McIntosh, Ringdon McCoy
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I Love A Piano

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Ringdon McCoy McIntosh
Ringdon McCoy McIntosh (1836 - 1899)
États-Unis États-Unis
McIntosh at­tend­ed Jack­son Coll­ege in Co­lum­bia, Ten­nes­see, and stu­died mu­sic un­der Asa Ev­er­ett. In 1875, he was ap­point­ed head of the Mu­sic De­part­ment at Van­der­bilt Un­i­ver­si­ty in Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see. In 1877, he joined the fa­cul­ty of Em­o­ry Coll­ege, Ox­ford, Georg­ia. In 1895, he left Em­o­ry Coll­ege to de­vote his time to the R. M. Mc­In­tosh Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny. He al­so served as mu­sic ed­it­or of the Meth­od­ist Epis­co­pal Church South Pub­lish­ing House for over 30 years.
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