Espósito, Genaro
4 partitions
4 MP3 - 4 MIDI

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Genres musicaux
20eme siecle 1
Genaro Espósito
Genaro Espósito (1886 - 1944)
Argentine Argentine
For the first eight years of my life in Paris, I was brought up to the sound of the bandoneon played by my father. He died in February 1944. It was the war and times were hard. I moved. I spent three years in an orphanage learning a trade. Gradually I lost all the memorabilia of my father except for one crumpled photo. It was not until many years later when I started dancing tango again that I met people connected to the world of tango and learnt the importance of my father in its history. If I had not rediscovered the dance, my father would have remained just a memory for me. B ... (lire la suite)
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