Hainhofer, Philipp
2 partitions
1 MP3 - 2 MIDI

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Renaissance 1

Philipp Hainhofer
Philipp Hainhofer (1578 - 1647)
Allemagne Allemagne
Philipp Hainhofer (21 July 1578 ? 1647) was a merchant, banker, diplomat and art collector in Augsburg. He is remembered, among other things, for the curiosity cabinets (Kunstschränke) which he created with the assistance of a large number of Augsburg artisans. Hainhofer studied Law at the Universities of Siena and Padua, traveled through Italy, Germany and the Netherlands, and acquired a good knowledge of art and several languages. He was elected to the senate of Augsburg in 1605 and was chosen as political correspondent in the city by the King of France, the Margrave of Baden and Duke Phil ... (lire la suite)
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