Romain Balola
Romain Balola (1994 - )
Rép. Démocratique du Congo Rép. Démocratique du Congo, Bukavu
About the artist
Artist musician composer, Romain BALOLA was born on February 11th,,1994, in Bukavu in Democratic Republic of Congo, graduated in Computer Management at the Catholic University of Bukavu. Passionate about music from an early age, he took his first steps in the Saint Ignace de Loyola choir at the age of 6. He learned music and music theory at the age of 16 in Kisima Ca Uzima choir, in which he is to this day the choir master. He will then do several training courses on musical theory, piano, vocal ... (Read all)
Artists > Composers > Romain Balola

Easy Level : Grade 2-3


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