Mario Ortega
Mario Ortega (1989 - )
Espagne Espagne, Cuenca
About the artist
I was born in Cuenca, Spain, 1989. I took my first steps at violin in the Proffessional Music School of this city. Teachers were Irene Echavarría and Ruth Olmedilla. I also gave some lessons with Nga Vu Thi, Joan Llinares and Anna Baget.

My Harmony teacher was José Antonio Esteban Usano, and my Composition teacher was José Miguel Moreno Sabio. Two very kind teachers.

From 2006 to 2007 I was the solo violin of the Youth Orquestra of Cuenca, in w ... (Read all)
Artists > Composers > Mario Ortega

Easy Level : Grade 2-3


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