Clark Ross

Clark Ross (1957 - )
Canada Canada, St. John's
À propos de l'artiste
Clark Winslow Ross's compositions have been performed in England, Ireland, the United States, and across

Canada by some of Canada's finest musicians, ensembles, and orchestras. He was Composer-in-Residence at

Ireland's Waterford New Music Week in 2003, and has won Young Composer's Awards in national competitions

by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also received over 30

commission grants through th ... (lire la suite)




Critères actifs:
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Matériel de musique
Dunlop Gcj95 Gary Clark Jr Wah
La Cry Baby signature Gary Clark Jr. est la wah-wah qui correspond le plus au style expressif, mélo...(+)
Sonor Vintage Vt 16 Three20 Nm 20/12/14 (non Percee) - Vintage Pearl
La nouvelle série SONOR Vintage, fabriquée en AllemagneConfiguration : - 1 x Grosse caisse 20x 14N...(+)

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