Gumble, Albert
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Albert Gumble

Albert Gumble
Albert Gumble (1881 - 1946)
États-Unis États-Unis
Albert Gumble was born in North Vernon, Indiana a few years after his publisher brother Moses. The family of German immigrant Isaac Gumble and his French wife Rachel included Moses (9/1876), Lillian (7/1878), Albert and Walter (9/4/1883). bolo rag coverIsaac owned a retail drug store in North Vernon, and the family was fairly well off as they also list a domestic in the house, Annie Shulpert. Some sources report Albert's birth year as 1883, but the 1900, 1910, and 1920 census records clearly suggest 1881. His World War One draft record claims 1882 and a birth date of September 20th, while his ... (lire la suite)
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