruly
remarkable examples of
their kind. With a
descriptive preface in
French, English and
German, volume one of
d'Anglebert's Pieces for
Harpsichord is a sublime
addition to the
repertoire of early
Baroque Keyboard
music. $24.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Sonatas Vol. 8 Clavecin Heugel
By Kenneth Gilbert. By Domenico Scarlatti (1685- 1757). Leduc. Classical. Soft...(+)
By Kenneth Gilbert. By
Domenico Scarlatti (1685-
1757). Leduc. Classical.
Softcover. 212 pages.
and Cie #HE32121.
Published by
Heugel and Cie
$25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 2 Sonates K53 A K103 (lp32) Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: HL.48188417 Composed by Domenico Scarlatti. Edited by Ke...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
HL.48188417 Composed
by Domenico Scarlatti.
Edited by Kenneth
Gilbert. Heugel. Baroque.
Softcover. 200 pages.
Heugel & Cie #HE32522.
Published by Heugel & Cie
(HL.48188417). UPC:
inches. “Ital
ian composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
second volume is
indispensable to
performers of the genre.
Originally composed for
the Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much of Scarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. The second
volume, comprising
Sonatas 53-103, includes
the popular and
recognised Sonatas in F
minor (K. 69) and B minor
(K. 87). Bearing in mind
that Domenico Scarlatti
was a highly competent
and popular Keyboard
player in his day, so
much so that he was
employed in the service
of two royal families,
his Sonatas are composed
with much experience,
understanding and
expertise, creating an
essential addition to the
repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre.
â€. $25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Sonates Volume 10 K458 a K506 Clavecin Heugel
By Kenneth Gilbert. By Domenico Scarlatti (1685- 1757). Le Pupitre - Heugel. ...(+)
By Kenneth Gilbert. By
Domenico Scarlatti
1757). Le Pupitre -
Classical. Book Only.
& Cie #ALHE32210.
by Heugel & Cie
$24.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 11 Sonates K507 A K555 (lp41) Clavecin Heugel
Volume 11, K. 507-555. Composed by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757). Leduc. Cla...(+)
Volume 11, K. 507-555.
Composed by Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757).
Classical. Softcover. 195
pages. Heugel and Cie
Published by Heugel and
$25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 1 Sonates K1 A K52 (lp31) Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord (Harpsichord) SKU: HL.48188514 Volume 1, K.1-52. Compo...(+)
Harpsichord (Harpsichord)
SKU: HL.48188514
Volume 1, K.1-52.
Composed by Domenico
Scarlatti. Edited by
Kenneth Gilbert. Leduc.
Baroque. Softcover. 204
pages. Heugel and Cie
#HE32645. Published by
Heugel and Cie
(HL.48188514). UPC:
inches. â??Italian
composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
first volume is
indispensable to
performers of the genre.
Originally composed for
the Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much of Scarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. This first
volume, comprising
Sonatas 1-52, includes
the popular and
recognised Sonatas in D
minor (K. 9), E major (K.
20) and B minor (K. 27).
Bearing in mind that
Domenico Scarlatti was a
highly competent and
popular Keyboard player
in his day, so much so
that he was employed in
the service of two royal
families, his Sonatas are
composed with much
experience, understanding
and expertise, creating
an essential addition to
the repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre. â?. $25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Sonates Volume 9 K408 - K457 Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: BT.ALHE32201 By Kenneth Gilbert. By Domenico Scarlatti. ...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
BT.ALHE32201 By
Kenneth Gilbert. By
Domenico Scarlatti. Le
Pupitre - Heugel.
Classical. Book Only. 196
pages. Heugel & Cie
#ALHE32201. Published by
Heugel & Cie
French. Italian
composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
ninth volume is
toperformers of the
genre. Originally
composed for the
Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much ofScarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. The ninth
volume, comprising
Sonatas 408-457,includes
many of the popular and
recognised Sonatas in a
variety of keys. Bearing
in mind that Domenico
Scarlatti was a highly
competent and popular
Keyboard player in his
day, so much so that he
was employed in the
service of tworoyal
families, his Sonatas are
composed with much
experience, understanding
and expertise, creating
an essential addition to
the repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre. $24.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 9 Sonates K408 A K457 (lp39) Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: HL.48188166 K. 408-457. Composed by Domenico Scar...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
HL.48188166 K.
408-457. Composed by
Domenico Scarlatti.
Edited by Kenneth
Gilbert. Leduc.
Classical. Softcover. 202
pages. Heugel & Cie
#HE32201. Published by
Heugel & Cie
(HL.48188166). UPC:
inches. “Ital
ian composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
ninth volume is
indispensable to
performers of the genre.
Originally composed for
the Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much of Scarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. The ninth
volume, comprising
Sonatas 408-457, includes
many of the popular and
recognised Sonatas in a
variety of keys. Bearing
in mind that Domenico
Scarlatti was a highly
competent and popular
Keyboard player in his
day, so much so that he
was employed in the
service of two royal
families, his Sonatas are
composed with much
experience, understanding
and expertise, creating
an essential addition to
the repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre.
â€. $25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 10 Sonates K458 A K506 (lp40) Clavecin Heugel
Volume 10, K.458-506. Composed by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757). Leduc. Baro...(+)
Volume 10, K.458-506.
Composed by Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757).
Baroque. Softcover. 210
pages. Heugel and Cie
Published by Heugel and
$25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Intavolatura de Cimbalo (Napoli 1576) Clavecin Ut Orpheus
Harpsichord; Early Music SKU: UT.HS-307 Composed by Antonio Valente. Edit...(+)
Harpsichord; Early Music
SKU: UT.HS-307
Composed by Antonio
Valente. Edited by Maria
Luisa Baldassari.
Paperback (Soft Cover).
Classical. Ut Orpheus #HS
307. Published by Ut
Orpheus (UT.HS-307).
ISBN 9790215327146. 9
x 12
inches. Antonio
Valente blind,
Neapolitan since a
long time according
to the list of Neapolitan
musicians by Scipione
Cerreto and organist in
S. Angelo a Nilo in
Naples, is known in
modern times for his two
volumes of keyboard
music: Versi
spirituali published
in 1580 and, some years
before, the volume here
in transcription,
Intavolatura de
cimbalo, printed by
Giuseppe Cacchio in
1576. This volume has
many original features:
first keyboard tablature
ever printed in Naples,
itâ??s not written in
musical characters but in
a number-based system
never met, according to
the current studies, in
any other print or
manuscript both in and
outside Italy. The
dedication letter,
written by Fraâ??
Alberto Mazza, praises
Valente as the inventor
of this writing method,
so easy and effective
that everybody, even
uncouth youths that did
not know music and
keyboard, could attain
the result of playing
from it in two
months. The
Intavolatura presents
different genres of
music: a fantasia, six
ricercatas, a Salve
Regina on a cantus
firmus, four vocal
intabulated for keyboard
with more or less
diminutions,and nine
dances, variations and
dance/variations on
long-living tenors like
Romanesca or
Zefiro. There are
no liturgical
compositions, both
because unsuitable in a
collection for amateurs
and because Valente will
publish a new book of
sacred music in a few
years. The book is a
sort of compendium of the
keyboard genres of the
period, similar to some
older Spanish
publications and to the
later Neapolitan ones by
Trabaci and Majone. Other
contemporary volumes on
the contrary choose to
present a single type of
composition: this is the
case of the
Versetti by
Valente and the
Ricercate by Rocco
Rodio. $36.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 4 Sonates K156 A K205 (lp34) Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord (harpsichord) SKU: HL.48188386 Volume 4, K.156-205. Co...(+)
Harpsichord (harpsichord)
SKU: HL.48188386
Volume 4,
K.156-205. Composed
by Domenico Scarlatti.
Edited by Kenneth
Gilbert. Leduc. Baroque.
Softcover. 212 pages.
Heugel & Cie #HE32486.
Published by Heugel & Cie
(HL.48188386). UPC:
inches. Italian
composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
fourth volume is
indispensable to
performers of the genre.
Originally composed for
the Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much of Scarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. The fourth
volume, comprising
Sonatas 156-205, includes
the popular and
recognisable Sonata in C
major (K. 159). Bearing
in mind that Domenico
Scarlatti was a highly
competent and popular
Keyboard player in his
day, so much so that he
was employed in the
service of two royal
families, his Sonatas are
composed with much
experience, understanding
and expertise, creating
an essential addition to
the repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre. . $25.80 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Sonates Volume 8 K358 - K407 Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: BT.ALHE32121 By Kenneth Gilbert. By Domenico Scarlatti. ...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
BT.ALHE32121 By
Kenneth Gilbert. By
Domenico Scarlatti. Le
Pupitre - Heugel.
Classical. Book Only. 208
pages. Heugel & Cie
#ALHE32121. Published by
Heugel & Cie
French. Itali
an composer, Domenico
(1685-1757) is well-known
for his Keyboard
compositions. His 555
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
eighth volumeis
indispensable to
performers of the genre.
composed for the
Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
display the riveting use
of discords and
modulations toremote
keys. It is also thought
that much of
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese
royalfamilies.The eighth
volume, comprising
includes the popular and
recognised Sonatas in B
minor (K. 377) and E
major (K. 380). Bearing
in mind that Domenico
Scarlatti was a
highly competentand
popular Keyboard player
in his day, so much so
that he was employed in
the service of two royal
families, his
are composed with much
experience, understanding
and expertise, creating
an essentialaddition to
the repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre. $24.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Sonates Volume 1 K1 - K52 Clavecin Heugel
Harpsichord SKU: BT.ALHE32645 By Kenneth Gilbert. By Domenico Scarlatti. ...(+)
Harpsichord SKU:
BT.ALHE32645 By
Kenneth Gilbert. By
Domenico Scarlatti. Le
Pupitre - Heugel.
Classical. Book Only. 204
pages. Heugel & Cie
#ALHE32645. Published by
Heugel & Cie
French. Italian
composer, Domenico
Scarlatti (1685-1757) is
well-known for his
Keyboard compositions.
His 555 Keyboard Sonatas
remain ever popular to
this day, and it is for
this reason that this
first volume is
toperformers of the
genre. Originally
composed for the
Harpsichord, Organ or
early Pianoforte, the
Sonatas display the
riveting use of discords
and unconventional
modulations to remote
keys. It is also thought
that much ofScarlatti's
Keyboard music contains
influences of Iberian
music, considering that
he spent much of his
working life in the
service of the Spanish
and Portuguese royal
families. This first
volume, comprising
Sonatas 1-52, includesthe
popular and recognised
Sonatas in D minor (K.
9), E major (K. 20) and B
minor (K. 27). Bearing in
mind that Domenico
Scarlatti was a highly
competent and popular
Keyboard player in his
day, so much so that he
was employed inthe
service of two royal
families, his Sonatas are
composed with much
experience, understanding
and expertise, creating
an essential addition to
the repertoire of all
Keyboard players of the
Baroque genre. $24.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
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