Gabriel, Charles H.Charles H. Gabriel
États-Unis États-Unis
(1856 - 1932)
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Charles H. Gabriel
Charles H. Gabriel (1856 - 1932)
États-Unis États-Unis
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (August 18, 1856, Wilton, Iowa ? September 14, 1932, Hollywood, California) was a writer of gospel songs and composer of gospel tunes. He is said to have written and/or composed between 7,000 and 8,000 songs, many of which are available in 21st century hymnals. He used several pseudonyms, including Charlotte G. Homer, H. A. Henry, and S. B. Jackson.


Charles Hutchinson Gabriel was born in Wilton, Cedar County, Iowa, and raised on a farm. His father led singing schools in their home, and young Charles developed an interest in music. I
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