Vincent Lucid

Bowl of Cherries
Life is not just a Bowl of Cherries Sometimes life is a Bowl of Berries Sometimes Life is a String of Pearls Sometimes Life is a Bag of Squirrels Sometimes Life is a Bowl of Warm Piss. Life is What Happens. It is What It Is.

Vincent Lucid (1947 - )
États-Unis États-Unis, Pennellville
About the artist
Vin Lucid is spending the second half of his life following a musical road-not-taken 50 years ago. A classic over-achiever, he's proud to sing with the Syracuse University Oratorio Society and the Syracuse Pops Chorus. He has been the entire tenor section of a very-good-if-I-do-say-myself church choir and occasionally a cantor in an awesome Gothic church in Fulton, NY. Vin sings in the shower (rather well) and sometimes in his sleep (rather poorly).

He plays sad love song ... (Read all)
Artists > Composers > Vincent Lucid


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