What can I do to thank you
What can I do to thank you
Chœur SAB, Piano

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MP3 (107.46 Ko)7 734x 1 873x

Chœur SAB, Piano


Hymne - Eglise - Sacre

Date 2005
Droit d'auteur CHRISTOPH SOYKA © All rights reserved
Ajoutée par christoph-soyka, 17 Mar 2008
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depuis le 2008-03-17
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Commentaires (2)

Publié le 22 Déc 2008 à 09:34
Wow! I love this song. The orchestration and voices are very toneful and expressive, and the piano part, while not as subtle as some of the other popular praise songs I know, is marvelous. Keep up the great work.
Publié le 22 Déc 2008 à 09:34
Lovely piece!

Greets from P.Siska ( http://www.free-scores.com/Download-PDF-Sheet-Music-petruliatko.htm )

Informations par CHRISTOPH SOYKA
I'm back

Ecrit le 2012-10-03 par CHRISTOPH SOYKA
sorry, couldn't get online for a long time and was not able to answer your messages!!!
composing at the moment

Ecrit le 2008-07-30 par CHRISTOPH SOYKA
now working on a mass for youth choir concerning weddings. It's called the "mass of love" (Messe der Liebe).