Rudorff, Ernst
10 partitions - 1 MIDI

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Non définis (évaluez!) 1
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Intermédiaire (0)
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Genres musicaux
Romantique 1
Ernst Rudorff
Ernst Rudorff
Ernst Rudorff (1840 - 1916)
Allemagne Allemagne
Ernst Friedrich Karl Rudorff (January 18, 1840 ? December 31, 1916) was a German composer and music teacher. Born in Berlin, Rudorff studied piano under Woldemar Bargiel from 1852 to 1857, before enrolling at the Leipzig Conservatory in 1859, where he studied under Ignaz Moscheles, Louis Plaidy, and Julius Rietz. He was also a private pupil of Moritz Hauptmann and Carl Reinecke. In 1865 he became a piano teacher at the Cologne Conservatory, and he founded the Bach-Verein Köln in 1867. He moved to Berlin in 1869, and for four decades, to his retirement in 1910, was the head piano teacher at ... (lire la suite)
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