Daniels, Charles N.
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March 1

Charles N. Daniels
Charles N. Daniels (1878 - 1943)
États-Unis États-Unis
Charles N. Daniels (April 12, 1878 ? January 23, 1943), was a composer, occasional lyricist, and music publishing executive. He employed many pseudonyms, including Neil Moret, Jules Lemare, L'Albert, Paul Bertrand, Julian Strauss, and Sidney Carter. His creative work is generally credited as "Moret" while his business dealings and ASCAP membership were under the name Daniels. Daniels was born in Leavenworth, Kansas, and brought up in Saint Joseph and Kansas City, Missouri. At 18 he won a prize for his composition "Margery", which was performed by John Philip Sousa's band. By 1899, Daniels ... (lire la suite)
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