Erik Imre Nagy
Erik Imre Nagy (1954 - )
Hongrie Hongrie, Szeged
À propos de l'artiste
Nagy Imre Erik (1954 - )
Hungary, Szeged(City)
I was born in 1954, on Szeged , Hungary.
I?m musical conductor(theater), composer, arranger since 1979. I was working: Holland, Austria, Germany, Franche, U.S.A, Madeira, Portugal, Italy, Greek.
I playing piano and orgel.
My favourite composers: BACH,MOZART, HAYDN - Liszt,Bartók, Beethoven, Brahms etc?My hobby: oldies Opera reconstruction.

Niveau Intermédiaire et Avancé: Grade 5-7 Niveau Avancé, Expert: Grade 7-10




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Informations par Erik Imre Nagy
"man of the week"-Szeged city/newspaper articles/

Ecrit le 2012-02-07 par Erik Imre Nagy
"man of the week"-Szeged city/newspaper articles/

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