Knecht, Justin Heinrich
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Justin Heinrich Knecht
Justin Heinrich Knecht (1752 - 1817)
Allemagne Allemagne
Justin [Justinus] Heinrich Knecht was a German composer, organist, and music theorist. He received a good education, both musical and general (Boeckh was one of his masters). He learnt to play the organ, keyboard, violin, and singing in Biberach. He attended a Lutheran collegiate institution in Esslingen am Neckar from 1768 to 1771. In 1771 J.H. Knecht became Lutheran preceptor (professor of Literature) and music director in Biberach, which was a free imperial city until 1803, and had a rich cultural life. He became organist of St Martin's church in 1792, which was used simultaneously by Lu ... (lire la suite)
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