Yannis Zacharellis

Yannis Zacharellis (1978 - )
Grèce Grèce
About the artist
I was very young, around 10, when i got my first plastic guitar at a local feast.

Later on, since, i also, as other children do, tore it apart, improvised creating more, out of tennis rackets.

I decided to learn playing the guitar, when i became 16 and more mature, after having overcome my fears and embarrassment of the public.

Since then, 25 years passed.

I remember the joy of creation that brought me tears of happiness when i composed my first piece for guitar.>
When reading a score, i imagined hiding behind the small black dots, images and faces, stories and so many more..

After diplomas and degrees, music still remains for me a magical journey to my best self.

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Artists > Composers > Yannis Zacharellis

Intermediate / Advanced Level : Grade 5-7