Lohse Martin
Lohse Martin (1971 - )
Danemark Danemark, Frederiksberg C
À propos de l'artiste
Diploma exam from The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. He was the student of Niels Rosing-Schow and has been studying in the soloist class with Hans Abrahamsen. Lohse had his debut on the 19th. October 2004. In 2003, he received the 3-year Grant from The Danish Arts Foundation. Besides composing acoustic and electro acoustic music, he does abstract paintings ? usually in pure and clear colours.

Martin Lohse has written orchester, choir, and chambermusic. His works has ... (lire la suite)

Niveau Avancé, Expert: Grade 7-10




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Informations par Lohse Martin
Just arrived

Ecrit le 2009-11-06 par Lohse Martin
I've uploaded the first of my scores here on free-scores.com, and I'm looking forward to see if there is any reaction to the piece :-)
The picture is one of my paintings "Movement IV" from 2008 (oil on canvas, 150x200 cm) and it's one of eigth paintings I made in an artproject together with my piece "8 momenti mobile" for saxophone quartet.