Donaldson, WalterWalter Donaldson
États-Unis États-Unis
(1893 - 1947)
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20eme siecle 1
Walter Donaldson
Walter Donaldson (1893 - 1947)
États-Unis États-Unis
Walter Donaldson (February 15, 1893 - July 15, 1947) was a prolific United States popular songwriter, composing many hit songs of the 1910s and 1920s. Walter Donaldson was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of a piano teacher. While still in school he wrote original music for school productions, and had his first professional songs published in 1915. The following year he had a hit with "The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady". After serving in the United States Army in World War I, Donaldson was hired as a songwriter by Irving Berlin Music Company. He stayed with Berlin until 1928, producing many ... (lire la suite)
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