Lamb, JosephJoseph Lamb
États-Unis États-Unis
(1887 - 1960)
45 partitions
24 MP3 - 15 MIDI

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Ragtime 1
Joseph Lamb
Joseph Lamb
Joseph Lamb (1887 - 1960)
États-Unis États-Unis
Joseph Francis Lamb (December 6, 1887 ? September 3, 1960) was a noted American composer of ragtime music. Lamb, of Irish descent, was the only non-African American of the "Big Three" composers of classical ragtime, the other two being Scott Joplin and James Scott. Lamb was born in Montclair, New Jersey. The youngest of four children, he taught himself to play the piano, and was very taken with the early ragtime publications of Scott Joplin. He dropped out of St. Jerome's College in 1904 to work for a dry goods company. In 1907 Lamb was purchasing the latest Joplin and James Scott sheet mus ... (lire la suite)
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