Gatot Gatot D. Sulistiyanto
self portrait
self portrait
Gatot Gatot D. Sulistiyanto (1980 - )
Indonésie Indonésie, Yogyakarta
About the artist
Born in Magelang-Central Java, Indonesia, May 10, 1980. After graduated from High School (Electronic Communications Engineering, Vocational School) in 1998, moved to Yogyakarta and in year 2000 study at Music Dept. Institut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta (Indonesia Institute of Arts) majoring classical guitar and musicology. In 2001, he started to actively involved to several art activities; music composition, happening art & performing art, and also theater. Had joined ?Music Teatrica Nova?, a grou ... (Read all)
Artists > Composers > Gatot Gatot D. Sulistiyanto

Intermediate Level : Grade 3-5


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