Plamen Petrov
Plamen Petrov (1971 - )
Bulgarie Bulgarie, Sofia
À propos de l'artiste
Plamen Petrov was born on the 7th of March, 1971, in Sofia,Bulgaria. He started playing guitar at age of 12 and he learned to play by listening to radio and cassettes, following the philosophy: “The best teacher is the music itself”. He crafted his own style practicing and experimenting with variety of genres. Plamen believes that improvisation is what distinguishes good musicians from the mediocre ones.Plamen got inspiration by various musicians like Joe Pass, Pat Metheny, John Coltrane, ... (lire la suite)

Niveau Intermédiaire et Avancé: Grade 5-7 Niveau Avancé, Expert: Grade 7-10




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