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68 sheet music found

The Snow Storm. A Ballad
The Snow Storm. A Ballad #Piano, Voice #L #George Hews #Music by L #The Snow Storm. A Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.14573 Composed by L. Heath. Arranged by George Hews. Mothers & children, Prayer, Death. Lester S. Levy Collect...(+)

The Washing Day. A Ballad For Wet Weather
The Washing Day. A Ballad For Wet Weather #Piano, Voice #The Washing Day. A Ballad For #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.16808 Cleaning, Equipment, Clothing & dress, Anger, Cats, Families, Boudoirs, Mothers & children, Beatings, Ch...(+)

Forgiven. A Pathetic Ballad
Forgiven. A Pathetic Ballad #Piano, Voice #Alex Comstock #Forgiven. A Pathetic Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.4759 Composed by Alex Comstock. Portraits, Ethnic groups, Shipwrecks, Rescues, Children, Daggers & knives, Man...(+)

The Old Farm Gate. A Ballad
The Old Farm Gate. A Ballad #Piano, Voice #Henry Russell #The Old Farm Gate. A Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.3019 Composed by Henry Russell. Children playing, Ponies, Dogs, Pets, Forests, Nostalgia. Lester S. Levy Colle...(+)

The Old Farm Gate. A Ballad
The Old Farm Gate. A Ballad #Piano, Voice #Henry Russell #The Old Farm Gate. A Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.3015 Composed by Henry Russell. Children playing, Ponies, Dogs, Pets, Forests, Nostalgia. Lester S. Levy Colle...(+)

Home, Where Changes Never Come. Ballad
Home, Where Changes Never Come. Ballad #Piano, Voice #Charles W #Home, Where Changes Never Come #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.10837 Composed by Charles W. Glover. Homecomings, Comfort, Mothers & children. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pa...(+)

The Lost Rose Tree. Ballad
The Lost Rose Tree. Ballad #Piano, Voice #Wilhelm Iucho #The Lost Rose Tree. Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.2835 Arranged by Wilhelm Iucho. Flowers, Symbols, Grief, Weeping, Heaven, Mothers & children, Comfort. Lester ...(+)

Watching For Pa. Song and Chorus
Watching For Pa. Song and Chorus #Piano, Voice #Henry Clay Work #Watching For Pa. Song and Chor #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.18495 Composed by Henry Clay Work. Cooking, African Americans, Couples, Soldiers, Distress, Battlefields, Dwel...(+)

The Blind Boy. A Ballad
The Blind Boy. A Ballad #Piano, Voice #Reginald Spofforth #The Blind Boy. A Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.1714 Composed by Reginald Spofforth. Sadness, Handicapped persons, Children. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 page...(+)

O Would I Were a Boy Again. Ballad
O Would I Were a Boy Again. Ballad #Piano, Voice #F #O Would I Were a Boy Again. Ba #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.768 Composed by F. Romer. Children misbehaving, Children playing, Dogs, Pets, Nostalgia, Time. Lester S. Levy ...(+)

Grace Darling. A Ballad
Grace Darling. A Ballad #Piano, Voice #George Lindley #P #Grace Darling. A Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.11708 Composed by George Lindley. Fathers & children, Rowboats, Lifeboats, Marine accidents, Heroes, Rescues. ...(+)

Take Your Time Miss Lucy. A Comic Ballad
Take Your Time Miss Lucy. A Comic Ballad #Piano, Voice #A #George Loder #Take Your Time Miss Lucy. A Co #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.18214 Composed by George Loder. Parlors, Upper classes, Mothers & children, Fathers & children, Courtship & lo...(+)

The Old Arm Chair. Ballad
The Old Arm Chair. Ballad #Piano, Voice #Henry Russell #The Old Arm Chair. Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.3983 Composed by Henry Russell. Mothers & children, Keepsakes, Nostalgia, Love, Sadness, Death. Lester S. Levy...(+)

The Missing Vessel. A Naval Ballad
The Missing Vessel. A Naval Ballad #Piano, Voice #C #C #The Missing Vessel. A Naval Ba #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.17776 Composed by C. Meineke. Moonlight, Marine accidents, Oceans, Lifeboats, Storms, Lightning, Clouds, Distr...(+)

Remember. Ballad and Refrain
Remember. Ballad and Refrain #Piano, Voice #Max #Remember. Ballad and Refrain #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.18871 Composed by Max. L Hermann. Railroad tracks, Railroad stations, Families, Mothers & children, Good-byes,...(+)

Say Goodbye to Mother, or, I'll Remember the Maine and Brother Jack. A Thrilling Ballad of the War
Say Goodbye to Mother, or, I'll Remember the Maine and Brother Jack. A Thrilling Ballad of the War #Piano, Voice #M #Say Goodbye to Mother, or, I'l #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.21449 Composed by M.B. Lawry. Portraits, Flags, Farewell, Shaking hands, Soldiers, Mothers & children, Grief, ...(+)

Annie Leigh, a Ballad
Annie Leigh, a Ballad #Piano, Voice #A #Annie Leigh, a Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.14582 Composed by A. Annie Wade. Fathers & children, Courtship & love, Seamen, Storm, Courage, Heroes, Marriag...(+)

My Mother's Memory. Ballad
My Mother's Memory. Ballad #Piano, Voice #Jno #Jno #My Mother's Memory. Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.14600 Composed by Jno. S. Cox. Mothers & children, Death, Tombs & sepulchral monuments, Domestic life, Emotion...(+)

Ben Bolt (Don't You Remember Sweet Alice?). Popular English Ballad
Ben Bolt (Don't You Remember Sweet Alice?). Popular English Ballad #Piano, Voice #Ben Bolt #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.2395 Ships, Farewells, Homecomings, Adults, Children, Love, Death, Tombs & sepulchral monuments, Friendship, N...(+)

The Gambler's Wife. A Descriptive Ballad
The Gambler's Wife. A Descriptive Ballad #Piano, Voice #Henry Russell #The Gambler's Wife. A Descript #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.3103 Composed by Henry Russell. Mothers & children, Distress, Gambling, Spouses, Vices, Poor persons, Starvati...(+)

Charter Oak! Charter Oak Ancient and Fair! An Ancient American Ballad
Charter Oak! Charter Oak Ancient and Fair! An Ancient American Ballad #Piano, Voice #Henry Russell #Charter Oak! Charter Oak Ancie #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.19081 Composed by Henry Russell. Bodies of water, Trees, Dwellings, Wells, Families, Children, Sailboats, Moun...(+)

By the Sad Sea Waves. Ballad
By the Sad Sea Waves. Ballad #Piano, Voice #the Sad Sea Waves #Jules Benedict #By the Sad Sea Waves. Ballad #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.11848 Composed by Jules Benedict. Waterfronts, Mothers & children, Sailboats, Ships, Dwellings, Baskets, Cliff...(+)

I Once Knew a Normandy Maid. Ballad
I Once Knew a Normandy Maid. Ballad #Piano, Voice #John Barnett #I Once Knew a Normandy Maid. B #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.10690 Composed by John Barnett. Prisoner, Fires, Deception, Fathers & children, Courtship, Love. Lester S. Lev...(+)

The Little Grey Mother (Who Waits All Alone). March Ballad
The Little Grey Mother (Who Waits All Alone). March Ballad #Piano, Voice #Harry De Costa #The Little Grey Mother #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.23823 Composed by Harry De Costa. Portraits, Aged persons, Mothers & children, Soldiers, Patriotism, Sadness, ...(+)

"Go And Ask My Mother." Comic Ballad
"Go And Ask My Mother." Comic Ballad #Piano, Voice #J #J #"Go And Ask My Mother." Comic #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - Digital Download SKU: LV.16753 Composed by J. H. Hewitt. Courtship & love, Mothers & children. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Publ...(+)