Herman, Rechberger: Symphony no. 5 (MYTHOS)
Symphony no. 5 (MYTHOS)
Rechberger Herman

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Audio principal (écoute uniquement)91x
Rechberger Herman
Herman, Rechberger (1947 - )


Date 2014
Droit d'auteur Copyright © Rechberger Herman
Ajoutée par mymusi2020, 23 Jui 2020
This symphony I wrote in 2014 in Selianitika, Greece, after a severe heart operation, which took place in December 2013 in Athens.The Symphony no. 5 reflects the Mythos of a new life (or in other words "being new born", which I experienced very deeply during and after recovering. At the same time this symphony is a musical thank you to all those people who supported and encouraged me during these hard times. The material contains scales drawn from Ancient and Modern Greek music (Dromoi) as well ...(+)
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Commentaires (1)

Rechberger Herman
marrocu michele

Publié le 23 Jui 2020 à 14:46 par mimar
Complimenti!!!Gran bel lavoro sinfonico, degno di essere eseguito inuna grande salada concerto con una compagine sinfonica degna di nota!!!Molto bello!!!Chapeau!!!