Ciprian Porumbescu
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853 - 1883)
Roumanie Roumanie
Ciprian Porumbescu, born Cyprian Go³êmbiowski, (October 14, 1853 ? July 6, 1883) was a Romanian composer born in ªipotele Sucevei in the former Austrian province of Bukovina. He was born into the family of Iraclie Go³êmbiowski (who changed the Polish-sounding family name to its Romanian translation) an ethnic Romanian writer and Orthodox priest of possible Polish origins. He studied music in Suceava and Cernãuþi, then continued at the Konservatorium für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vi ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia

Niveau Intermédiaire: Grade 3-5




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