Chatterton, John Balsir
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John Balsir Chatterton
John Balsir Chatterton (1804 - 1871)
Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
John Balsir Chatterton (25 November 1804 – 9 April 1871) was an English harpist. John Balsir Chatterton was born at Portsmouth on 25 November 1804 the son of Mary née Callow and John Chatterton, a 'professor of music'. He was the third oldest of eight brothers and three sisters. He came to London, and studied the harp under Bochsa and Labarre, succeeding the former as professor at the Royal Academy of Music. His first appearance in London took place at a concert given by Aspull in 1824. Chatterton married Eliza Davenport Latham on 1 August 1835 and they had five sons. In 1842 he received th ... (lire la suite)
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